Books I have read

I'm sure we all have favourite books we have read over the years,one of mine is Lord of the Rings,which I have read at least half a dozen times.A good book for me is when I become one of the characters and nothing else matters.There are so many books that I'm having trouble remembering them all and I've always thought the book is better than the movie...

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I fell in love with W Somerset Maugham when I was young and read a lot of his stuff, including all his short stories.  But I'll never forget the story 'Of Human Bondage', about a young man from the upper classes with a club foot who fell in love with a pretty little floozy who treated him like dirt. Probably showing my age here, wouldn't be surprised if younger members have never heard of him before.  

Gosh thats tapping at the old memory box. I remember that book..The boy with the club foot and the waitress turned prostitute..I remember getting three quarters of the way through and flipping to the end just for a glimpse to see if it had a happy ending or not...Great story toot.

Just recently I discoved the Agatha Raisin novels by M.C Beaton...Light reading with some lovable characters, carrying the reader through some amazing murders in a small village called Carsely in the cotswalds..An exquisite location in South central England. Her main characters are of course Agatha, who causes constant mayhem, but always seems to solve the cases with nothing but a wing and a prayer, Sir Charles Fraith, her trusty sidekick in crime, James her jilted but longed for lover, The vicars wife who has more patience than job..Agatha's housekeeper and her two cats....I sadly have nearly come to the end of the series..and will have to leave this little village untIl more residents feel the inclination to kill off a few more victims and more books are written...

Gee cranky,I think you could probably write your own books,you are very expressive......hope we get first dibs when you publish.....with such a big family I'm sure you'd have lots of topics to choose from.....

Thankyou Peanuts, but I prefer fantasy and fiction ,I have had enough of realism..and I would actually love to spend more time writing.....but theres a few half finished childrens books that have to have an ending sometime..I just keep getting

sorry, black duck that should have read black duck on that last comment.......apologies...need a

I am like  Black duck, i have been an avid reader since i was about 5 years old as i was actually born with club feet so found it difficult to do much else. I even today finish at  least two books a week as reading is and always will be my first love. One of my favourite books was "The book thief " well worth a read. At the moment i am reading Paulinna Simons "The bronze Horseman.. a brilliant read..

I will reserve those two books at my library Peanuts, thanks.

'Loved the Book thief"  Peanuts...I recently read 'The boy in the striped pajama's" John Boyne, another brilliant read..and so moving..but I climb into my books and shut out the world.. but I haven't read the broze horseman yet...

The film "The Book Thief" was really good too.

Agree Ray..It was terrific, and not much different to the original story, The Boy in the striped pajamas was also a great movie. sometimes after reading the book the films area real letdown, but those two examples stayed true.

Another article I read in the paper today was about author Helen Garner's true crime award. She wrote 'This House of Grief' about the man who murdered his three sons by driving them into a dam.

She won the Ned Kelly award and it said in the article something I don't really understand - "The Neds are the only people with the guts to give this book a prize."

Horrific case, hard to imagine a father doing such a terrible thing.

I;m afraid thats far too realistic for me toots. you see it everywhere on the news of late and the murder of ones children is too hard for me to dwell on..but I bet it was very powerful.

What three books, if you could only have three books for the rest of your days, would you select ?


Toot i think i am a bit of a coward, i don't think i could read that book and stay sane so i will give it a miss. I remember that story having watched it play out on Tv and find it just inconprehensible that any person could do this to a child let alone his own all in the name of vengence.. If the proceeds were to go to caring for children in some way i would happily purchase the book then bin it but other than that i see it as someone benefitting financially from the death of innocent children.

Sorry Shaggy  dog , i i had only 3 books to last the rest of my life i would possibly cut my life short... impossible to choose..

Wind in the Willows...

The lion , The witch and the Wardrobe,

The Hobbit..

I have read those three books so many times over the years ,they are my true companions...and now I am introducing them to my 3 youngest grandchildren, who love me to read to them.

Can you stretch that to one more ?...Anything by Charles Dickens...But then that would be really stretching it...

Yeah someone asked me the question, buggered if I know if I had to confine it to three.

Sir Walter Scotts collected works for one but what else is a good question.

I have the Dickens collection on my Kindle. Nice to read for a change. I like the writing.


Like peanuts said, If you are an avid reader, its hard to choose as its like entering a different world when you open a book...your imagination can go wild..and the everyday problems get lost as you sink into the story..and If I find a book that is a series, I have to snuffle around until I have found and read the whole sequence if I can..but sometimes the cupboard is bare because other people have the same taste. I do like old war stories of families growing up in the war years and just after ,but I guess because of my childhood years..A favourite being 'Goodnight Mr. Tom" Michelle Magorian...For some reason that book sticks in my head.

I'm very impressed with the choices everyone has for their favourite books,I'm sorry I haven't participated but I've got a lousy head cold and coughing and sneezing it on the top of my agenda at present......hope I haven't passed my germs on to anyone......sorry..

Jeepers, where did all these new people come from. We've got pieces of toast, little ducks, peanuts - nice though.

Just goes to prove that we all like to read a good book or two,  Ray....


That's funny Ray...I hadn't realised it until you said that...but its all food..Sorry black duck ( that's two sorry's today).., you aren't old enough to be cooked yet..but careful.. theres a magnificent bird hovering......LOLOLOL. . I hope you feel better soon..I've just recovered from the same.

I wouldn't harm a feather of your little downy bottom black duck, but, watch out for foxes! Have a penchant for vegemite on toast though

Forgot to mention too many favourite books,however enjoyed The Water Babies in childhood and later on To Kill a Mockingbird.

I'll keep that in mind Ray,thank you......

Me too Ray...That's my vitamin B shot to ward away the mosquito's. Thank goodness foxes dont like

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