The Coffee Break

Following on from BevG's favourite site maybe we can start a Coffee Break.

Hello everyone, just a quiet day today, took my little dog for a walk to Aldi, I swear if he ever got lost he would turn up outside an Aldi Store, he goes there often with me as it is just over the road. 0X Lolih

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Lots of thunder & lightning last night. Is anyone like me, totally terrified of storms,not sooo bad in daylight,but hate the thunder & all that goes with it at night.I put the blame on my Grandma,MANY moons ago when I was a little Tweety,we were brought up by our Granny, she rushed around at first light of a storm & covered all the windows & mirrors,made sure all the knives & forks were out of site, & all us kids had to sit down & be still. Now, a million years later My mind tells me, If you shut your eyes in a storm the lightning cant see you , What a Woos I am. My daughter laughs at me, thank goodness I didnt pass the fear to her.

I love a good storm as long as I am somewhere safe--I used to go out in the car and watch them from the lookout--stayed in my cay as you are safe there --rubber tyres and all--natures fireworks

Hi tweety, my grandma used to do the same, ina really bad storm I do the same i'm afraid. I turn off electric plugs too.

I used to love watching like PlanB but can't any more.what a wuzz

My little dog goes to the door and really gives the old thunder a serve, it's so funny, he's not much bigger than a teapot!

We had storms last night too - mostly thunder and lightning but not much rain. I love that earthy smell after a storm has passed through.

Me too, and don't the flowers snd plants loveit.

Yes lolih, I am always sure to make sure all the things are off at the wall,& every thing is secure. Then, I go & hide with my eyes shut. :exclaim:

Trying to sneak in a quick hello from work. Hope you all had a good weekend. Its about 37 here today. quite hot considering our January averages are about 26. Thank god for air-cond.

Just popping in--HOT!!! here 40+ and thats on the coast too

Hi, it's hot here too.

Just going off to house sit for the weekend, only problem is the horses. I am so over them now, I push their food bin under the bottom rail with a broom.

I think if one trod on my foot again I would be hopping mad.

Ouch that hurts lolih--temp has gone up to 41+ now

oh you poor people, it is hot here but not as bad as that thank goodness.

Try and keep cool and take care, off to do the job now - she better enjoy her weekend - while poor mother slaves away lol.

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