Animal Antics


 Random acts of kindness. Kindness is a quality that shows you… | by Waleed  Tariq | Medium


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Animal rescuers were given special permission to evade coronavirus lockdown rules to save three loveable brown bear cubs in Russia.

They drove a round trip of 1,600 miles to collect the starving babies abandoned by their mother, and place them in a special orphanage from the predators.

Mom fled after loggers had damaged her den with their cutting equipment.

The lumberjacks left the three-month-old bears alone in the damaged den for two days hoping the female would return but she did not.

Staff from the Rescue Centre for Orphaned Bear Cubs got permits to drive from Tver region to Kirov region to save the tiny cubs during Covid-19 lockdown.


A brown bear cub enjoys a bowl of milk after staff from the Rescue Centre for Orphaned Bear Cubs were allowed to break lockdown to travel from Tver to Kirov in Russia to save three cubs

The staff took food supplies and sleeping bags to rescue the bears as all the motels on route were closed. The rescuers kept human contact to a minimum as they will return to the wild

Thank you for sharing Sophie, such a heart warming story especially as they travelled so far.

Lovely story, thanks Sophie.



Another Bear Story    Brown Bear weekend | Adventure World Travel



To show how easy social distancing can be, Internet users across the globe have shared amusing snaps of animals abiding by the restrictions better than some humans amid the COVID-19 crisis. Pictured: Cats in an unknown location line up in the grooves of a roof 


To show how easy social distancing can be, internet users across the globe have shared amusing snaps of animals abiding by the restrictions better than some humans amid the COVID-19 crisis. Pictured: Cats in an unknown location line up in the grooves of a roof


Mrs Dawson is still busy running a bed and breakfast from her smallholding in the heart of Herriot country 

Rose Dawson, 69, once helped James Herriot deliver a calf in her younger days as a farm girl

Wow, the owl closest to camera is stunning.

Yes RnR that is what I though rather spectacular.               

Lions rescue a little girl from kidnappersLion in field

The lions scared off the kidnappers. | iStock/Getty Images

In 2005, a 12-year-old Kenyan girl was kidnapped by four men while walking home from school. It’s a far-too-common story that could have ended in tragedy — if not for the pride of lions who stepped in to save her.

A week after the abduction, the kidnappers were chased off by three lions who guarded the victim until police arrived to rescue her. Police say they found the girl “shocked and terrified” — and surrounded by lions. The massive beasts quickly dispersed when officers arrived. She was bruised from being manhandled by the kidnappers, but the lions never laid a paw on her.

Lion experts (and skeptics) say it’s possible that the lions were planning to eat the girl themselves but were dissuaded by her crying, which sounds a lot like the sound a baby lion cub makes. Either way, these lions should be celebrated as the heroes they truly are.

Interesting story.



Asher, the cockatoo from Coffinswell, South Devon, wowed people on social media with his impressive rendition of High School Musical's We're All In This Together  


Asher, the cockatoo from Coffinswell, South Devon, wowed people on social media with his impressive rendition of High School Musical's We're All In This Together

Very funky dance moves LOL.

An Alabama man shared a clip which shows security camera footage of a tranquil backyard swimming pool, but then the unexpected happens as a cow and a couple of dogs appear 


The cow swims across the pool in an attempt to make an escape closely followed by the dogs

Starving street dogs so emaciated one was just hours from death are rescued from Cyprus and flown to a new life in Britain on a jet carrying coronavirus medical supplies Starving and emaciated street dogs are rescued from Cyprus and flown to a new life in

Hugo, an 18-month-old German short-haired pointer (left) and Elsa, a five-year-old English pointer (right) were so skinny when they were found in Cyprus that their bones could be seen clearly under their skin. Andrea Siddons, 51, who runs a dog shelter on the island, rescued the two dogs and was able to get them on a British Airways Boeing 747 that was bringing medical supplies back to the UK. They are now safely being looked after at a shelter in the UK, where they will be found new homes

Thinus Delport, 64, captured the rare moment a mother leopard relocated her two cubs at the Kruger National Park in South Africa 

Thinus Delport, 64, captured the rare moment a mother leopard relocated her two cubs at the Kruger National Park in South Africa

A medical charity in England that has successfully trained dogs to detect malaria is now attempting to train man’s best friend to identify the smell of COVID-19.

Days before internet and drones, poor pigeons worked so hard but were so valuable, truly amazing how they were trained.



I have not heard of this before now.

Where to buy Purple Poppies - AWAMO



Reminds me of that film the War Horse, is an incredible film, another Steven Speilberg classic:


Sculptor Turns Popular Animal Photos Into Funny Meme Sculptures

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