L’chaim…to life!

                             Red Wattle Bird in a Jacaranda Tree


                  Reposted by kind permission of photographer...


When you wear a face mask you will soon know how your breath smells to everyone else. 

It smells even worse, when you're dead Silly!!!!

It would seem to me that wearing masks in areas where the virus is active, with proven community transmission, would be a sensible precaution.  I would think it unnecessary in areas where no active cases are reported.  Surely it would be relatively easy to put a protocol in place where it is publicised when active cases are found in an area, and people in those areas/postcodes be told to wear facial protection - for their own safety if nothing else.  Also businesses in areas where the virus is active, should be allowed to bar people, if not wearing a mask/face covering.

The efficacy of masks remains unproven. They are, at best, anti-social. How do you recognise people, or distinguish from potential criminals? What about those who suffer from claustrophobia? Even masks being retailed fail to seal sufficiently to provide real protection from inhalation. South Australia certainly doesn't need them regardless whether Victoria does or doesn't.

Masks "are anti-social" ...so is a corpse. No one invites one to lunch or dinner!

I agree they have not been proven to be efficient, apparently as long as you are able to breathe then you are still actually could be breathing in the virus droplets.

With only less than 2% developing anything serious from this virus Sophie chances of a corpse is very small, and in fact less than when we had the swine flu in Australia.

Finally some comments other than those from Sophie !!

As wise as Sophies words are, I've been getting the same things non-stop from my TV. I turn to the comments on LC to read the points of view of others.

Hardly seems good practice, and certainly very annoying, for someone to write a lead item which poses the question 'What do you think .....' then follow it up with endless responses from the original questioner. 


" I've been getting the same things non-stop from my TV."

Well Warmgranny, you know the old saying ...

"say it once say it twice and then say it again…then maybe, just maybe the message will get through!"   

Than was drummed into me at college :)


Yes unless you agree you get attacked, even called names. So can you really say what you think or what others want you to think?

There will always be one!


So funny...

Yes i think we should all be wearing them, they might actually save your life.

Thank goodness, there are some really smart people around!

The wearing of face masks and staying at home will be "fundamental" in bringing Victoria's coronavirus crisis under control.

That's according to Australia's Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth, who welcomed the tightened health measures.

"We need every little bit of help we can get down in Victoria at the moment to help flatten and bend that curve," Dr Coatsworth told Today.

Dr Coatsworth said it was "legitimate" to ask why health authorities in New South Wales had not followed Victoria by making face coverings mandatory.


Why indeed..won't be long now.

"fundemental" which means we still need to social distance, mask wearing is making people think they can now get closer together.


               Coronavirus fears lead to face masks selling out across South ... 


Chemists across Australia have sold out of face masks and hand sanitiser amid growing fears that coronavirus is spreading across the nation. 

Australia's largest pharmacy chain Chemist Warehouse has no face masks in stock in Sydney, MelbourneBrisbanePerthAdelaide, Canberra, Hobart, or Darwin. 

Other major chains such as Priceline, Amcal, Star Pharmacy, Blooms The Chemist and a number of independent vendors have either run out or have very few in stock.





That's not all, fabrics and sewing machines walking out the door!

Panic buying mask fabric | Herald Sun

Victorians rush to buy fabric, sewing machines and masks as ...

Thought that might happen! 

A great idea I came across the other day and have made a couple for myself. I have small ears close to my head although cute, not really good for keeping the loops of the mask in place..this works a treat!

8 Creative Face Masks To Protect You While You Show Your Style ...

Social distancing went out the window when they all crowded to shop.

Good for business though.

No Ingognito, wearing a mask also reminds people to keep social distancing, not get closer.


Lucca you seem all  knowledgeable, how long should a person wear a mask?  Are they washable?  If so what does one clean them in?  Do you boil the fabric perhaps?

The gloves I wore those eight weeks were disposable.

Are the masks in the chemist the same, disposable?



Hey Celia I will try my best. If worn continuously and not snotty the surgical (disposable) mask can be worn for a straight six to seven hours, but if you are not a health care worker, wear only when you have to, when you get back home, put in a paper bag or hang up to dry in the sun, touching no part of the mask except one of the ear loops. Keep track of how long you wore it for and when you think it had about six hrs. use discard. You cannot wash a disposable mask, it destroys the filter, do not clean with anything, let UV do the job.

Cloth masks, same principle, when they become snotty or worn for several hours or a full day, throw in a hot machine wash, hang to dry and you're good to go. The masks in the chemist would be the same disposable. I don't think they sell any cloth masks. Didposable gloves can be worn again, providing there are NO holes, not even a tiny one. Before taking off, wash hands (with gloves on), remove and let dry.




Thank you for a very informative post Lucca. May I add that after washing the gloves, carefully remove and then wash the outsides, then hang to dry in the shade. 

It appears the person who asked the questions is no longer interested. Makes one wonder why she asked them in the first place!




Love the Trikini Horace!


Latest & Breaking News Melbourne, Victoria | The Age

From 11.59pm on Wednesday every person in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will be required to wear a mask, with few exceptions, when they leave home. We are hardly alone. Most countries have initiated some level of recommendation or mandate to wear a mask in public. The Age welcomes the tougher stand.

This simple piece of protective wear has been the centre of heated debate, and not just politically. It has been the subject of much argument in the scientific community as continuing research on how COVID-19 spreads has come to light.

Until recently, the World Health Organisation has been lukewarm in its advocacy of masks for the general public, based on the understanding that the coronavirus spread primarily by large respiratory droplets that once expelled by infected people in coughs and sneezes fell rapidly to the ground.

The WHO was forced to change that view after an open letter from 239 scientists in 32 countries outlined evidence showing that smaller particles can stay airborne for hours and infect people, which clearly strengthens the argument for mask wearing.

While the world health body still states further research is needed, it now accepts that transmission of the virus by small infected particles may have been responsible for “outbreaks of COVID-19 reported in some closed settings, such as restaurants, nightclubs, places of worship or places of work where people may be shouting, talking or singing”. That is a big shift and one that has bolstered the argument for mask use in the general population.

It has been the political stage that has attracted the most headlines, particularly in the United States, which is facing a huge surge in cases in its southern states. While President Donald Trump recently wore a mask in public for the first time, he has used the issue to wage a war of words over the principle of individual freedom, resisting all calls to make masks mandatory.

Thankfully, Australia has mostly been free of political point-scoring on the issue. Masks were not pushed during the early days of the pandemic for good reason. Back then, there was a lack of scientific evidence of their benefit when community transmission levels were low, and a genuine concern that widespread usage would create a shortfall in supply for health workers.

From Wednesday night, by having to wear a mask, everyone will be reminded each time we walk out our front door that we have a part we must play. No excuses, no shirking responsibility. A reminder of the collective health and wellbeing of our community will be right in front of our eyes.



              Networking: Are You (Gulp) the Boring One? - Attorney at Work


         Image tagged in face mask - Imgflip


"By having to wear a mask, everyone will be reminded each time we walk out our front door that we have a part we must play.

No excuses, no shirking responsibility. A reminder of the collective health and wellbeing of our community will be right in front of our eyes."




"based on the understanding that the coronavirus spread primarily by large respiratory droplets that once expelled by infected people in coughs and sneezes fell rapidly to the ground"

it now accepts that transmission of the virus by small infected particles may have been responsible for “outbreaks of COVID-19 reported in some closed settings, such as restaurants, nightclubs, places of worship or places of work where people may be shouting, talking or singing”. That is a big shift and one that has bolstered the argument for mask use in the general population.

These two paragraphs seem to contradict each other, does it spread via big or small particles?

Small infected particles can still be inhaled through your breathing. 

It amazes me that people think wearing a mask is all they are supposed to do, the CMO said first priority is to stay home, you can shop online and you need to postpone other things if you are in the hot zone.

But we have hardware, clothing and other stores still open, why? I have a friend who works at Bunnings in one of the lockdown areas and he told me Bunnnings are not enforcing social distancing, why?

I fear that people will use the mask as an excuse to get closer to people in public in the false sense that they will be protected. 

And even though they are telling people it is mandatory in Melbourne there is no official law written by the federal government, so legally they cannot fine anyone. 


   This is a positive thread about:


If you don't agree, that's fine, take your negativity elsewhere.

 Your ignorance is overwhelming.



Not being negative, being real, why are you so obsessed only with masks and never mention social distancing?

Are you living in a hot zone Sophie?

Ingognito, this topic is about wearing masks not social distancing, but common sense should tell you that if you have to wear a mask then surely everything else is a given, social distancing, hand sanitisers and download the app. Google masks and you will soon see how many different ones are available and how best to wear them, which have filters, respirators etc or though the last should not be worn without a Dr's approval if you have respirotory problems. 

Thank you Misty....

If Incognito had read the first page of this thread, she would have seen both social distancing and hand washing were addressed.

She would also have seen..it has been suggested for the best protection masks should be work in conjunction with social distancing, hand washing and sanitisers.


Should be "worn" .....not.... "work."

I have apologized to you Sophie AFTER I read the first page, see my comments on page 1.

Who says I am a she?

I prefer to stay home then wear a mask that will not protect me, thanks

Sydney should follow Melbourne's lead and make it compulsory to wear a mask, despite current health advice, a leading expert says. Mary-Louise McLaws, an epidemiologist and World Health Organization (WHO) adviser, said a similar order should be implemented across the whole of Sydney "within days" to stem the outbreak in NSW.

Professor McLaws helped the WHO evaluate evidence on the efficacy of cloth and fabric masks and said new evidence showed wearing almost "any sort of cloth is better than a bare face".

Professor McLaws said there was overwhelming evidence face coverings of any kind, including balaclavas, reduced the spread of the virus.

"They do work. Some of the new studies show that some three-layered fabrics give you up to 70 per cent protection.

"So if everybody is wearing them, that's doubling your effectiveness really."


                       How to Get People to Wear a Mask? Memes, Images and Ads Say This ...


Don't trust the woman, she contradicts herself all the time and makes comments like "overwhelming evidence" when there is no peer reviewed research paper out there, show me otherwise. Small droplets can still penetrate, the only research I found is that big droplets can carry the virus which are the only ones that might be stopped.

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