Are you worried about getting the jab?

So many different vaccines, it's confusing.

I'm very lucky not to have any serious underlying conditions so I think I'll wait a while before rushing in. Can completely understand the urgency some people feel about it, but I wish there wasn't so much negatuve feedback about after affects.

Are you worried about getting the jab?


Australian Federal health authorities investigating death of a NSW Lake Macquarie area diabetic woman aged 48 who developed blood clots within 24 hours and and died 5 days after receiving COVID vaccine.


It is not yet known whether she received the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine or if her death is directly related to the vaccine.

People may need a third Pfizer jab after being fully vaccinated, the CEO of the company has said. (Edwina Pickles)


The CEO of Pfizer says people will likely need a third dose of the company's vaccine within a year of being fully vaccinated.

"The likely scenario is there be a likely need for a third dose, somewhere between six and 12 months," Albert Bourla said. "And from there, there will be an annual vaccination.

The revelations could throw Australia's plans for the Pfizer jab into disarray, with only 40 million doses secured.

I don't really see the problem. We have an annual dose for flu anyway and I don't hear masses of people complaining about that.

Agree Sophie.


I have had my flu jab last Friday, this year the red swelling was nowhere as bad as last season last year.

What I am concerned about when I have my AstraZeneca vaccine is the issue with people that have auto immune health issues, which I have.  It appears to be affecting those people!   Also reading a German report it affects people that have thicker blood.  That seems to be the reason that they don't want to give the AstraZeneca vaccines to those under 50.

[this is the first time I have written anything this year that doesn't show the XXXX]  thank goodness.

Patients suffering from the COVID-19 get treatment in Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) hospital, in New Delhi, India.

I don't think we realize how lucky we are in this country of ours.

Brilliant idea about how to wear your surgical mask properly



Excellent, thanks Toot.

Sophie, masses of people don't get the 'flu' (influenza) vaccine, they don't need or want it.

Mak - I've never had the 'flu' jab, ever. I must have a good immune system. Of course I've had colds but never anything to see a Doctor about. 


Mak doesn 't get the flu jab, he gets the flea jab LOL


Hola, there is 'something' about a common cold which is not serious enough to need a doctor visit, even though it is a respiratory virus, and it is a member of of the SARS family (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) but with healthy food, the required amount of sleep and rest, with healthy lungs the common cold virus can't become stronger because antibodies in the blood prevent the virus from becoming stronger to turn into influenza, then pneumonia,  and/or more serious lung diseases, all corona viruses in the SARS-CoV-2 virus family.

Information in part from various sources of research, including the following:-

Mak - Thank you for all that information, very informative.  

The cause of blood clots potentially linked with Covid-19 vaccines


Doctors say they are homing in on the cause of blood clots that may be linked with certain coronavirus vaccines, and said their findings have important implications for how to treat the condition, regardless of whether vaccines cause it.

Even though the link is not firm yet, they're calling the condition vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia or VITT.


It's characterized by unusual blood clotting combined with a low number of blood-clotting cells called platelets. Patients suffer from dangerous clots and, sometimes, hemorrhaging at the same time.


It's been linked most firmly with the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, which is in wide use in Europe and the UK……………………..


I read that last week from Germany, then went with husband to see his doctor about the situation on Platelets as we both have issues with them.   I don't think he really knew what it was about so I am playing it by ear myself, the appointment for our injection is at the end of May.  Will see what develops between now and then!   

That's very concerning Celia, I hope things become clearer as time goes by.

Johnson & Johnson asked other vaccine makers to join a study of blood clot risks, but Pfizer and Moderna DECLINED - and only AstraZeneca got on board 

Johnson & Johnson privately asked other vaccine manufacturers to join a study of blood clot risks, but only AstraZeneca agreed while Pfizer and Moderna declined reported The Wall Street Journal.


Makes you wonder what Pfizer and Moderna have to hide ???

How many different Covid-19 vaccines are required before the manufacturers attain a 99.9999% safe product.    

Currently there is AstraZenica, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax which is claimed to have a 89.3% Efficacy.
The whole situation is turning into a form of Russian roulette using vaccines, add to this Albert Bourla, DVM, PhD. the Chairman and CEO of Pfizer advising that a second Pfizer is required, then a third followed by a vaccine, annually.

Pfizer and money, profits is the key -

Then Bill Gates investing in Pfizer (and his part-secret plan to reduce the Earth's population)


That article says that it is the Gates Foundation that has invested in pharmaceutical companies and that the choices were made by a fund manager - not Gates.

"The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has purchased shares in nine big pharmaceutical companies ".

"The foundation, ..... is a major force in international health issues, contributing $555 million in 2000 alone to global health programs".

"Joe Cerrell, a spokesman for the Seattle-based Gates foundation, says the stock investments, reported this week in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, are independent of the foundation's programs. The stocks were chosen by Michael Larson, a money manager who has considerable discretion in selecting investments for the foundation..."

The Gates Foundation does lots of good work, especially in poorer countries.

It is amazing how ignorance grabs some sections of the community.

The amount of work and money invested by the Gates Foundation is astronomical... yet what thanks from ungrateful people!

If not for people like Bill Gates, research would not be as far advanced...research costs money!

 The Danish Health Authority (DAN) said that their studies had shown a higher than normal occurrence of negative effects like blood clots and thrombosis from AstraZeneca vaccine, allegedly affecting about one in every 40,000 recipients.

Makes one wonder as to what the truth is ???

Interestingly Czech Republic is interested in purchasing 2.4 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine from Denmark.

So far Australia has two deaths within 700,000 something injections and several people suffering from blood clots.

When I had to have a root canal the surgeon asked if they was anything in our family that he needs to know regarding blood issues, I mentioned my grandmother did when she had an extraction.  Then he said oh that is one in five million!  I am sure that was not the case you need to check it out. This happened in the UK so I phoned my mother and she confirmed it was correct!  My poor grandmother was that one in five million affected by the extraction that the hospital back in 1951 could not help.  



What about Hola's comment couple of days ago ?

and there is Bemee's comment

It is just possible that there are more than 2 people afflicted by thrombosis following Covid Vaccine.

You will need to ask the authorities Beemee!



Forget the authorities Celia, going for the origin.

There is a group who are right on top of what is happening. Its a heavily monitored site and new applicators to join will take weeks or months before a yea or Nay is given.

It comprises of a Russian Scientist, doctors, chemists, and of course many other walks of life. It is here I get my info, straight from the horses mouth.

About 2 weeks ago in the UK I had heard of 7 deaths with blood clots over the News, what they did not say was there were 179 cases that have blood clots but not dead yet, but critical.

As soon as I hear anything different to what is normally said through news sites, I will add to this. The site is as private as you can get and hard to join now. But the Russian Scientist has said straight out and up front - DON'T touch it!.

So until she/he says this one is okay and you can get it, I am steering well away from any of them.

Johnson & Johnson asked other drugmakers to help it study blood-clot risks, and Moderna and Pfizer declined.

So WTF are you hiding? Many have in the past have said it contains a tracking device so small its hardly seen by the naked eye. If not that, what is in that vaccine that you can't or won't share???

No different to the damn flu shot that is going to contain Co-vid 10 Vaccine. For Pete's sake, if they can't get you one way they will get you another. Luckily I have never trusted Governments or much of anyone else either, so never had a flu shot, tetanus shot, disease shots, and most definitely NOT this feral vaccine that has never been trusted and tested foe safety for ALL!



In the not too distant future, the decision to have the vaccine will be taken out of our hands. I can't wait for the day!

I am a great believer in vaccines...and...for the unlearned... all vaccines contain a version of the living virus or bacteria...that's how it prevents the disease!!!

You wait while I tell them to piss off.

Prevents disease? Then why is it killing people?

Let me know how you feel about it in 2 years time after the vaccine kicks in and gives you covid-19.

A good majority of vaccines are fully tested before being randomly dished out to the public. This lot is NOT!

Lucca, flea jab LOL, you a strange imangination.

Beemee, thank you for the updated information which some of us appreciate, and it is a a pity that many people only want to believe what they choose to believe, or are conned into believing because hearsay, lies and claptrap feeds the disagreeable nonsense which they use in a wasted attempt to over-ride the scientific facts, also those individuals who pass on those facts.
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."
The phrase alludes to inexperienced or rash people attempting things that more experienced people avoid. It has since entered the general English lexicon as an idiom.

One must not  forget that Prince Phillip and the Queen got a COVID JAB a week before he was taken into hospital with hush hush illness... perhaps he could have lived to a 100 if he did not have the covid jab.

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