Books I have read

I'm sure we all have favourite books we have read over the years,one of mine is Lord of the Rings,which I have read at least half a dozen times.A good book for me is when I become one of the characters and nothing else matters.There are so many books that I'm having trouble remembering them all and I've always thought the book is better than the movie...


Fluer, i have read all 3 of these and really enjoyed them,. Have you read Jessica's song or The power of one, both brilliant reads..both by Bryce Courtney.Peanuts.

Haven't read Jessica's Song Peanuts but have read The Power of One and the sequel Tandia. Tandia is heart breaking...make sure you have a box of tissues handy if you decide to read it!

Vivity  i visted Finland as well on this recent trip when our ship docked there for a day for some reason it did not apeal to me like Sweden although the countries are very similar.. I will check out that book you have recomended when i visit the librarybut it will be a first as i dont think i have read detective stories before... you may have introduced me to a new

I have been rather slack with my reading of late,but with all of these recommendations it will take me till the end of the year to find and read them all.Love everyones descriptions of each book,great to read and so happy we have found something that is appealing to lots of the

I have read Tandia, and i think Jessicas song is the sequel to that but i could be wrong  it could  be to Solomans song either one it was again set in Tasmania with lots of the same cast.. again a really good read.

Sorry for not getting back to you Peanuts and Cranky, had quite a busy day, Yes Peanuts my mum reads Maeve Binchy, right now she's reading Tara Road and Quentins. I believe she's just finished Tara Road and starting Quentins.

We both read Circle of Friends Cranky and even saw the movie with Minnie Driver and Colin Firth. Enjoyed it tremendously. You both take care and please have a safe and happy weekend.


Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner Peanuts and Cranky. I had quite a busy day running around trying to catch people before they wander off for the weekend. Yes Peanuts my mum loves Maeve Binchy, she’s read many of her books and has just borrowed out Tara Road and Quentins. Cranky we both read Circle of Friends and even saw the movie many years ago with Minnie Driver and I believe Colin Firth. Both the book and film were very enjoyable.

Hope you both and Black Duck have a lovely weekend, keep safe and happy.


Hello Bridie, not to worry, we all have other lives apart from this site hopefully although with some members i do wonder if they live in YLC...Bridie i have read Tara not sure about Quentins will have to pick up a copy at the library and read the first page to see if i remember reading I  must have read thousands of books in my lifetime and often i will buy a book in a hurry, bring it home only to find i have read it before.. Have you read the Dianna Gabaldin series.. just fantastic..The first one is called "Cross Stitch".. It is miserable weather this weekend in Tasmania so a great weekend for hobbies, with me my first love reading..take care and have a great weekend.

Hi girls. I too have had a busy few days, just catching up...All those books are great above my head. It seems we have all got similar tastes in literature...I was told once when I used to read stories to a circle of children, in a huge old Engluish library by a coal fire in the dead of winter, that if a reader or narator has a vivid imagination that has no bounds they have the ability to make books come alive...I would love to have seen Toad of Toad hall rattle through in his gypsy vargo....

And another weekend is upon us...So lets make it a safe one.. Happy reading..

Good morning everyone, i hope you got  to sleep in this Sunday morning, i certainly didn't as my little dog decided 6 am was a great time to start the day...just thought  i would pop in and say "Hello" while i wake myself up fully with a cup of coffee.Cold wet and very damp in Tasmania  today so it's another reading day. Enjoy your day wherever you are and whatever you do.Peanuts



Hi Peanuts and everyone..I'll be back ..I have just got to finish this

Hope you finished your chapter Cranky....I went down to the beach for a couple of hours and while the others played some childish game in the sand....I finished The Potato Factory...such a good book and already I'm missing the characters....

Hello girls, it has been a few days since i posted in here, but life got in the way.It  is suddenly Saturday and i wonder where my week went. The not so nice thing is i finally finished reading "The Bronze Horseman" a great read ,really sorry i have finished the book . Do you ever find yourself delaying reading that final chapter, because you don't want the story to end?It is a rather cold gloomy day in Tassie today, after a promising start to the day, it has now become rather dismal, so i am tossing up whether to start a new book or do some cooking, i rather fancy some hot pancakes with home made jam and some fresh cream..perhaps i will do both...enjoy your day girls, till next time stay happy. Peanuts

Oh my goodness. I feel like I have opened a window and let real life in...Just finished reading" Light a penny candle ", and it was an amazing read, such vital characters and an unexpected ending...Maeve Binchy is an incredible writer, and everytime I manage to get hold of her books I get ready for the ride on her imagination....but its finished now, so perhaps I should join you in your splurge of hot pancakes and fresh cream, Oh dear... at least reading doesn't make you fat !

Reading doesn't make you fat unless you have a big plate of goodies beside you to nibble...after all it's exhausing to be so involved in the book,you don't have time to cook a meal........that's my excuse anyway.......

Your very welcome Cranky, i also like Maeve Binchy's books. Err i ate all the cream, but still plenty of pancakes...with home made jam.

The pancakes have to be warm so the jam gets all gooey......mmm....

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