Australian 2010 election

This election looks interesting.
We have the leaders of the 2 main parties who have never led their parties to an election before.
Also there are many electorates where there are first timers standing.

One of these is Dawson in central Qld.
This area stretches from south of Mackay north to parts of Townsville.
It is a marginal (2.6%) seat held by Labor's James Bidgood who won the seat in 2007 but is retiring.

The Liberal National Party's candidate is George Christensen, a Mackay City councillor.
The candidate for the ALP is Mike Brunker, the current mayor of the Whitsunday Shire and the Greens have Jonathon Dykyj who is employed by the Mackay Regional Council.

Although Labor's Bidgood won with a swing of 16% in 2007, the redistribution has taken in the Liberal voting Townsville suburb of Annandale which has lowered Labor's margin.
The Greens only got a bit over 4% last time and I can't see a big improvement for them now.
This is one electorate both major parties will be targeting.


We could possibly have an interesting situation if the coalition were to win the lower house and the greens were to win the balance of power in the senate.

It is very possible and would cause this forum to be more interesting.

i agree fwed. even more interesting if the greens win both the balance of power in both upper and lower houses.

Pity we can't get a slice of this lot, maybe just a tiny, little iddy biddy piece?

RIO Tinto's first half net profit more than tripled from a year earlier to $US5.84 billion ($6.4bn) due to higher commodities prices.

believe it or not toot2000, you can!!! It will only cost you $73 for 1 share.

touche Innes but it wasnt what I had in mind.

Have you heard about the National Seniors Australia? Yesterday they accused the government of neglecting older Australians. Their Chief Executive Michael O'Neill said any political party that ignored the over 50s did so "at their own peril".

"Until yesterday there has been no action on either side," he said. "The focus from both parties ... has not been on Australians aged 50 or over, there has been an emphasis on younger people. I think they are in for big shock."

Council of the Ageing national chief executive Ian Yates said 45 per cent of voters were aged over 50, a percentage that would increase in the next term of Government.

"The campaign is more than halfway through so we are certainly looking forward to some Government announcements in the seniors area," he said.

The Federal Government will make a pitch to older voters today by announcing a plan to allow pensioners to earn more without taking a hit to their benefits.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard will promise today that if Labor is re-elected, pensioners will be able to earn up to $6,500 a year and keep their full benefits.

They will be able to bank up to $250 a fortnight instead of the previous limit of 50 cents in every dollar of the first $500 earned.

The amount will be tallied over a full year.

[url=]Full story[/url]

Fwed do you believe Julia Gillard, if reelected? ,she would find another way to forgot that she had promised it to us during the election ,or she will do the same as last pension rise and lift deeming rates at the sme time and cut down on the rise to a lot of pensioner who have a little super as well a part pension,she will scheme and connive all she can not to pay ,and it is to late after if she is elected,so wake up all you Laborites

Why haven't those living on the pension have a loud voice

of condemnation just like the mining companies, with all the

billions they make, they whinge when it looked like they may

have to pay an excess profit tax . While the pensioner pays

an 'excess' 50 cents in the dollar, when he earns as little as

$150. over their pension. I don't see Tony screaming out in

horror and threatening to drop that pensioner excess profit tax..

To me it just looks like he will say and do anything just to get in,

then renege on any good part of gain for the average and

once again go back to the lib. policy of anti union and again

to the belief that the government should have no assets.

To see howard backing abbot should make the average

worker realise Abbott was a main player in the attack on workers

rights, Do you think he has changed? does a leopard change

it's spots? everything he said he was against he is now for,

Do you believe Him????

Nah ;-)

Seggie. Am almost falling off the chair, wondering if Labor gets in, what I will have to do

to earn the allowable $6,500. Or what I can do is more like it. Any suggestions and now,

be nice otherwise I will fall off the chair. The mind boggles at some of the suggestions that

may be sent in. LOL.

Well Seggie can ya do the Highland Fling at all? We could maybe

go touring together but the one problem is would we get paid to dance or

notta dance is the question? oh well either way we might earn a couple of bob :lol:

she will do the same as last pension rise and lift deeming rates at the sme time and cut down on the rise to a lot of pensioner who have a little super as well a part pension,

I didn't hear you complain when they lowered the deeming rate at the time of the GFC

Seggie. Hi Phyl. Probably I'd say at least I may be paid not to dance. Now years ago would be a different question as I remember being flung over a shoulder a few times; the old jitterbugging days of course, no other funny business. Stop laughing, Phyl. Nowadays the sight would make one wear very dark sunglasses.

Elections, I'll be glad when they are all over. I truly cannot understand Julia having all that Botox. Does she think that the smooth skin is going to make us vote for her and her party? The Julia we once saw had slightly sunken areas under the eyes like most of us do. The next thing we see is the tight skin and the airbrushed Julia in the W.W. I wanted to see promises that would be kept, not people holding babies or being shown they are able to swim and be able to ride a bike. I guess I remember being told there will never be a GST.

What a sad old sod I've become. Sorry about that. Promise to do better next time.

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