Rewarding Bad behaviour !

I am appalled at this no wonder we have on going bad behaviour! Correy Worthington gets film role in USA! He should have got detention for the trouble and damage he caused to many. Instead he get his name in lights and also was given I think it was clothes and over $100,000 now a film role! What are they thinking!?;=MSNN17&mkt;=en-au&qs;=AS

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PlanB, I think it reflects a shallowness that has crept into some sections of our society.

I can't believe how this little CREEP has been given so many rewards!

I believe society and most of the western world today is completely buggered by the left and we now live in a society that is perverse.

What was good is bad.

What was bad is good, rewarded and encouraged.

it doesn't make sense,does it and i also read the do-gooders are saying bullies shouldn't be punished so what about the victims!!!!

I am really confused about the way the criminals are allowed to get away with everything these days and it is the innocent that are punished--ie if you hurt someone in protecting yourself it is YOU that get the punishment. If these criminals are able to get away with what they do they will continue to. It has been proved that so many can not be rehabilitated. So many get out of jail (if they have been sent there in the 1st place) and repeated over and ovr again.

Who is Correy Worthington ?

Who is Correy Worthington ?

He was a creep that held a house party wrecked the neighbourhood and was a total Pain in the ----

Read here;=1I7DAAU_en&ie;=UTF-8&oe;=UTF-8&sourceid;=ie7

I reckon his parents should have come down hard on him, refused all interviews and definitely stopped the publicity and film offer, he will never learn responsibility like this.

I guess it will prompt others to try the same--look at that "chick chick boom"girl she was also rewarded for telling lies to get their face on TV NOW she has a TV contract I believe.

Read here;=1I7DAAU_en&ie;=UTF-8&oe;=UTF-8&sourceid;=ie7

hadnt heard of that one until I read your link PlanB but some people will do anything for their 15mins of fame, now is it the medias fault?? the magazines that promote "celebrity" , what is wrong with the world ? its all gone to pot, or is it me being a fuddy duddy LOL

No you are not a fuddy duddy Liana--the place has gone mad. Instead of being rewarded for such behaviour they should get punishment. You only have to look at the likes of Paris Hilton and those tarty types and how many "worship" them. NOt very good role models at all.

I would never condone or reward bad behavior, but I think we need to look at this case in some perspective. This kind of thing has been going on since Adam took a bite out of the apple. Young people rebel against the older generation and look for anything that will differentiate them from the "ordinary". It is a sad reflection on our society that this Worthington clown has benefited from his reprehensible conduct, but that has become the nature of society and the media for exploiting it.

We all have had experience with this.......I can remember as a teenager, wanting to wear stove-pipe pants and pointy toed shoes and slick the hair down with brylcreem. It drove my parents to despair. I have no doubt that they, in turn, did similar things to my grandparents. The problem these days is that the acts of "rebellion" are no longer only symbolic and the rights of parents to chastise their kids has been eroded by the "politically correct" do-gooders.

Again, I would not condone violence or cruelty to children, but I have no life-long mental scars from the numerous kicks up the backside I received as a child and firmly believe that my parents' sensible and appropriate responses to my own stupidity made me a better person.

As far as parenting goes, I say "bring back the biff".

I say parents are letting their kids get away with far too much right from the start because it seems easier--or they do it out of guilt--because maybe they are working--or whatever--and feel some sort of guilt for that--and give them everything they want--/ or let them get away with all sorts of behaviour--By the time the kids 3 years old it is almost too late--you have to start right at the begining and and if you don't they continue to get worst.

I am not at all into violence to kids --but I AM into drawing a line over which they are NOT allowed to cross it worked for me with mine and has worked when I have minded other kids that had the wool pulled over their parents eyes and got away with very bad behaviour but behaved very well for me after they tested the boundaries and found I was not wearing it. I might add I never smacked these kids I just didn't let them get away with stuff.

When I was seerving with the Army in Germany - their kids were so well behaved compared with theBritish kids of the married pads - it was embarrassing.

One German woman said to me when I mentioned it - that we would all suffer the consequences of not teaching our children to be civilized if w went on doing as DrSpock said - talk to the 2's and under when they get the bit between their teeth and challenge parents authority - you said every child is born a barbarian and will remain that way unless taught the rules of living in society. I was taken aback at the time by the barbarian tag - but having seen the outcome of not smacking their bottom the minute they tamp theri foot and say No - she was most certainly right.

It is years not since I was back there and I wonder if they are still as well behaved. Adults too btw - one would have thought every person was a white collar worker - as they dressed in suits and ties and carried brief cases to work - but then changed into work clothes and after work showered and changed back to return home.

We are reaping the political correctness dogma of the left in all things - it is a perverse campaign and has turned around all that was good - for instance we once could defend our home from invasion and if a criminal hurt himself climbing into the window or even on our property - it was his fault - today it is your fault and you will be charged! If you defend your wife or children or yourself even and hurt him it is you who will be charged.

Just about all you mention changing is part of the social agenda of pc and leftism or communism or socialism - not a lot to pick between them.

I have been castigated for saying left - by some - who just don't realize that politics run the world and left or right is how it is run.

Left is allowing al to levelled down except for the few at the top - so not a lot different to capitalism - just more devised to change how we live bu teaching the kids to disobey all the rules and as they reach adulthood it will cause problems and society will begin to decay.

You know like binge drinking - rowdy drunken behaviour leading to glassing and violence and even death. By ignoring road rules and killing themselves and others. By taking drugs knowing how these are bad for their health but not caring and stealing to feed the habit. By road rage and violence as older folk get frustrated with thier lives as they see others getting no punishment whilst they try to stay on the right side but are made to feel they are less than the ones who get rewarded for being out of control. From seeing heinious crimes where the person gets very little gaol time and is let out to do it again. It all adds up to the breakdown of law and order and the Police were the first to be altered from a force to a service where they have become socila workers and no longer enforce the law themselves have to have someone else bring charges and if you go to court as a jury member they read out your name and address so the person charged knows where to find you and you feel you are exposed to something that is not right. I could just go on but I reckon anyone who thinks will start to see the pattern of change that has crept up on us.

And the 1950's are the bad times they laugh at and refer to all the time as old fashioned. You know then women didn't have to work after starting a family and you could live well on one wage and people who went around murdering got hung and all other crime following that had a decent punishment that deterred the criminal as well as gaol time was something out of a horror movie today almost because no-one like today some do - prefer to stay there TV Gym computer Library education and 3 meals a day and very little work.

Like I said - perverse world turned on its head. And our grand children's children will not be happy with us for allowing it to continue this way as they will be the ones who will pay.

Well the United Nations has said by 2040 white people will be a minority in Australia and we have seen even lately how non-whites react to anything - with violence and looting - whereas we would be seen to be helping each other and forming groups to get back to normal and waiting patiently in a queue for food and water or medicines.

Aint that the truth.

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