Rewarding Bad behaviour !

I am appalled at this no wonder we have on going bad behaviour! Correy Worthington gets film role in USA! He should have got detention for the trouble and damage he caused to many. Instead he get his name in lights and also was given I think it was clothes and over $100,000 now a film role! What are they thinking!?;=MSNN17&mkt;=en-au&qs;=AS

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Very true words Val--and as far as children being Barbarians--so true as well--they learn from the moment they are born--and it depends on how the parents react as to if they remain so. Watch nature and see how the Mothers of wild things teach--they too discipline their young.

BigVal, all so well articulated.

This part

"[b]And the 1950’s are the bad times they laugh at and refer to all the time as old fashioned.[/b] "

has gone through my mind frequently lately. The derision toward John Howard as 'belonging in the 50's' for example.

The Labor Party brought it to an art form to deride the values of family, and true caring for one another.

Humility was mistaken for being old fashioned. But all under the guise of their brand of caring, with symbolic gestures, pretty words and hubris.

So this is what the people wanted, and are now , not in the future, reaping what they sowed.

But as you point out, not just here in Australia.

An excellent post, of the best I've seen.

So this is what the people wanted, and are now , not in the future, reaping what they sowed


Were the people asked?

So this is what the people wanted, and are now , not in the future, reaping what they sowed


Were the people asked?

Actually the answer to that is no they were not asked specifically if they wanted political correctness dogma.

This crept in during the 70's and 80's and you can hitch your wagon of blame to Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam - first dismantled way we treated new arrivals by introducing multi-culture and then helped by the second who also spent his 3 years dismantling the Lucky Country and both pushed political correctness and both parties have raging lefties in their numbers.

A quick summing up of how pc works today without any blame except on governments of the day who all now seem to practice it - shame on them.


To be quite honest I think a lot of folk do not even realize its potential for ruin of their lives or why it is there and who is pushing it even or that the bureaucracies are infested with lefties who just love to think up more bothersome things to drive us insane!

Most will hear of it being called social engineering and we have had lots of that and it ain't nice as it has changed our culture by making us unable to even ask without being called names - so people are scared of being labelled.

How has this come about - mainly because of the death of common sense and people not thinking for themselves but taking on board the 'popular view' from the media who of course being mainly members of the journalists union strongly left wing think and follow the lead - so easy to point folk in the direction they want - which is why pollies worry about newspapers and who they will barrack for on elections.

It is insidious and have crept up on society and unless you have a reason to see it - you just miss out on why and how it has happened and think - oh progress or diversity - lovely buzz words for taking you off on a tangent.

Since then no party has bothered to even mention immigration or multiculture or political correctness on an election platform - it is off the table as far as the main political parties are concerned.

Why? Well you must all know that even though we now pay for elections via taxes - both majors are unable to exist without donations in the war chests - which was the idea of the public paying for the cost of elections but this is not enough as they have to pay out millions on ads to try to get elected. And the main donors of this largess is big business who want a bigger market all the time for their products to grow their profits and immigration is always being used to satisfy this wish even though much of it is swelling our welfare budget it also adds to their profits.

So also when you consider they have compulsory voting - all the millions spent on ads that drive us insane on the TV is ridiculous. We have to vote or be fined.

Quite a few resent having to stop their busy life to go vote and wouldn't if it was not compulsory.

Anyone interested will get the handouts via mail explaining and today websites have policies to read and contacts to discuss.

So they could save millions and not be in the pocket of the big donors if they stuck to what the taxpayer gives them and God Forbid actually go back to what the Founding Fathers decided - non compulsory voting and first past the post wins the seat and not preferences.

Preferences are just another corrupt dealing - you do this and I will do that if you'll give me your preferences - and that way we all get what we want except the public who are too stupid to realize they are being screwed!

if you think that is a bit harsh - remember they always count the donkey vote - which is that of the folk who just follow dad or mum and don't think for themselves.

So I am not being harsh just repeating what they do and say as many folk are donkeys in reality and parties rely on that happening. Or are sheeples which is the internet slang for donkeys today but ABC still on election day with Anthony Green will refer to donkey vote.

Another reason they want compulsory voting.

Because with non-compulsory they may just have to get off the butts and actually ask each and every one of you in their proposed electorate for your vote!

And you may raise questions they are not wanting to answer like why are we losing our identity to multiculturalism and why didn't we get asked if we wanted it and why are we signed up to UN treaties which make us do things which are stealing away our rights our sovereignty and stuff like that !

All these things are coming to a head right about now as well as the UN trying by stealth to get one world government and the same way the EU has - by signing countries up to treaties like the latest on AGW or Climate Change which would take our rights to govern ourselves away - most serious to date.

Along with internal problems caused by pc like violent behaviour - binge drinking - road toll - victims of violence getting no justice and so on - all bubbling away right near the surface. Frustration!

Not to mention the far more serious one of shortage of water, for farming/industry/residential and not enough homes pushing up rents and prices because of ever increasing numbers drawing on water supplies and services which cannot cover the 22 million here now and no sign of any stop to immigration with just under 1 million last year.

Interesting times.

BigVal, good post and an excellent article.

I agree that Govts over the last 40 years have fallen into the PC trap. It is the insidious nature of political correctness.

The only one I would put outside that box, is John Howard, who was his own man, and didn't give two hoots what the pc mob thought of him or his policies. A couple of times he skittered around the edges of pc, admittedly, but only just. But in the main, the man was guided by his conscience and intellect. Just my opinion.

I would like very much to have a referendum on voluntary voting. The ones who decide to utilise the privilege of the vote, would at least be the ones thinking about what they're doing, unlike a large number, who as you say, just vote how their parents did, or just numbers in any box.

So the answer to PlanB is YES we were asked, it seems the majority have not been listening for a long time.

EXCELLENT post Val !

I thought it was Gough that brought it in but wasn't sure. This Political correctness is a load of cods wallop as is bringing in all these mixed races/cultures will never work--I might I add I am NOT racist at all and treat all as they treat me BUT they bring their troubles here and we will end up the same as where they left.

I also agree with voluntary voting as those that are forced to vote really don't give a stuff, I also HATE the preferential voting as there are only ever the BIG two that can get in that way. Big business has always run things and continues to do so.

The amount they spend on adds telling us how good they are makes me sick!

You are right about the One World Government and that they are doing their best to bring it in--step by step--as they have to boil us slowly or the Sheeple would wake up--same as they are slowly getting to a cashless society--soon there will be the CHIP--the young ones will accept as they have accepted everything else--there has already been a few that have asked for it and already have it.

Governments also create "Problem--Action--Solution--so that those that can't see past their nose accept. You can see it happening right throughout the world.

Hiya all.

Koko I do hope BigVal pays you well, as you are the best PR person I

bet he or is that she? *sorry I do not know many people's particulars here* has

had in a long time I would wager.

You could be husband and wife as you do love all his/her posts and agree with

him/her in all the writing she/he does. I read a few but not always a lot of time and do agree

you both love to chat and that is a good thing for seniors and good on you both

I know when I retire I will need something to fill in time. I suppose we are in

god's waiting room now :) .

The Libs. should pay you good money though. Nothing like a voter

who sticks with the same preference through everything they do and do not

do. I might join the new Party here as although I do not know anything

about them I also do not know Mr. Howard (not there now) sorry

not up on who is up front at the moment or Mr. Rudd, so does

not make a lot of difference as to be honest I rarely see anything either the

two Partys promise anyway come to fruition. Promise the world and deliver little seems

to be the way to go. I wonder should they be allowed to tell us lies? I do not think

so as they get in under false pretences. Are we just thought such fools we

will not notice or forget all the rash promises? I do not think a group of older

citizens will make a lot of difference anyway but I see you all have a lot of

fun arguing the point and having fun with it all. I believe Mr Rudd thinks anyone

over 60 years of age a drain on our Country. I am not sure that can be right but anyway

voluntary Euthanasia is not legal so what does he want oldies to do? Maybe starve

to death?

Since you addressed me personally, I'll give you the courtesy of a reply.

Hiya all.

Koko I do hope BigVal pays you well, as you are the best PR person I

bet he or is that she? *sorry I do not know many people's particulars here* has

had in a long time I would wager.


[color=purple][size=4]I've never met BigVal.[/size][/color]


You could be husband and wife as you do love all his/her posts and agree with

him/her in all the writing she/he does


[color=brown]Yes I do love all her posts, as she is articulate and knowledgable, and speaks common sense.

I don't agree with everything she says, but don't make an issue of it, and respect her right to her opinion.[/color]

[color=gray]Have you never met someone either in person or on the net, with whom you feel an affinity?

And is also able to in many cases, articulate for you, what you can't.

That is the case with my appreciation of BigVal's posts.[/color]


The Libs. should pay you good money though. Nothing like a voter

who sticks with the same preference through everything they do and do not


[color=blue]Yes I vote Liberal, because, even at their worst, they are in [u]my opinion[/u] a better option than what we have for Labor today.

As far as I know that is still my right in this democracy of ours.

For your info, also, I study the preferences very carefully, and do not vote according to the Lib material, unless I agree.

This goes for State elections, and even council elections.

Good for you Koko. It is lovely to have such a good friend. I am sure you

can learn a lot from her

I bet Big Val reciprocates even if she does not always agree with you.

Lots of posts to read here. Just like real life people are people here or anywhere

some very funny ones.

I think Religion and Politics are a person's own choice to believe or

whatever. Gets very boring most times and people get very argumentative

and adamant they "know everything about both subjects" probably like

most of us just do what we each want.

Good for you Koko having something to believe. You are so right

each and everyone's right.

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