Queensland trying to ban rain from forecasts

Those wacky banana-benders are at it again. Queensland’s tourism industry is worried about the impact weather forecasting is having on people wanting to travel to the ‘Sunshine State’ and wants to ban the word rain from weather forecasts.

The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) thinks bad weather forecasts are discouraging day-trippers and impacting their tourism negatively, going as far as requesting the Bureau of Meteorology to be more lenient in its reporting.

According to news.com.au, QTIC’s CEO Daniel Gschwind said the current language used to forecast weather should be changed, citing examples such as “partly cloudy” and “chance of rain”, which he’d like switched to “mostly sunny” and “likely sunshine”.

Some other examples included swapping “showers” and “overcast” to “cooling down rain (after a hot day)” and “cool day”.

What do you think? Should the weather report be more positive or should it concentrate on being more accurate?

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Chance of rain - I wish

Stuff the Queensland Tourism Industry Council's (QTIC) wacky wishes. Living in the 'Sunshine State' ... I just wish it would rain again ... very dry here in SEQ.

That mob, the QTIC, would do anything to get attention. 

It should tell the truth which is rarely what we get from BOM anyway. No fun whatsoever planning a trip thinking is all going to be sunny and then being caught in a torrential downpour!

Queensland blows their own trumpet like the USA  -- NSW has far better beaches and also lovely Hinterland too --

I agree totally and I live in SEQ.  However, the main culprits seem to be the government and the media.  In "the field", you do not get that parochialism that people displayed twenty-five years ago, probabply because about 40% of the SEQ population have either come from interstate or their parents have done so.

In 1983 I was told by an anthropology professor (at University of Qld.) that inbreeding played a part in this parochial attitude and that it would take about three generations to eliminate.  I think this is being shown to be true.

39 degrees predicted for melbourne this sunday, 28th jan and poor adelaide predicted to be 42 on the same day, with an incredible drop to 24 on monday!

people may prefer to travel to a cooler area in the future, rather than a very hot, sunny beach.

i'd also like to see weather predicitons straightforward.  no messing about from the tourism people.  and here in qld, we'd love some good rain.

Yes tell it like it is I agree kika,  we have been told we have had rain here and we have not had a drop in months -- seems to go out to sea and out west an miss here -- desperate for rain

Stupid.. isn't the weather report vague enough as it is, soon they will be manipulating the data so we dont notice global warming.

We have had enough of trendies wanting change for the sake of change and stuffing everybody around, don't they have anything productive to do with their time.


Some of these advisory groups become so swollen with self interest they are prepared to put innocent customers in harms way just to make a cuppla extra dollars, - last years cyclone, we were watching it develop for two weeks (I suscribe to OCC, Oz Cyclone Chasers, who have a very different attitude, understandably, ( btw, they were there on the beach the Cyclone landed  on before it arrived,) but tourists were sent to resorts the day before the Bom gave it's maximum 3 day warning that QTIC has constrained them to, and trapped there, lucky they weren't killed, it lost intensity just before it arrived.

Of course the Tourist industry is important to QLD, so a balance is required, (don't expect it any time soon) but for anyone planning to come to FNQ for a holiday during the cyclone season I would suggest subscribing to the OCC $38;/year, (I don't have shares in it) their Month ahead forecast video  https://ozcyclonechasers.com.au/index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=868&Itemid=1089

every few days will save you a hell of a lot more than that in being sure you don't waste your holiday trapped inside a short rations half flooded facility.


I can see no problem whatsoever. To those who disagree with me, let me ask if they believe every forecast put out by the Weather Bureau. For every tourist dollar spent in Australia, an extra dollar is raised in the local community. More tourists, more prosperous people in tourist areas. More jobs, more tax collected to benefit more Australians. Win/win surely.


Yet it will still be partly cloudy with a chance of rain! Even poor people aren't stupid!

Alternatively, "let's not go to Queensland because their weather forecasts are pure fantasy. It might sound good but when you get there you realize it was all so much BS."

They need to get over the 'beautiful one day, perfect the next' mentality. It will take more than promises of constant sunshine to make that State perfect.

I can only think that CEO Daniel Gschwind considers all tourists are as intellectually challenged as he appears to be. But perhaps I shouldn't be dis(sing his)ability?

"it isn't rain you know, its raining violets" Lets put our heads in the ground and pretend its sunshine. And not coming from where you expect!

The other day we saw an add about holidays in NT during the " green season". I guess thats what they call the wet season now. Won't stop sweat sticking the shirt to my back.

The air tends to be very dry, so all sweat evaporates quickly, cooling you, you just need to drink water like a fish, - on your OCC Weather Centre, look up Total Precipitable Moisture (I would use the Euro model, they tend to be more accurate for that sort of data) for exactly where and when you are going, then again at the scenery brochure and you can at least make an informed choice.

Has April Fools Day come early this year???? Makes the QTIC look like fools!

I live in SEQ, and it’s not beautiful one day, perfect the next whichever way you say it... at the moment it’s too darned hot! 

and the only green grass around is under our motor home where the sun don’t shine, and the wildlife shelter to get some shade..

.But roll on March, that’s when it really is PERFECT. :)

Hi cranky, do you live in a motor home or are you touring around?  My front lawn is dried chaff, it's revolting.

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