A Change in Values

Some commentators are saying that the large swing to the greens was not entirely a protest vote, but a real change in values.

I think we are seeing some of the effects of a very large and profound transition from the old industrial age to the new post-carbon age. one of the essential changes is for all humans to adopt new values, such as responsibility for one's actions and awareness of how our actions affect our environment, other people, other creatures and our present and future sustainability.

Essentially, as at all times of transition, its a battle between the old, who fear change, and the new, who fear non-change as they can see the dangers of staying in the past. balance is necessary as change, if too rapid, can destabilise.

I suspect we will see as many political changes coming up as we will increasingly see vast changes in weather patterns.

What do others think?


Abbott's current attempts to be 'nice' to each other are simply another dishonest attempt to woo the three independent MP's who may decide which party governs Australia for the next three years.

The man is not only a poor politician, he can't even act very well.

Yes Elder' I have to agree that Abbott will do anything and say anything to try to get the top job. Abbott is not leader material and never will be.

Koko, keep writing in I need articles like yours and others

along similar lines of 'Adoration for Tony' and any other

form of liberal propaganda, It helps at my age to stir the

blood into action, after reading some of the outlandish

statements that appear I fear 'brainwashing' is still thriving.

Koko, don't be discouraged, your opinion is valued here, the forum wouldn't be the same without your posts. Back off Seth, you are soundling like a bully, you don't run the show even thought I suspect you would like to.

Koko, don't be discouraged, your opinion is valued here, the forum wouldn't be the same without your posts. Back off Seth, you are soundling like a bully, you don't run the show even thought I suspect you would like to.

Gee, toot2000 I am sorry if I hold a difference of opinion at times

to you, I thought by other expressions entered that it was permitted

to offer a different view without being accused of bully tactics by

someone who deep down may have the same ambition they

accuse me of.

If I read an item in the post and feel I should have a comment on it,

just the same as you, I will. If it upsets you then that is up to you

to realise it is not a personel attack on you or anyone else,

It is letting of steam.

You ripped into koko when she was particularly vulnerable by her previous comment - tactics of a true bully - you went in for the kill. We need Labor supports, Liberal supporters, Green supporters, Gay supporters to feel confident enough to put their opinions into words. You are not helping that objective.

By Koko:- I find it quite amusing at times, to see one or two or three only ever pop up to make smart alec remarks and to criticise individuals.............usually me or BigVal...


Please try to get that chip off your shoulders Koko not everyone here hates you

trully [b]if you start a friendly post others will join in[/b]. I have found the forum great

just try and you will also see it can be fun.

If you care to look through the archives you'll see I've posted many topics under General. Many lovely videos , and stories. I also have started and continued 2 headings of Midday smiles.

[b]There are about two people who bother to respond.[/b]

Over the years on this forum I used to welcome each newcomer, and one was yourself, and have [u]never[/u] had an acknowledgement.

Look at the responses I get from my political posts!

Today is a perfect example.

I will continue to post if and when I feel like it, and whatever anyone else thinks of me is their problem.

Toot2000 Where is the so called vulnerability you accuse me of???

I think Koko is adult enough to understand that sometimes opinions can be

different to hers, as she states, and that whatever other opinions come she

will continue as she should and not have someone accuse 'her' of being a bully

coming from a closet bully trying to stop opinions being expressed..

For Pete's sake,we are all still on the right side of the grass,so what the hell does it matter ,if the trend of the chat goes off topic ?We are not creating an historical novel here ! As in any conversation , one thing leads to another .

Ain't that the truth Tadpole............:)


Seth you deserve respect and you are one of the best things happened

for this forum - you have brought fun and laughter to many.

Not everyone gets along with everyone in life outside typing fingers

so of course no difference in here.



But Phyl,

Look what seth did to his toaster ........

And don't forget the poor easter bunny.......

And the cat......

and there is more......

See it all in the recipe room - sordid is all I can say.


Yes Elder’ I have to agree that Abbott will do anything and say anything to try to get the top job. Abbott is not leader material and never will be.

And PlanB I think you have said the very same about Gillard although which version of her you mean is unclear.

I didn't think I did say that about Gillard but I am not find of either "for a leader"

Thanks for the kind words, I hope I never bullied you into them,

At first I thought mick was back with a name change after his

failed operation in India.

Seth you are missing the point its the easter bunny's kin

that are after you!!! If you read between the lines I recon that they have engaged

the aid of the 2 forum heavyweights namely Koko and Toot 2000

to get you mate.So be afraid very afraid Seth cause if they sit on you......... :bug:

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