Take note of heart pain

I have started a 10 day Seminar with exercises and lectures because of my Arrhythmias of the heart and having a pacemaker.

One man talked about a bad toothache causing jaw pain and went to the Doctor who sent him to a Dentist and he had a wisdomtooth removed BUT the pain did not subside. Went to the emergency room at the hospital and was straight away admitted with a heart problem. It was NOT his tooth causing the problem but it was his heart so a pain in the jaw can be the heart.

A lady (we went around the room with our stories of what happened to us to make us seek help) and she had a back pain which lasted awhile until she got her husband to take her to hospital at 4 a.m. because it got so bad but not thinking for one minute it was her heart but she was haing a heart attack. Once again not all heart pain is where the heart actually is.

I could go on about pain not actually in the area of the heart but was the heart, and people died because they do not get to the hospital in time as SO many true stories from many heart patients which were an eye opener for Peter and I about themselves or their family and friends. A real education for us. Maybe may help someone.

All the best



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Thanks Phyl, something worth knowing. I think most people think of pain in the left shoulder as an indicator. Have to brush up on other symptoms of heart troubles.
I think sweating, irregular breathing, nausea are included but not necessarily apparent in all cases.

You are right Justme - they also spoke of difficulty breathing and feeling sick also;
along with pain along the neck and a heavy weight accross the chest and more.

Thanks for sharing Phyl.
I am sure you will hear more interesting stories - we never stop learning.

Anytime matey and just ask if you want another
Mollasses cake sent to you.
The next one I send you wil be great for lowering cholesterol as
I have a new recipe Mollasses (of course) but adding oats
Good hey?

I am shivering with fear.
Mole asses and oats - I am not a horse :)

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mister F.

Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
He's always on a steady course.
Talk to Mister F.

People yakkity-yak the street and waste your time of day
But Mr. F will never speak unless he has something to say
(not always true lol) ouch that hurt.

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And this one'll talk 'til his voice is hoarse.
You never heard of a talking horse?

Well listen to this: "I'm Mister F."
Forgive me I have drunk 2 litres of water and slightly drunk

neigh - I agree with you

Well :(

Phyl, It is an eye opener to find out what can happen when in a group.
It is good to keep up your exercises not only for your heart, but for your
general feeling of well being.

Fwed what's wrong with oats, look how big and strong a horse is!!!

Absolutely Seth. To be abe to ask questions is great.
We start off (those who can) with a k walk twice the inside perimetre of the
hospital and then exercises and lectures and a cuppa.
I feel very well as my heart is fine other than the irregular beats
(which with the Sotalol and pacer have regulated) is great.
others have had quadruple by passes and many with stents etc. etc.
Seth, do you have these Seminars at your hospital? Just for cardiac people.
Peter is going to get into one for his breathing which will be amazing
as soon as they can fit him in, so I will go with him and allowed to
do al his exercises as he does mine so >>> fit? I tell you we will be amazing :)
I agree Seth oats are fantastic. We have taken your advice and have them every day.
Be good

Thank you for the information and could you keep posting on this important subject.

As I man it is difficult to make that call for help while always hoping any symptom, even if disturbing at the time, is not what it could be. That is our socialisation and I might add, a natural enough outcome of the sorts of consultations we tend to have with medical people who are similarly conditioned towards men.

Thank you Nautilus. We are amazed at what we have learned
in just two days of meetings from these and yes mostly men :(
about how diverse heart pain can be or rather from where the pain radiates
as how many people experience heartburn and think it is just that, but
right smack in the middle of a heart attack and many do not survive.
We are given literature about everything good for the heart including a list
of the best oil to use and which ones not to use so that is so helpful.
Belly fat especially in men is SO bad (please do not think I am being a knowitall)
as I knew nothing and only repeating what the experts have said in two meetings of 2 and 1/2 hours each.
SO many men have stents in and by pass operations which are lifesaving.
Isn't it difficut though to know when to call an ambulance as after anyone calls a couple of times and false alarms I would think we would not be so eager to call again but they keep saying "better to call and live, than not call and die"
Let the ambulance Medic make the decision what the problem is BUT quite a few
of the men said they had gone to the Emergency Room and sent home and had
a heart attack with one saying "I would not leave the hospital and glad I did not" as he did have the heart attack there in the waiting room so help was at hand but not if he had gone hme.


I don't like to cause a fuss, so I would like to be very sure I was not suffering misleading symptoms.

The other thing I would like to have more information on is how to ensure I am not resusitated after suffering such loss of oxygen to the brain that could dramatically reduce my quality of life and make me dependent on others. This also applies to stroke, where the very worst outcome imaginable for me would be to paralysed and lose mobility and mental capacity.

Has there been any comment or practical advice given in those areas or is everyone respectfully avoiding the subject? I would fight resolutely for life but the outcome has to be a life worth living.

You can write what is called "A living Will" Nautilus stating you want Non Resuscitation Order
if you are brain dead or for other medical reasons you mention. You can have a this type of
will drawn up by a lawyer and carry a card to this effect in your wallet. You can also have a medical alert bracelet with these instructions written inside.
I feel the same Nautilus as I could be living at the hospital if I called every time
I have a pain. Yep I agree a life is a life when it is worth living.

Thanks for this very informative post Phyl, I also would love more information about your knowledge that you have gained from the grass rootes, as that is where the true information comes from, their actual experiences. Some of the symptoms you mentioned I've lived with all my life, I have Scoliosis so there's pain in the chest, shoulder, and between the shoulders, I have damaged discs in my lower back, frequent visits to the Chiro, so that covers that one, and now I'm having massive problems with my teeth, so there is that one, none of which can possibly be a problem with my heart as it is still ticking after many many years LOL, and I nearly always have good blood pressure.
Like others on here I wouldn't want to call an Ambulance unless I was sure there was a problem, I can only hope that if the situation did arise that the pain would be so different that I could distinguish it from the regular pains, I think that would be the case.

My son is my "Ongoing Medical Power Of Attorney" he has instruction for no
extreme measures to be taken if the outcome will not be good.'Vegetable Status"

With loss of oxygen to the brain "Hypoxia" they only have a few minutes to restore.

Phyl the only sit down and talk episode was at the "Rehab"
I haven't been involved with a "P.M.' group, if you are' that's great.

Thanks to Zapot and seth for comments.

The paragraph at the foot of this web page from the Queensland Public Trustee is an example of the limit of the information available to the public on Advance Health Directives.

To be able to make reasonable judgments about treatment decisions in advance requires that we be well informed. How to do that is the problem. A word with one's GP and lawyer, while useful would not be adequate I would suggest. For a start, my GP says quite rightly I assume that regardless of what is written, a emergency department will resusitate anyway, unless you recover in advance (ie upon first being admitted) to tell them to stop. These are subjects that should be thrashed out and presumably are discussed somewhere?

Phyl, Thank you for sharing all this information with us, I am so very glad that you went to the hospital when you did.I had a flue bug a couple of years ago that I could not shake off, and was in bed feeling quite lousy. I developed an ache in my left upper arm that spread up my neck into my jaw felt like it was in a vice a very severe cramp like feeling. My daughter after ringing me to ask how I was feeling sent an ambulance to my house without telling me.I was admitted to hospital bordering on a heart attack as I was not getting enough oxygen to the heart.I was admitted and stayed for a week,I had had angina for years and used the nitro spray but it did not relieve the pain at the time. I was put on a capsule which immediatly had me better than ever and I have never had angina since. It horrifies me when I think that if my daughter had not sent that ambulance i would not be here today as I thought my pain was just flue symptoms and or arthritus.My husbands family had a history of strokes which left his grandfather ,father ,sister all paralysed and unable to talk until they died each of them bedridden for over 2 years before being taken by another stroke.My husband often asked me to let him go if that happened to him. I did not have to make that choice as my husbands stroke killed him instantly something he would have wished for. My daughter had 2 brain anuerisms operated on last year one which had burst causing some paralasis to her arm and right hand, we were lucky that she works in the medical profession and was actualy at the hospital when this happened so was just so very lucky .She had gone back into work to get treatment for what she thought was just a migraine headache.All of my daughters now have to have scans on a regular basis as it seems they have inherited there dads genes and the tendency for strokes.My daughter has made a full recovery and was back at work within 6 months working at a corporate level .I would far rather she retired from this and took time out to smell the rosesWobbly

looks like were all getting just a little bit brittle (me included).
This sort of post can help in all of us being that little bit wiser in looking after ourselves.

Provided we don't starve due to politically induced finance flu/flew.
No inoculation in sight.

Let's encourage others to share such info.

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