Symptoms Iodine deficiency

Maybe interest folk and of course ask your Doctor to give
you a test or at least ask him if this may be you :)
All the best

Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency
Quoted from Second Opinion Newsletter
Dr. Robert Jay Rowen, Editor-in-Chief
October and November, 2004
Here is a small list of some of the many symptoms of iodine deficiency. See how many of these you can relate to!!

October, 2004, Issue:

It is possible that Iodine deficiency could cause breast or prostate cancer, as well as be responsible for fatigue, chronic illness, or many other ailments.

"During the 19th century, iodine was considered the universal treatment: “If nothing else works, try iodine” was the adage. Considering the broad range of symptoms of thyroid deficiency (fatigue, hypertension, depression, hair loss, hoarseness, dry skin, constipation, cold intolerance, concentration difficulties, muscle cramps, menstrual problems, poor memory, inability to concentrate, weight gain, nervousness, infertility, irritability, bone thinning, just to name a few), no wonder it was promoted as the universal treatment..."

Cretinism — a cause of deafness and mental impairment of children — is caused by an iodine deficiency during pregnancy!!

"Iodine should be stored in your fat tissues, liver, heart, salivary glands, stomach cells, parts of the eye that deal with aqueous fluid and intraocular pressure, and even in specific brain cells that are related to Parkinson’s disease."

WHAT??? My mother's companion died of Parkinson's. Michael Fox, that darling man, has it too. There is evidence now that a simple iodine deficiency is part of the problem. It's too late for Ed. Has anyone told Michael?

"The second largest concentration of iodine in the female body is in the breasts. To give you an idea of how much iodine your body needs, the breasts must have 100 times as much iodine in the blood to have their fill as does the thyroid! The same is true for the other endocrine glands, the prostate, stomach, and white blood cells."

"Many of us integrative physicians have used iodine for decades to completely quell all symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease and menstrual-associated breast pain."

"Iodine deficiency could also be the cause of your fatigue, chronic illness, immune defects, and lack of stomach acid."

November, 2004, Issue

"Fatigue — An underactive thyroid typically causes fatigue. Iodine supplementation can quickly activate the thyroid and relieve fatigue. Dr Abraham reports iodine deficiency may harm pituitary-adrenal function in rodents. Your adrenal is essential for energy and stamina."
"Thyroid disease — When there’s not enough iodine to bind with cell membranes, it allows enzymes called peroxidases (which can damage those membranes) to wreak havoc and cause autoimmune disease, such as thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s or Grave’s)."
"While iodine will help the thyroid increase the production of hormone where necessary, it also inhibits over-release from the gland by giving thyroid enzymes what they want. These iodine-seeking enzymes that attack thyroid membranes can be normalized when they get the iodine they need. This old information is terrific news for the many people (usually women) who have been told to have their thyroid removed to end hyperthyroidism. These draconian measures ensure the patient will have to rely on prescriptive thyroid hormone for the rest of their life. But iodine can completely solve the problem."

"Poor digestion — many organs need iodine, but can’t absorb it until the blood measurements reach very high levels. The stomach and salivary glands are two such organs, but they can’t uptake iodine in any significant amounts until the blood level reaches 100 times what the thyroid needs. Most people do not produce enough stomach acid as they grow older. I firmly believe low gastric acidity can be caused by iodine deficiency, as iodine promotes stomach acidity!"
"Breast, ovarian, and skin cysts — In addition to fixing almost all cases of breast cysts, iodine also has a remarkable healing effect on ovarian cysts, and even on skin cysts. (For the latter, I recommend rubbing in iodine right over the cyst.)"
"Dementia and glaucoma — Iodine is found in large amounts in the brain (including the parts of the brain associated with Parkinson’s disease) and the ciliary body of the eye, a possible factor in glaucoma."

THANK YOU, Dr. Rowen, for bringing out this information. You have made a major difference, not only to me, but to thousands of people suffering needlessly from simple iodine deficiency.
Interesting I felt.



That Q10 sounds good,

if it helped ease arrythmia. Is it iodine???

I think that zuccini cake recipe of yours, caused mine.

ex cakemaker seth.

Seth 22 May 2010 12:47 PM

Well what do you know, at last we can agree on

something, you are quite right pilot mick 21,

How to impress a women sounds right for pilots.

after all that running around trying to make out

you are a gentleman fails at the moment of truth.

when they turn up naked with lots of food.

the poor pilots are too tired and scared.

to even eat the food.

that’s when the manly sapper steps in to soothe

the disappointed frustrated damsel.

Also eat their lovely home cooked food.

soothing seth.

Now the bloody sapper is starting to show his true colours! It's obvious that all he wants is naked women and food! >:-(

Be warned Ladies and Lasses, he will insensitively ravish your body and scoff all your food, make disparaging remarks about your cooking, belch in your face and then disappear into the sunrise without even a thank you or a rose left on the pillow. Then again what else could you expect from an iodine addicted, ground burrowing, bloody sapper.

Soothing AND Sensitive Mick

:-S I was so upset after that ruthless attack from a eunuch pilot,

I was sobbing into the food the pilots were too tired to eat.

The girls, who by the way, were mowing the lawns etc singing,

about how lucky they were to escape from the evil mick21,

came in and comforted me saying how wonderful it was

not having to fight off drunken pilots who just fell asleep anyway.

They said there was no need for me to thank them,

they just couldn't think of enough to do, in thanks to me

They just wanted to see me smile again, which I did,

Happily they went back to work, mowing, painting, cleaning, etc.

All singing and dancing in joy. contented sapper seth.

Strange things are happening , I have just been told that Phyl has given all her teaspoons to Mick, as she doesn't need them any more she drinks her tea ,and then jumps on the vibrater and hea suger gets all shook up that way poor daring thinks the sugar is diong her no harm because she can't taste it,,, However I am pleased that she is having her share of sugar, as I am conserned that if she E ATS TOO MUCH OF HER CAKE , GOOD COOK AND ALL AS SHE IS, AND CONSIDERING THE INGREDIENTS, THEY MUST GO IN ONE END AND OUT THE OTHER ,,,, SHE AND PETER WILL VANISH BEFORE OUR EYES ,Pardon me for shouting ,but such is my concernAnd Seth I am so pleased you are smiling again, but dear , it pains me to have to rell you , you forgot to put your teeth in again ,and that will give Mick a chance to cast aspersions upon you re your personal appearence ,I feel sure that someday we will be able to coax you and Mick to be friends ,I do hope so , as I would really like a ride in his plane or his helicopter,but would not dare while he believes that you are my favourite sap. oh sorry dear I meant sapper regards Taddy

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.../?. = ./?.

.._| |_ .._| |_ ? Tadole &Seth; ;-)





......... /? ?/?

Tadpole & Mick42 ;-)

Is someone two timing someone here ?


Ah, ha ha, heh heh, I have this vision of that bloody sap, errr sapper trying to kiss one or more of his harem and only succeeding in blowing a rasberry! :kiss: :P Put your teeth back in mate, that way it wont be so wet and slobbery when you read this post. :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:

Bless you Taddy, you've made my day and I'll take you up but we will have to be careful. That bloody sap, errr sapper is bound to try and sabotage the flight. Hell hath no fury like a rubber lips sapper scorned. :ahhh:

You are a very funny lady Taddy............Peter and I are very strange I do concede

this, as we rattle with all our vitamins and we sure are all shook up with our Platform

and yes I do make prune and walnut and flaxseed and bran cakes.

Then again how many other people can shine a torch down each others throats

and see the toes I ask? Clean as whistles.

OMG I am mad absolutely mad. I just looked out the window

and there are two men in white coats with a straight jacket.

OH no are they Mick and Seth. Nah I am mistaken as they would be having a punch up

I feel lol. When you come to visit Taddy. you will wonder what you have struck lol

but we will have fun


Zapot you are very clever - so cute. You go to a lot of trouble. :kiss:

:coolgrin: Well well well, our friendly eunuck the pilot thinks he has

an accomplance in our shiny young tadpole, little does he know

that she is only leading him on, 'which is so easy'

Now he is picking on my teeth!! we sappers lost our teeth eating

iron rations and now being poor millionaire pensioners, my wife

and I share a dental set which makes it difficult to eat some of

Phyls delicious concrete zuccini scones..

It is good to see tadpole enter the fray only I would like to see

Mr Tadpole front the drunken pilot, while holding a knife.

Kindhearted seth.

Well, well, well, the bloody sapper DOES have his nose out of joint. Probably because when his teeth are out it gets tangled in his lips.

Anyway I'm sure that Mr Tadpole is fully aware that any friendship that develops between Mrs Tadpole and I will be purely platonic. No doubt Mr Tadpole is fully aware that all aircrew are officers and gentlemen and would not dream of imposing on a happily married, or even an unhappily married, couple. Besides which the last time I saw Mr Tadpole he was carrying a baseball bat and muttering something about "bloody sappers".

Contrary to what the bloody sapper would have people believe iron rations do not contain iron. :down: Rather they contain things like tinned butter and processed bully beef that suit toothless sappers and their other ground hugging compatriots. There is also the fact that sappers spent most of their time trying to steal the Yank's rations, especially the ice cream to cool their over heated egos. :coolmad:

I notice how the bloody sapper brags about his millionaire status. It's obvious that while leaving all the fighting to the Air Force he was busy running various rackets and other scams to line his pockets and come home a wealthy man. This is even more obvious when it is noted that most Air Force Officers came home penniless and dependent on a pitiful military pension.>:-(

Historically Correct Mick :coolhmm:

One thing we are all sure of :-) is any relationship between

the desirable Mrs Tadpole and yourself {Mick0007} is

that it could ONLY be platonic, not only because Mrs. Tadpole

is from the era of loyalty and integrity, But mainly, may I say,

you no longer have the manly regalia :ahhh:

Since Mr. Tadpole carried out a major operation on you with

a large knife,without anaesthetic. :ahhh:

Yes we sappers came home with lots of money,

we were given the huge sum of two shillings a day, danger money,

of course deferred until the war was over,

also unlike those pole dancing pale blue uniform pilots, who

knew how to fool the people by appearing penniless in

tattered uniforms begging for handouts, even some sappers,

who are well known for generosity ,fell for the pilots'con'

and gave their wellearned danger pay to those evil pilots.

Once bitten twice shy, sapper seth.

More tears. My scones are beautiful - light and fluffy :roll:

When we had our General Store in Noojee I used to make scones

by the hundred and people knew Sundays were Devonshire tea days and we

were packed out with people. We had the cafe we built onto the General Store

so we had 40 people at a time having Dev. Tea and the next lot waiting to get in

while others bought 1/2 or 1 dozen of Phyl's fantastic scones.

I will give you Seth concrete scones but I only make light fluffy ones.....


........... :long:

...............................* :-/

Now now boys , you are labouring under a misapprehension, it was not Mr Tadpole who gave Mick the snip, that was my son , he is the knife man in the family , to see him carve a roast is mind bending ,Mr Taddy would have hit him with a bowling ball, and forced him to watch the ladies monday pairs at the bowling club ,where he may or may not have been presented with a devi tea ,but not like Phyl's delightful light and fluffies, more like your average concrete building blocks,served with no name tea and mock cream,while some sapper , or is that sucker?, singing south of the border ,down old melbourne way where I'm just a soldier , on two bob a day,,but thats ok , cos he might way lay a stray yank , and bring me some nylons to go with the sexy undies he got from the last yank he bamboozled with science..Me having my kind and generous" Friends" saves Mr Tad a fortune ,As Phyl says, lifes good

;-) Look at mick, see the evil of iodine addiction.

Phyl. I wasn't going to reveal why you and Peter along with most of

the residents of Noogee, finally left Noogee in one gigantic hurry :coolsmile:

After mick1 was dishonourably discharged for impersonating a pilot, he went

to europe and teamed up with a hypnotist! after a while he realised there was

money in this apart from the trusting young girls. he became well known world wide.

After ripping off so many and destroying young girls lives, was looking for a way out.

Meanwhile back in noogee they were trying to raise money for a new school.hall.

at a meeting many suggestions were made how to raise money

Mrs. Tadpole along with Phyl suggested the famous hypnotist, mick 6.

Of course he accepted, The big night was going to be held in the school hall,

however there were so many coming who had bought tickets, it was decided

to hold it in the Town HALL, WITH TV. Screens inside and outside so no one

in NOOGEE,could miss the show. The big night arrived, the town hall was

filled with a huge excited crowd, among them zapot, innes, big val, to name a few.

Finally out stepped the infamous mick 1,the hypnotist. wearing his flying helmet

and flowing white scarf, jauntily walked across the stage.because he was drunk

nearly fell over.

He chose a dozen people to come on the stage and would hypnotise them

he pulled out a shiny silver watch,

and said 'Watch the clock, watch the clock, watch the clock,

all eyes were on the watch,!! suddenly the chain broke and the watch flew across

the stage then hit the floor, all eyes were now on mick 5, as the watch shattered.

Everyone was holding their breath, Mick said one word that changed noogee

forever!!!! "S * *T. it was like a tsaunami swept over the town destroying all

before it except the little devonshire tea cafe.

it took 60 cleaners and five fire brigades 6 months to clean up,

however the smell lingered. mick1 disappeared until showing up here.

It turned out the siver watch was stolen from a young girl in England..

I could go on how the town was finally returned to its rich horsy smell,

but unlike the impersonter mick7, I am humble.seth.

Rubbish I do not believe you are humble Seth.


Where are the violins?

My Mum and Peter's Mum and our five kids worked night and day

working our fingers to the bone in the snow feeding all those people on their way to

Mount Baw Baw toiling toiling battering fish by the truckload and making chips

until we looked like chips and me baking and baking and baking and baking and having

bus loads of Senior Citizens for a slap up lunch mid week. Oh yes my cute husband

and I worked like trojans. but one night around 3ish in the morn. actually

one of the Commerical freezers shorted and if it had not been for our three Siamese

Cats yowling and waking us up the 9 of us could have all been in

heaven now. Sadly the new cafe we had built onto the old General Store was not yet

insured because of it being snow season and no thoughts of fire. We had it set up with

all manner of equipment which all went up in smoke along with everything else.

Thank God for Cats........................................................

I need a cup of tea now remembering all that.

BTW Seth, Peter is a good hypnotist.

What does Mr. Tadpole think about these two Mick and Seth flirting with you

Taddy? I guess he knows you just love him to pieces and after how many

years married? trusts you?

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