What's your take on the Barnaby Joyce saga?


Is it in the Australian public's best interest to learn more about Barnaby Joyce's private life, or is it just interesting for the Australian public?

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Barnaby Joyce is a scumbag who refused to support the Ban the Burqua in Australia, thereby putting all Australians at risk as well as condeming women to live lives in bondage just to kowtow to male muslim supremacy. A real scumbag who betrayed his own family, his own country and all women in general. So he is the Nationals leader. Why am I not surprised. After being a conservative voter who supported  the Liberals for the last 50 years, we ended up with Turnbull, Bishop and Joyce, the three most hated people in Australia. I now vote One Nation.


Barnaby was also against a vaccine preventing cervical cancer becoming free ... claiming it would cause promoscuity in women and young girls.

Doctors and Physicians take the Hippocratic Oath.  Politicians, on the other hand, take a Hippocracy Oath. 






Well said

Barnaby Joyce has based much of his political platform on narrow views on traditional marriage, family values and morality, all of which he has discarded to pursue his own personal agenda. This man is an absolute sham with double standards, and is not fit to represent his constituents or represent the Deputy PM of Queensland. Get rid of him, I say, and stop wasting taxpayers money.

I think that he should be castrated to avoid more taxpayers dollars being wasted

Turnbull needs to grow a pair and sack this barstard BJ he is the lowest of the low -- yes there are a few more that come close but BJ takes the cake


Poor ole Barns, how is the guy going to focus on running the country next week when Malcolm goes off to meet Trumpie. 

Can we let up on the insults please? Our land is at  steak, or stake, whichever way you care to look at it LOL

Mate, there won't be any let up on this for a long time. I am puzzled, What does a good looking 33yr old bird see in 50 year old Barney who looks 65?

Image result for vikki campion

Ray, the young woman is clearly a golddigger. I have warned about these temptresses.

Image result for picture of a gold digger


Reagan, I think Barnaby will be needing your gym. Soon he'll be running around after a toddler, no mean feat when you've got a beer belly!



No mystery to me as to why she went for him.....POWER AND POSITION!

"Heather Remoff, who wrote about her own research in the book “Sexual Choice: A Woman’s Decision- Why and How Women Choose the Men They Do as Sexual Partners,” agrees that power is the main factor women find attractive in a man. This may sound shallow or antiquated from a female perspective, but it really isn’t.

Replace the general term “power” with traits like “independent,” “not a mama’s boy,” “well-educated,” “in control of his life,” “confident” and even the most “strong and independent” of feminists will nod their heads in agreement that they like men like this. In fact, many of these traits were specifically mentioned in Remoff’s research.

The attraction to power explains why women’s sexual preferences are so elusive. According to Remoff, “power” is subjective, and it depends on what an individual woman associates with power.  I believe this is a mix of biology and social factors.

So for some women, it could be a man’s maturity or age, but for others, his income. Some women associate power with a daring bad boy in a leather jacket, or even a criminal, while others see their charismatic professors or teachers as the ultimate sources of power. Still others may view fame as the penultimate source of power, or a man’s marriage, or perhaps him being her manager at work. Some see the college football player as a symbol of power, while others swoon over the talented musician on stage that thousands of other women are also desiring.

And, if you think it’s weird that a professor or teacher can be seen as a source of power, keep in mind that among humans, prestige is a type of dominance.

Some guys can go from “friend” to “crush” in her mind through a one-off act that signifies power, like standing up to an authority or being heroic under pressure. Other women are attracted simply because a guy is a “man in uniform” or a rugged country boy.

For all women, at a subconscious level (shaped by evolution), power seems to be a display on the guy’s part that he is non-needy, which signals he can provide abundant resources for, and protect, the woman and her offspring. He is “non-needy” in the sense he is excellent at what he does, and while people admire him for his excellence, he doesn’t care of others’ assessment of him."


Install a comdom vending machine in the male and female dunnies.

With different flavours in case Bill Clinton calls.

are you speaking with a com-dom in yer mouth mate

Women decide when they want to get pregnant and by whom .

Marriages can fail, with both parties maintaining honesty. However when one partner cheats and deceives a partner of several decades who has propped him up in his political career, that is a different matter. If you can cheat and deceive your nearest and dearest, how can we think that you might not cheat and deceive the electors? Add to this ministerial incompetence and the disclosure that  he personally approved the new jobs for the media advisor, we have a person unfit for office.  

We are fortunate that we don't have the sexual scandals surrounding British politicans.

It almost seems mandatory ...

I do feel for Barnaby's wife and family ... apparently this is not the first time he has strayed.

Perhaps a Code of Conduct should be introduced into Parliament ...

Who cares!!!

Surely no one can say this is a picture of an intelligent person DUH! and most of the shots you see of him are of total disinterest in his job -- just interested in the bucks he can make

Yet another wonderful photo of the uninterested attitude of this creep.

Grow a pair Turnbull and sack him!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The hypocrisy of Barnaby Joyce is stunning John BirminghamJohn Birmingham997 reading now Show comments 

It’s a helluva risky business writing a column about Barnaby Joyce at the moment. Not because he’s doomed and you might find him rolled out of office like a dangerously bulging tin of deeply dodgy potted meat before you can get the piece to your editor. He’s doomed, but it’s a slow motion train wreck. He’ll probably last until the weekend.

No, it’s risky because just when you think you’ve got this thing nailed down, it gets worse.

Barnaby Joyce is doomed. Now, it's just a matter of when. Barnaby Joyce is doomed. Now, it's just a matter of when. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

It started out as gossip of a purely personal nature. Joyce, now and forever to be known as The Beetrooter thanks to some cruel and magnificent bastard on Twitter, was rumoured to be cheating on his wife. Given his willingness to not just cast aspersions on other people’s private lives, but to punitively legislate against them, that was enough for a lot of punters to call him out on social media. But it wasn’t enough for the Press Gallery in the real media, and they’ve been throwing themselves an awesome pity party ever since.

For all of the high-minded journalistic waffle about private lives being private (unless, you know, somebody like Joyce decides to pass laws about them) and the need to verify rumours before writing news, it turned out there was plenty of crunchy and nutritious news value to be had in the Beetrooter’s shenanigans.

This bloke wasn’t merely sipping from the hypocrite drip because he put himself about as a staunch defender of family values while betraying and humiliating his family. He was an even bigger hypocrite, because having banged the drum about welfare cheats and bludgers, he’d lined up a series of cushy and very well paid jobs for his girlfriend. Plus they were living rent-free in a townhouse provided by a millionaire businessman, and renovated by the federal government to meet upgraded security standards.

You’d think this would be enough to finish the bloke off, especially since while he was enjoying his rent free love shack he was lecturing the rest of the country about why they should be ashamed of themselves for wanting to live in Sydney when he was happy to live in Armidale, because it was cheaper.

Much, much cheaper as it turns out. Who would have thought the solution to the housing affordability crisis was for millionaire property owners to let us live at their place for free. (Answer: socialists, communists, deluded idiots of that sort, I suppose).

But even that egregious and head spinning instance of grotesque hypocrisy is not the rancid cherry on top of the shit sundae of this story.

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No, that would be Malcolm Turnbull insisting yesterday that there was nothing wrong with giving the Beetrooter’s pregnant lover a high paying job, and then moving her to another high paying job when that didn’t work out, and then finding a third, sweet, cushy gig when the second one fell through because, get this… she wasn’t actually his partner.

She was pregnant, and they were living together. But she wasn’t his partner because…




Allow me to assist you, Prime Minister. She wasn’t his partner because shuffling her from one ministerial staff job to another might be a breach of the rules.

She wasn’t his partner because an ever-growing number of government ministers would be implicated in that possible breach.

She wasn’t his partner because that would make it very difficult, not just for the Beetrooter to hold onto his job, but for you too, Prime Minister.

And while all this is going on?

Thousands and thousands of innocent, law-abiding punters are being swept up by the very same government’s robo-debt programs and threatened with criminal sanction if they don’t pay back money they never owed in the first place.

It’s not often you get to see the raw, naked ugliness of the power imbalance between the masters and their serfs, but it’s out there for everyone to see this week.

I just hesitate to file this column because I wonder what’s coming next.

RE: "Grow a pair Turnbull and sack him!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "

I am sure Malcom would like to do that

but he is unable to sack a member of a different party

..only the National Party can do that.

Everything in that article is SPOT ON Plan B.

I believe Malcolm Turnbull lied yesterday about his lack of knowledge about the affair and not having anything to do with shifting her to another office. BJ’s personal assistant was worried about the affair and the fact Vikki was his staff member and she demanded he have a discussion with Malcolm Turnbull about it, which he did last April, 2017. After that discussion, and probably as a result of it, the decision was made to move her to Matt Canavan’s office with a promotion. Barnaby Joyce was not too happy about the move so it is unlikely he instigated it. The promotion was possibly given to Vikki Campion to appease Barnaby?

It's all in a word - but sadly that which is a rose will still be a rose, no matter what you call it.  Hypocricy.  I heard Mr. Joyce this morning apologising to this woman for implicating her in all this mess.  But it was her choice surely?  She knew very well he was a married man but still went ahead with this ridiculous affair, and now, quel surprise, she's pregnant.  This man has brought into disrepute the dignity and morality of his position of Deputy Prime Minister of Australia.  I know he's not the first politician behave badly,  but that's hardly the point.  It's still immoral and hypocritical of him to wax lyrical on the sanctity of marriage and then behave in this reprehensible manner. Mr. Joyce should show some dignity and resign immediately and I suspect that Mr. Turnbull is now analysing the flood of criticism levelled at himself, his actions (or inactions), his Party, and  most importantly, our country Australia, before arriving at possibly the most important decision of his political career.  Plan B has written eloquently and articulately on this squalid and sordid issue and I agree with him absolutely. 

Tony Windsor is displaying why he is not suitable for the job.

Horrible man, who needs anger management.

Public outcry should do the trick.....WRITE TO YOUR LOCAL MEMBERS DON'T JUST BLEAT ON HERE.

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