A Change in Values

Some commentators are saying that the large swing to the greens was not entirely a protest vote, but a real change in values.

I think we are seeing some of the effects of a very large and profound transition from the old industrial age to the new post-carbon age. one of the essential changes is for all humans to adopt new values, such as responsibility for one's actions and awareness of how our actions affect our environment, other people, other creatures and our present and future sustainability.

Essentially, as at all times of transition, its a battle between the old, who fear change, and the new, who fear non-change as they can see the dangers of staying in the past. balance is necessary as change, if too rapid, can destabilise.

I suspect we will see as many political changes coming up as we will increasingly see vast changes in weather patterns.

What do others think?

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Seggie. If there is such a thing as a 'third' opinion, I'll vote for Seth too for P.M.

From what we read, he has experienced much of life and let's face it, I'd like to

bet those who have been in charge of 'our' country have no experience of

the real life.

We don't need lawyers or schoolteachers. We don't need someone with a big

bank account. What we need is someone who knows the price of a loaf of

bread, someone who knows how bloody hard it is to keep going. We need a man of the people and that's our Seth.

After reading those wonderful acknowledgments of my

prime minister capabilities I was tempted to phone the

Governor General and offer myself as a candidate.

On mentioning to the little women how the people are

pleading with me to take control and stop the turmoil,

I do not understand why she broke into hysterical laughter

with tears running down her face.

Was the laughter happiness for me being chosen to be P.M.?

Were the tears showing her fear of losing me.?

She is now out the front with the neighbours,

they all seem to be enjoying the news as there

has been quite a lot of laughter.

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