This shocks me to the hilt.

What do others think? and ever heard of it before?

My mother is almost 97 years old. She has been in a nursing home for three years and has continuously gone down hill. She is well taken care of, but is in the end stages (I believe). She is able to sit up in a wheel chair; her speech is minimal(usually just "hello"); she eats three meals a day, reacts to kindness--smiles, and strikes out if threatened; she sleeps either in bed or in the wheel chair most of the day and night; she is unable to stand and has difficulty moving her legs. I cannot detect pain of any kind, but I am not an expert in these matters.

The problem is that members of my immediate family want to with- hold food so that her death is imminent. I cannot justify this. No where can I find a reference to this situation on the Internet. As far as I can tell, she still enjoys eating. She does not turn it down although she eats less. My mother is a spiritual person and I believe that she would not agree to this as it takes the timing of her life and death out of God's hands. I believe that withholding food is immoral. I also have a deep faith and rather God take her in his time. My relatives have no belief system.

Please tell me what you know of similar situations (if any). Do relatives of other dementia patients withhold food? I have a meeting with these relatives and a health management person on Thursday, Mar 3. I was not made known of any of these plans until Friday morning when a meeting (unknown to me)had been arranged and I was told to be there at 9:30 am the same day. The meeting was over 2 1/2 hours away. Needless to say I could not make it. It was cancelled and rescheduled for March 3. I am listed first on my mother's living well. Does that give me any power to stop this. I would also like to know your opinion of withholding food from a patient willing to eat it. Hope this is clear to you.  Thank you for anything you can do, Diana.

Hello Diana:  I'm so sorry to hear about this dilemma with your dear mother.  I have not had any clients or heard of any relatives who chose to stop feeding a person with dementia when they could clearly still eat food and drink fluids.  You are correct, eating is just about the only thing she can still participate in, and in my opinion, she should not be deprived of that opportunity simply because some relatives want her to die sooner rather than later.  That's why we have laws to protect the elderly from some of their own families.  I would question whether the nursing home would even participate in withholding food and fluids from her when she can still eat--I believe they would see it as actively causing the death of a resident and would refuse to do so.  The person, or people who have durable healthcare power of attorney for your mother can make healthcare decisions for her, but again, that decision to withhold food would not be a proper one.  I think if you simply ask the question aloud to the management of the nursing home (during the meeting), if they could be held liable in causing the death of your mother should they withhold food from her, they would agree they could be and refuse to do so.  At the very least, it would imply to them that if her food is withheld, you would be willing to take legal action against them.  You may also speak to the facility management via phone prior to the meeting to see what their stand is on this issue--it may set your mind at ease to know they wouldn't carry out your relative's wishes.  They may only be calling the meeting (or they may be unaware of the reasons) in order to make their position known in the presence of everyone.  You should also check with Legal Aide in your state, and ask them what laws would protect your mother in this situation.  I would be sure everything in the meeting is well documented, and if your mother doesn't have a durable healthcare POA, then you should petition the court to be named legal Guardian for her so you won't have to worry about the other relatives trying to find ways to hasten her death.  
Best of luck to you Diana as  you go to battle for your mother.  She's very luck to have you on her side.  Cindy

I always thought respite care was to keep a person alive and happy

not to give them a slow starvation death? How dare anyone do this is my opinion re taking away a person's basic right of  medication and water and  food.

I am shocked and really saddened


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It would be murder.  Doubtless the old lady has assets, or otherwise the vulture rellies would not be circling and would have ditched her years ago.


Seggie.  The date March 3rd was mentioned so what's happened in the meantime?  It's now September.   Do the vultures visit your dear mother? If so, are they included in her will? When there is money, jewellery, etc., unfortunately many people change. Been there, done that.

Who has power of attorney? Very very important for the immediate family to know the contents of the will if it's possible.

Sorry. Typing one hand is so slow but after reading this, I simply had to answer. 

You can ask that they do not visit. Absolutely disgusted but as I said, been there, seen it all. Life and people sometimes are very hard to understand. Some should be under the earth, not above it.


I agree Nautilus and Seggie it is just horrible and

sadly the wrong person was given Power of Attorney in

our family also so like you Seggie been there and seen that.

I just do not understand anyone witholding food, water and

medication ever. It is disgusting. I though Nursing

Homes were  a safe haven  for people but seems not.

No wonder I prefer animals to humans in some instances.

The Greens are white hot on pushing euthanasia and promote it wherever they can.  However they do not have an equal zest for fixing the broken aged care system.  Likewise the Greens are not out there pushing for more or better palliative care.  The Greens want to reintroduce death duties and capital gains taxes of residential houses.  Sell your house and pay for your care.

If that doesn't give cause for alarm what would?  Even if old people are not coming directly under bullying to let go of their most precious asset, life, they could easily be made to feel so useless and such a burden as to lose interest in life.

I notice that Susan Ryan the new Commissioner for Age Discrimination has already decided to concentrate on employment.  That is needed but surely she could spend some time meeting with older people to find out what they see as needs and priorities.

Even if old people are not coming directly under bullying to let go of their most precious asset, life, they could easily be made to feel so useless and such a burden as to lose interest in life.

Better  and more Palliative Care.

And dignity in older age also. 

What have we become losing our compassion.

Why are we getting these posts voicing very troubling issues and asking our opinions months after the dates mentioned? Are these posts genuine or are they just introduced to give us something to discuss,if it is the latter I wish the postee would put it as a hypothetical question as anything else is a bit like throwing a peanut to the monkeys to see if they run after it. If it is a genuine post why post so late that our opinions are irevelant as any advise we had would be far too late to help anyone.I apologise if my post offends anyone but answers please. As a matter of record I find this is appalling and would be physically removing my mother  or bringing it to the attention of a current afair or some such programme.Wobbly


It is good that you raised this issue because it is the tip of the iceberg of attitudes and difficulties confronting elderly people every day.  As you may know, I often post on similar issues affecting seniors, not because I am affected personally, but because the suffering of my countrymen should concern me too. 

We have all got to get usefd to writing to Susan Ryan with drop copies to the minister and opposition minister.  Yes, I know that one doesn't make much difference apparently, but a number do.  We should also be assertive in flicking off another letter where the first is duck-shoved or not answered at all.

Do you know that there are very reliable studies that show that doctors are very poorly trained in handling the elderly and that gerontology suffers poor status and the pay is poor for all involved in  it?  These are the big issues that Susan Ryan should be identifying.

Thanks Nautilus and also Seggie.

6th Sep 2011
report reply   Posted by Wobbly:-

Why are we getting these posts voicing very troubling issues and asking our opinions months after the dates mentioned? Are these posts genuine or are they just introduced to give us something to discuss,if it is the latter I wish the postee would put it as a hypothetical question as anything else is a bit like throwing a peanut to the monkeys to see if they run after it. If it is a genuine post why post so late that our opinions are irevelant as any advise we had would be far too late to help anyone.I apologise if my post offends anyone but answers please. As a matter of record I find this is appalling and would be physically removing my mother  or bringing it to the attention of a current afair or some such programme.Wobbly


Wobbly I posted it because we have been going through similar and having nightmares because it is what Peter's Mother was put through but because we are here in Vic.  and not in Qld.

and because Peter was not his Mum's Power of Attorney because of not living close it has

been a devastating time for us.  We were not advised about any of the Medication and food issues

at all and even though we phoned every day still did not realise what we were being told was not

what it was. SO if I choose to speak on the forum I will and I do not always

wish to divulge all our personel issues either on many subjects

but feel I will on this issue as we have found it is overwhelmingly common practice and it is terrible what happens to  many older folk.

I am not apolgising Wobbly as I feel we may all post as we choose and how others take it their issue.


I do not talk about our son back from Somalia and then East Timor and the

heartbreak we have gone through with him "Never being the same man who was sent

to those places" as just like Peter's Mum it is extremely distressing but IF we want to post

about anything it should be o.k.



Sorry this post has gone weird but I do not feel up to taking it all out

 and doing it again as it is very upsetting.

Phyl. and (Peter not happy either)

The intention to withold food and other necessities I believe you will find is illegal and those proposing or carry out their intention could face a heavy hand of the law.

It has become apparent in the past decade or so that the elderly are no longer given the respect of pat years .

The philosophy seems to be ÿour've had you life and we don't want to have any obligation to look after you.

I am sorry to hear of this.

I grew up in an orphanage where children were treated as objects to be abused and humiliated as the abuser chose.  Many of thopse children grew up with mental illnesses caused by the abuse; others committed suicide.

However, my memories prior to that are of living in communities where each neighbour/person looked after others.  when people were ill or frail a neighbour would regulalry visit in order to see what could be done to help.

When families were having difficulties other families would take in the children for a period until the problem was resolved and the family could get back together.

Where has that community spirit gone?

The dollar and cent mentality seems to have taken over.

Acting as a community advocate I find this prevelant.  Companies twisting and using the law to deny the public third party rights and socila justice. 

I am working on a case at the moment where the company has gone to court to try and argue that the public has no status and they should not have any say in what the company wishes to do.   No consideration for the public.


I so agree we need to respect elders much much more and it

needs to be discussed much more and not swept

under the carpet.


Professori_au I listen to Talk Back Radio at night especially

Rev. Bill Cruze and so many people phone in about their treatment

at the hands of those supposedly looking after them in Orphanages

and how they were belted and sexually mollested and made to

feel worthless which has made them grow up with so much baggage no

child should ever have been forced to endure, and a lot because people

did not care enough and still do not to intervene and talk about their plight

How Trapped children in Orphanages are...

and The Elderly in Nursing Homes....

We should be accountable for them and not living in our comfortable homes not wishing to even discuss their plight. I hope to start and do my little bit before I die. 

Senior politicians right up to the top have encouraged intergenerational jealousy to cover their own abysmal lack of planning.

6th Sep 2011

The intention to withold food and other necessities I believe you will find is illegal and those proposing or carry out their intention could face a heavy hand of the law.

It has become apparent in the past decade or so that the elderly are no longer given the respect of pat years .

The philosophy seems to be ÿour've had you life and we don't want to have any obligation to look after you.

I am sorry to hear of this.

I grew up in an orphanage where children were treated as objects to be abused and humiliated as the abuser chose.  Many of thopse children grew up with mental illnesses caused by the abuse; others committed suicide

I am sure like so many others Prfessori_au you have

a lot of bad memories of orphanages as so many have.

It is a good place to be like Nursing Homes when

they are good,  but when bad what a trapped environment

Children and Old folk are in, so we should be talking about it and

screaming from the hill tops things need to change as far too

many children and old folk  are made to feel useless and worth nothing

People will face their maker somewhere sometime s how do we explain

having done what we have, to God's creations? Far too many self rightious

people beleive they are so good but we are only as good I feel, as

the poorest person/child in need.

No man woman or child ever deserves to be made feel they are


As I have been looking for people whose elders have been in

Nursing Homes  I am hearing how Doctors are asking  families

and families asking Doctors 

about whether they want to withhold food/water and medication so the poor

old person can pass quicker and it all comes down to the person given

Power of Attorney to make the decisions. It has been an eye opener to us

and beyond sad.

I apologise Phyl if I upset you in  any way as I did not realise that this was posted by you or was in any way personal as it was signed and answered by other people. We see so many posts put up and one has to question their reality as dates etc just dont tally .I did question if this was a real post or whether it could have been posted as a hypothetical questionIE what if this happened to you, but it read as if it was happening now and advise was being sought, hence the confusion with the dates and my responce. I am realy sorry this has happened as I would not wish to ever cause any pain to anyone as that was certainly not my intention. I just wish that posts were worded better to give a clearer understanding  of whether they are a currant issue or a past one as it is very difficult to give advice or help if it is too late. I had an aunt who was treated exactly the same way and I found that as my grandmother had signed her property over to the Salvation Army on the Proviso they care for my disabled Aunt until her death.On the death of my grandmother my aunt was moved from her first rate nursing home into a third rate dump and within 3 months was half her weight and died shortly after .When I visited she was like an animal stuffing whatever food into her mouth I brought while other patients cried to be given some.I reported this but was told that as I was not given control of my aunt there was nothing I could do. At the time I was living in the Nt andmy Aunt was in Perth. I was not the person I am today and did not know how to fight this then but believe me i have never forgotten or forgiven what this so called christian charity did.My aunt was just 40 when she died  and noone cared.Wobbly

Yes Wobbly, I know of a similar situation where the parents of an intellectually disabled lad, left the house to the Salvation Army , thinking that he would be looked after in the house til he died.  They immediately turfed him out into an institution and sold the house and my daughter and friend who were appointed his carers could do nothing about it.

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