Wishes and Resolutions for the New Year 2015... e-cig to kick the habit

What resolutions have you made for 2015 ???

What would you like to see happen in 2015 ???


May 2015 be filled with Health, Hapiness and Laughter

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I really have no resolutions Abbs I just would like my life to continue as is , I don't  think I have ever been happier...

Perhaps one I hope the price of cigarettes drop. At a price of a dollar per cigarette they are getting high . Not as high as maijuana but on tobacco it is all tax .

Pete :)

Some bad news on the cig front .. by 2016, one cigarette will cost about $1

Wishing your life to continue as is seems a very good wish in my books :)

Hope you achieve this goal.

Dont ruin it by marrying that bimbo Pete !!!

Don't worry Solo, I'v still got a lot of gold left, plus if he keeps smoking he is will stink like a sewer........cigs should be $10 ea. plus double gst. Hope Tony does this while in a taxing mood.


Are you talking about Julie or Suze with that advice to Pete ???

Think he's talking about Snowwhite!!

Try Vaping instead Pete.  Much healthier.  I haven't had a cigarette in 12 months now.

You can‘t even buy a carton or two of cigarettes dutyfree now. There is some miserable allowance of five packets or so, will have to check on that. I gave up ten years ago but my 82 year old mother still smokes heavily and it costs her a fortune. I was able to motivate myself to give up by working out how much money I would save yearly.

I just hope my good health continues into 2015 that is all I wish for myself.

For others I hope they get what they wish for.

Yes it is hard to go past wishing for good health.

But I am buying a Lotto ticket in the big one.

So thank you for keeping your fingers crossed for me :)

We are off to Perth in a week or two so the Noisy Scrub Bird can have another MRI scan, 6 months since the last one. If this is a good one she should be off the hook for a while.

That is about as far as our new year wishes go right now. Any resolutions will be made after that.

Best wishes to you all for the new year.

Take it easy.


Hope all goes well with NSB and may I join in your  wishes and that you have a nice New Year.


You both have my best thoughts that this will be a good one with nothing more to worry about.

Best of luck, SD.

SHAGGY DOG,   hope all goes well with the scan,   and the new year sees the end of your and noisy scub birds health worries,  good luck, 

Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment
and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately,
reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle.

Wow. I mean really, like WOW !!!

Eric Zorn also said (apart from "Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance etc etc") “You can't buy time or save it, common idioms notwithstanding. You can only spend it.”

Sounds really good....what does it mean? what is this'personal honesty?'          Humility I understand....their is a few who humiliate themselves a lot here.      Unintentially of course.

SUZE:Quote: Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment
and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately,
reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle

Seth "personal honesty" means not claiming other people's work as your own. Providing references is a good resolution for the New Year!!!

Like Micha's post in Today




By personnal honesty I mean you do not lie to yourself when making a resolution otherwise it is pointless in making a resolution.


I too am an admirer of Zorn's work - actually the above was published for me by Eric amongst his quotes at my request - we are friends from Uni days and exchange writings before publishing..

Have a healthy New 2015

Personal honesty is you do not lie period! So what is a lie?



Sounds as though you are full of carrots this fine New Years morning.

I find the little green leafy bits on the head of the carrots, when dried, makes for a good smoke.

Brightens up ones day.

Take it easy.


Ever thought of marketing it SD!!! Personally think that people who smoke should pay for their own medical care!

I think that people with mental disorders should pay to go to America for treatment. Pick up your ticket today.

Tickets still available be quick!!!



The Wiki Man: So it might really be true - nicotine is good for your brain
27 April 2013 Rory Sutherland


It was a few months ago, and I had just arrived in Philadelphia. My friend picked me up at the airport — one of those charming, civilised things people do when they live in a city that’s a sensible size.

As I climbed into the car I furtively pulled an e-cigarette out of my pocket. Furtively, because my friend has never smoked, and is better qualified than most to criticise my nicotine use — what with his having been awarded the highest first in biochemistry in his year at Cambridge and being a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and all. I muttered some apologetic comment: ‘E-cigarettes… nicotine but without the carcinogens or something… about on a par with caffeine… not too bad a drug…?.’

‘Are you kidding?’ He replied. ‘It’s better than that. In fact I’m not sure that nicotine shouldn’t be compulsory; it improves cognitive ability, raises IQ, boosts memory function, treats mental illness… rats when given nicotine are much better at navigating mazes…?.’ He then explained something about T-cell receptors and synapses.


8 Reasons To Love Red Wine

Raise your glass to these health benefits of vino

4. Boost your brain 

Resveratrol may also be the key to keeping your memory sharp, says Philippe Marambaud, PhD, a senior research scientist at New York's Litwin-Zucker Research Center for the Study of Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders. The compound has been shown to hamper the formation of beta-amyloid protein, a key ingredient in the plaque found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. Marambaud suggests flexing your noodle by doing crossword puzzles and brain teasers for an hour then cooling down with a glass of wine. New to brain teasers? We've got you covered with 7 Brain Games That Make You Smarter.

Published October 2012, Prevention

Next Slide5. Fight off a cold

Do not mind a bit of red .... must include it in my resolution to have a glass at least five times a week :)

Now that is one resolution which I will not break

1. Exercise causes premature aging.

In 4 Easy Ways To Ensure Your Skin Doesn¹t Look Like A Wrinkled Elephant From Your Outdoor Exercise Habits I describe how to make sure your outdoor, sunny exercise doesn’t end up giving you a face like a prune. But excessively wrinkled skin, which is vastly accelerated by the free radical damage mentioned earlier in this article, is not the only reason that people who exercise too much look worn and aged.

The heart has a finite number of beats, the back has a finite number of bends, and the cartilage has a finite number of shock absorptions, and once you’ve reached your quota, your body begins to fail. Combined with a fibrotic heart, worn adrenal glands, and chronic, systemic inflammation, you have the perfect storm for a prematurely aged and broken down body.


Seggie. Decided my wish for this year would be to do a bit more gardening.  In order to do this, it means early in the morning but only when it is cool and to remember to always wear a long sleeved cardigan, plus gardening gloves. Hat of course if the sun is out but I'm better when there is no sun. So far, I've cut back a hedge, not that long but long enough. Grabbed a huge black garbage bag and picked up lots of dead gum leaves. Fire hazard and how. Thought after half an hour of darned hard work, that is quite enough. Heart beating very fast, decided the computer was much easier.

Have done some of the brain exercises but a bit weary to finish the rest. Love to all.

Good on ya Seggs havea glass of red wine and veg. 

Five hours sleep enough .....

Daniel Kripke, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, said: "The surprise was that when sleep was measured objectively, the best survival was observed among women who slept five to 6.5 hours.
"Women who slept less than five hours a night or more than 6.5 hours were less likely to be alive at the 14-year follow-up."
The findings are published online in the journal Sleep Medicine.
Prof Kripke said the study should allay some people's fears that they were not getting enough sleep.
"This means that women who sleep as little as five to six-and-a-half hours have nothing to worry about since that amount of sleep is evidently consistent with excellent survival," he said.
He added that getting between five and six-and-a-half hours sleep was the average for the sample of San Diego women in the study.
In March, a British study of 3,000 people found the average Briton sleeps for six hours a night.

Do you think anyone is remotely interested in your meanless dribble on New Year's day or any other day for that matter

Oooo! Pete

I do like my cot :)

Allow me to change your nappies

I know Suze ........


Not incontinent as yet but I do like my back rubbed when I take a tub.

We think alike Suze...



You are a girl after my heart- I love gardening too.

Hope you have a nice New Year.

Yes I love gardening also the pruning and lawn mowing, I just love the way my gardener is nearly running when mowing the lawns, how he balances on the ladder while pruning.

$eth :)

Looks as if the New Year had a good start for you - hope it stays that way.

Thanks for bringing a smile to my face :)



I think I will join you in that resolution.  I always loved my garden but sadly over the last couple of years it has been neglected as I lost interest.  Used to love gardening and hate house cleaning.

Hubby does a good job weeding but the problem is he is no gardener and doesn't know weeds from plants. So I have lost a lot of plants but just didn't care.  Maybe this year I might get enthusiastic about it again and get busy.

Seggie, Sandi and maybe that's Abby, together in the garden

Happy New Year Sandi, one of my determinations this year to do more "gardening" rather than cutting back and weeding, so will join you in the garden.

I'll drink to that Viv.  Want to share a glass with me ??

A glass of homemade lemonade? Do you have a good recipe?nhave you heard of a group The PepperJacks? Spent an evening with them and had home made lemonade made by his wife quite converted me she told me recipe course I've forgotten it. Will have to get her to email me it, think it is now my favourite drink.

I only had home made lemonade once in my life ...many many years ago

A small couple of glasses and Ann and I were walking out of our friend's place both quite tipsy but it sure was nice :)

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