Australian 2010 election

This election looks interesting.
We have the leaders of the 2 main parties who have never led their parties to an election before.
Also there are many electorates where there are first timers standing.

One of these is Dawson in central Qld.
This area stretches from south of Mackay north to parts of Townsville.
It is a marginal (2.6%) seat held by Labor's James Bidgood who won the seat in 2007 but is retiring.

The Liberal National Party's candidate is George Christensen, a Mackay City councillor.
The candidate for the ALP is Mike Brunker, the current mayor of the Whitsunday Shire and the Greens have Jonathon Dykyj who is employed by the Mackay Regional Council.

Although Labor's Bidgood won with a swing of 16% in 2007, the redistribution has taken in the Liberal voting Townsville suburb of Annandale which has lowered Labor's margin.
The Greens only got a bit over 4% last time and I can't see a big improvement for them now.
This is one electorate both major parties will be targeting.


Phyl - come on you were so rapped up with Kevin 07 and then when he got brutally politically assassinated we should have expected you to be sad but no Julia now the No. 1 - do you seriously expect us to believe you have not inkling of whom to give your vote.

You will vote Labor as you most likely have done all of your life and as your family has because that is how it is.

If you really thought it out you would be voting for whomever is the Liberal/National candidate in your area and why - because this current Labor party has displayed it is totally unable to govern the country and every single project it has undertaken has been mismanaged to the point of 4 lives lost and 108 homes burnt in the Insulation debacle and 240,000 more homes at risk, and Julia's little 16 billion debacle has resulted in a waste of around 8 billion on buildings not suitable, good ones replaced by inferior ones, and although the can boast it kept the industry working - it cost the taxpayer dearly and she didn't supply the computers nor carry out the revolution on education and even shut down the Technical colleges Howard had already built out of the 22 promised by withdrawing funding - ours is now funded by the Catholic church - gee whiz nasty old Catholics now kept the students learning when dear loveable Julia couldn't care less that they were to wander around trying to find a place to study for a trade. Also now she is promising trade training for youngsters - well if they had continued the funding and the building of the 22 Technical colleges we would have them all up running and teachign trades to our young men and women but Labor actually encouraged people to go only to Uni for a degre back in the 80's and this trend is why we are so short of skills. Howard did try to do something but Labor didnt follow through and most likely wont if given another 3 years.

Likely outcome for us if Labor gets back in is a recession as USA is very weak on all trend indicators and may go into one and with most of the world having suffered socialist (Labor style) governments, they are all in bad shape with huge debts and deficits - the outstanding achievement of all socialist governments that and legislating to punish the majority for the sins of the minority - like Paul Keating slugging anyone with an old pre 1984 car 2c on ULP to make them go buy a new model - typical arse about face Labor people think seemingly , cant afford a new car - punish them with paying more for fuel to run the old one

1983 Bex being overused - punish everyone by taking it off the shelf of your corner deli and handy by making you go to the Chemist to buy it.

Just a couple of examples. You can bet that Julia will punish you if you don't go buy a newer car with her generous $2000 which will only get you into another clunker which most likely is worse than your current well maintained but older than 15 yr old car by not allowing anyone to register anything over the age of 15 years. Typical way of punishing the poor by socialists who in government are never poor themselves and never intend to be and look after their mates first.

Julia is not interested in older Aussies she is convinced they vote for the old fashioned values of the Coalition.

I so wish she was correct on this and that all Seniors were so switched on they voted for the best way of life for them and their own families rather than blindly follow the old ways like "I vote for Labor because Dad did" and if he were still here - would most likely have a fit at how badly Labor has let down the ordinary working man and woman and got into bed with big business - actually worse now than the so called conservative parties that we were always told only looked after the top bods and yet they have always looked after the poorer folks once they got the message that we counted.

Lies because they also want to be in government.

As does Bob Brown who almost lost his seat in the Senate if Labor voters down here in Tassie who were sick of Beasley at the time - didn't switch over to the Greens.

I hope Phyl you are very very disappointed on 22nd August and find that your life improves greatly from then on because majority of Aussies are not as stupid as Labor seems to think they are Federally as well as in the states which will all go blue.

so vote blue on 21st August and prosper

Or vote Red and stop prospering for 3 + years or however long it takes the blue team to mend the mess after 6 years.

BTW we will not know you did vote blue will we?

Message to Julia Gillard I am to old to start a family.

Message to Tony Abbott I am to old to go back to work.

SO!!!! Just what are both of your Parties Policies Regards

people on aged pensions who are unable to start making babies again

and are just a wee bit long in the tooth to take on a job.??

Me thinks I will just vote white...

As a C.E.O.of D.J.s is about to find out

Not knowing what the word NO means could cost around


why are these mobs trying to take words as their own,

Gay used to mean to be happy, now it means a poof or homo,

Now these females who are against MEN have taken over NO MEANS NO,

Gillard hasn't worked out that when Tony says no to 2nd and 3rd debates he means NO


Kevin Rudd has every right to be bitter and angry but he's using his noodle. He told the ABC last night life was too short to be bitter and angry at losing his job and he could not “stand idly by to allow Tony Abbott to just cruise into office’’.

The hasty decision by the Labor Party to dump him is coming back to haunt them, unless he suddenly drops dead, he will be the ghost to haunt Labor forever. What are they to do with him? The only answer would be an overseas posting somewhere out of sight and out of mind..

Zapot, you are so right about the CEO of David Jones, what a creep. He and Piers Akerman make a good pair. They actually believe they are God's gift to women until a woman with spunk said that NO really meant NO. For all the Piers Akerman fans, I came across this article in Crikey dated 26 August 2001.

[i]The joke is that Piers Akerman, when he lived in Albion Street in the 1970s, used LSD and marijuana regularly. He also used cocaine regularly when he was in the United States of America, in Los Angeles and Washington. I have spoken to someone who shared a number of cocaine lines with Piers Akerman. He was a drug addict. He also sexually harassed young female employees of News Limited in Washington and was sent back to the United Kingdom, where he tried to become the editor of the London Times but was denied that. He tried to get a job recently with the Sydney Morning Herald but was denied that, too. Here we have this hypocrite who is working hard to oppose what would have been a very useful reform in the drug fight in this country and now he is working against the interests of the community by torpedoing that. He himself was a drug addict and he still is a drug addict on legal drugs to this very day. [/i]

What an uninspiring lead up to an election.

The usual baby kissing and playing with children for the cameras.

Same old rhetoric coming from both sides, repeated daily.

The only honest thing that Abbott has uttered is that he is a liar.

At the moment Australia is in the best position financially of most industrial countries. A situation many other countries would love to be in.

It was the present government's actions that prevented us from having a recession.

It was the present government's actions that gave more to pensioners than any time in recent history.

The wife and I, both 87, were discussing the two offers,

9 months paid parental leave, or the payment to a boss

to start work for the elderly, The paid parental leave is

the best offer for us, so we plan to increase our family

soon after the election, the return to work wasn't very

tempting, as it would mean giving up my snooker.

On 2nd thoughts after my wake up pills, I realised that I

would have to do both, start work, then start a family

to get paid parental leave, The shock of having to do

both has now taken away any thought of being a parent.

All I was hearing from the wife,no, no, means no.

So true Zapot. Seems he was one CEO in for the money and any

good time he could muster with no care for who he upset.


Fwed also very true - we were saved the recession we were headed for

due to Labour and also Seniors have done better than ever before...


Seth you are such a funny man and glad you listen to your wife.

A headache always is a headache :lol:

Could you start a child minding centre if you have to work you think?

Maybe 6 darling little babies? I asked Peter could we, and

I tell you the kicking and screaming and tantrum he turned on would

wake the dead

Off shopping today and I do loves to shop.

have a lovely day folks.

Water Minister Senator Penny Wong has challenged Barnaby Joyce to a LIVE debate on the Murray. Looks like he's trying to duck it.

Water Minister Senator Penny Wong has challenged Barnaby Joyce to a LIVE debate on the Murray. Looks like he's trying to duck it.

i'd love to see more live debates on tv - especially one with bob brown, abbott and gillard. brown would ensure that it was a real debate and would raise issues which the other two want to keep well in the background. they are scared of the greens, and with good reason, as more and more people are waking up to the fact that the two old parties are unable to deal with the rapidly changing circumstances of this new century.

the greens show integrity, progressive views, and have practical policies which this country must adopt if we are to avoid future famine, over-population, and chaos.

this discussion board reinforces my desire to vote green in the coming election.

Welcome Kika, great to have another point of view. I have a few worries about the Greens, first of all their soft approach to boat people. The other worry is that the price on carbon and the phasing out of all coal-fired power stations will make electricity too expensive.

the greens show integrity, progressive views, and have practical policies which this country must adopt if we are to avoid future famine, over-population, and chaos.

Would you care to explain how?

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