LNP a disappointment?

Are LNP supporters as disappointed as I in Morrison's total lack in solving the many problems this country faces, since they were re-elected?

From sky rocketing cost of living, energy prices through the roof, drought stricken farmers being virtually ignored, no mention of water retention or building dams, the economy about to stall, Veteran's dire circumstances, over crowded cities, drastic cuts to immigration, homelessness and the insane Paris agreement to name but a few. I am sure readers can add to this list.

Personally I dont think there is ANY politician with the spine or intelligence to solve problems caused in the main by them, without thinking past the next election.

Swanning around the world meeting leaders with scores of photo opportunities for his retirement photo album is akin to fiddling while Rome burns, But I fear the alternative could be far worse


The usual suspects above writing the usual unfactual BS.

The reality is Australians voted for their bank accounts and non existent jobs on an LNP propaganda campaign funded by taxpayers.  The Guardian had the details in a story this morning.  Most of $1.4 billion channelled to LNP candidates who spent this money on promoting the lies put out by the party.

If anybody thinks that this low life lying coal controlled government will improve one single thing for working Australians then these people truly deserve what they are about to get another 3 years of.  For the record I've already read that the rotten government we got yet again WILL have to reform both franking credits AND negative gearing.  This is what happens when you sell out the nation, flog off everything you can including Australian jobs and then scratch your miserable heads as to WHY there's no money to spend.  Don't get me started.  The perfect storm is brewing and I can't see any way out of that one.  Get used to quite a poor future.  Coming.

So its OK Mick for "this low life lying coal controlled government" to dig up our coal and flog it off the rest of the world to fuel the many coal fired power stations currently operating, being built, or have plans to build while denying their countrymen cheaper power? Gee that makes sense-- NOT

Speaking of lies Mick, remember the 'Medicare' porkies being trotted out by Labor

"Flogging off Aus jobs"? Could it be that our sky rocketing production costs due to energy and labour costs have priced us out of the competative market?

I never accused the LNP of selling out the nation but rather doing very little

I will ignore your abusive comment about "scratching my miserable head" and ask you to check just how few elections Labor have won over the past 50 years despite help from the Unions, media and Getup etc

Gee MICK, you're really scraping the bottom of the chum bucket now. I'm sure that the only way you could have read that the government will have to reform both franking credits and negative gearing is if you go back and re-read your previous posts. Shorten got less votes because of these two policies so why anyone would want to go there and become a loser is not possible. Can you please accept that Labor lost and heed Shorten's very profound reason why; "We didn't get enough votes!" 

New report out this week said that many voters changed their vote on polling day, either because they were not interested or because the Coalition were first on thr ballot papers so they voted for them, nothing to do with what policies either partgy had.

Is it nt a bit earl to properly judge the newl elected gvernment. We have not had a single Parliamentary sitting day. Lets wait before we pass judgement. And by the looks of it that will be at the next election.

Old Man s rght, a majority voted for the LNP, they won 41.4% of first preference votes (down 0.6% on the last election). the other parties first preference votes were ALP 33.3% (down 1.4%), Greens 10.4% (up 0.2%), UAP 3.1% and One Nation 3.1% (up 1.8%). Make what you will of these figures.

I was under the impression that Labor actually won in Vic, SA, Tas. Maybe Im wrong; so can someone can set me right there ??

Give them

a chance.

they have just got over the unwinnable election shock!!!

How much do you expect him to do in a month. Give them a chance

"In a month" Rondy? You must have a short memory.

He became PM in Aug 2018 and was Treasurer for 3 years before that. I am still struggling to find one thing that is beneficial to the country that he has accomplished

One thing ScoMo achieved was stopping Shorten becomng PM - major achievement there!!!

Just an ad man with a few slogans that translate to nothing. Also, we have still not learnt why he left Tourism Australia in such a hurry. No smoke without fire.  No concern for the 'little people," the disabled and the aged. Definitely no trust there.

No surprises! The gov. of this country is totally unable to think past the next election and I see no party that has any real vision or plan for the future. It just seems to be one crisis after another with no leadership and continual sniping at each other. And don't get me started on the Do nothing, Ban everything Greens.

You have nailed my thought EXACTLY Pedro

The government hs been in caretaker mode and it was only yesterday that Electoral Commission declared final results.  In care taker mode no one can make any major decisions.  Morrison could call back existing parliament and introduce legislation  BUT he won't because the previous HoR was a minority government.  He will wait until 01July19 - swear in new HoR and Senate.  Morrision has said he will call parilament in first or secind week of July.  First job is to get tax cuts through and backdated (which ATO said can be done).  It is too early to tell whether this LNP government will succeed or fail. We should have a fair idea by XMAS.  One thing he must do is bring in a surplus budget next year or he is doomed.

They have jumped into things on the basis of playing wedge politics which the LNP have raised to an art form. They are claiming mandates for all sorts of things which given the actual election result hardly amounts to a mandate. It is not so much what they have done as to what they say they are going to do and some things that desperately need to be done have been treated by a stony silence.

This business of passing legislation on tax cuts that won't take effect for 4 or 5 years is ludicrous. No one knows what our economic situation will be then but given the way things are going those tax cuts won't be affordable. Despite all the chest thumping about having got the country "back in the black" was actually treating the truth with contempt. At best we might get there in the next year or so but again the way things are going that might not happen. We could well see the LNP struggling to show us how good money managers they really are and frankly I don't feel confident about that.

Overall the much vaunted Westminister system of government, here and the UK, is falling apart due to the playing of party politics without real regard for the best interests of the country.

They have jumped into things on the basis of playing wedge politics which the LNP have raised to an art form. They are claiming mandates for all sorts of things which given the actual election result hardly amounts to a mandate. It is not so much what they have done as to what they say they are going to do and some things that desperately need to be done have been treated by a stony silence.

This business of passing legislation on tax cuts that won't take effect for 4 or 5 years is ludicrous. No one knows what our economic situation will be then but given the way things are going those tax cuts won't be affordable. Despite all the chest thumping about having got the country "back in the black" was actually treating the truth with contempt. At best we might get there in the next year or so but again the way things are going that might not happen. We could well see the LNP struggling to show us how good money managers they really are and frankly I don't feel confident about that.

Overall the much vaunted Westminister system of government, here and the UK, is falling apart due to the playing of party politics without real regard for the best interests of the country.


So a month and a day after the election, the count not completed in at least two seats (see here https://www.abc.net.au/news/elections/federal/2019/results although the outcome is not in contention) and the Government not yet sworn in, and already the Government is being criticised for "Morrison's total lack in solving the many problems this country faces, since they were re-elected". 

Seriously! What exactly did you expect them to do? Before the end of counting? Before being sworn in as the elected Government? For goodness sake people. At least wait until after Parliament returns in July before you start whinging about lack of action.

Cue MIKE, jackie, Paddington........

Unfortunately no leaders in sight amongst Australian politicians. Schoolboys bickering....

Interesting how "this government" is almost given a clear slate dating from the election.  "This government" has actually been in power since 2013.  I see it as bascially the same one that was elected under Abbott ... oh, now without Abbott of course.  And it has been a shocking, then dawdling, and now reality denying six years since.  "Disappointing"?  It has been a depressing six years to say the least.  History will not look kindly upon the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison government and decade I feel. 

Yes but the question was specifically about "since they were re-elected".

It makes me vomit seeing those photos of Palaszczuk laud the ironclad deal with Adani. What a Labor sell out she is and Albanese performs a Labor turn around to support Adani. It makes me sick that Albanese sacked John Setka from the Labor Party for unproven accusations. 

Both parties are nothing but puppets for corporations and are destroying our nation. The Liberal never got me and Labor lost me for their false values. The Animal Justice Party will do me. At least animals don't willingly serve corporations.


The opposition to the Carmichael Mine was always a political stunt by Labor. When in southern Queensland and other states, Shorten told everyone that he was totally opposed to the mine. When Shorten was in North Queensland he told the locals that he was for the mine. Labor in Queensland also did the same, telling voters in the south-east that they were against the mine and telling the rest of Queensland that they supported it. Just a rank political vote buying exercise. The person heading the enquiry was on record as being opposed to the Carmichael Mine so was biased from the start of the enquiry.

Setka has not been sacked from the Labor party, it has only been recommended. If the accusations are unproven, jackie, why has Setka pleaded Guilty? Setka has a criminal record mainly achieved in his time with the CFMMEU for intimidation, hardly a first offender. As usual, jackie, you have got your facts distorted, you never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Yes KSS I should have said since becoming PM

The originator of this discussion has assumed our governments want to improve the nation for our benefit.

They don't. They are there to look out for themselves and the interests of their major financial backers, not you and I.

Our governments are owned by the elite, not you and I.


Dave R I thoroughly agree. Both parties have constantly proved this to be the case for the past forty years. Nothing has changed and nothing will.

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