New Hobby Photography Thread.

The Devils Gate Tassie


Thanks Davey I will bookmark that

Port Isaccs Cornwall where TV  Doc Martin practised. Called Port Whyn in the show.

I was there in 2010

I'm driving a 40 foot motor home through tiny English streets.

You and Jane should take up doing Calendars with such lovely pictures :)

Ok get ya gear off all you gals and we'll do a nudie for next year

Bedara Island

Jakey Puss

Oh! Cats' new cat :)

We hope so........negotiating with daughter now.

The puppy stalks him constantly.


That is such a beauriful photo, I love sunrises/set

The pics on here are fantastic, just wondering how many of you post process your pics....

Deanna :)

I just own an el cheapo Fodak digital plus of course the camera within my Samsung phone

I find with the digital cameras it gives you the opportunity to take many photos and you just keep the best ones :)

This one is actually of a sunset as I was walking home from the Gym.

I noticed a a lady taking a photo in  my direction - immediate thought... could I possibly look that good after my workout ???

When I turned around I saw this awesome sunset, so I snapped it as well.

I see the Mackel sky --did you have some rain after that --nice pic too Abby

Pictures of the Tyne Bridge, Newcastle,County Northumberland.

This was the first coathanger.

Yes the Sydney Harbour bridge is a  three times the size copy of this bridge and smelted in Middleborough, Co Durham and shipped out here in sections.

Designed by Dorman Long Co Ltd. UK.

Does this lead to heaven or hell? The Crem,Dandenong,Victoria

Cradle Mountain,Tasmania 2014

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