
As there is no sub section for any discussions on variouse religions , I guess dilemmas is as good as any . 

Join in if you are interested or don't bother if you are sensitive to discussion on your particular faith.

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Most people are aware that Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were actual cousins through their mothers Mary and Elizabeth. Many people are surprised to discover that Jesus had another famous cousin John. Although the proof is not as obvious and direct as with John the Baptist, the Scriptures are just as plain, when you add up the pieces, that Jesus and the apostle John were also cousins.

The link is to Daily Bible Study .


i find this link interesting and the idea of immaculate conception in some of the early religions .

Evidently John the Baptist whose mother Elizabeth was family to Mary . Was much older than Mary and was Barren when she had John also by immaculate conception . 

Jesus and ,therefore John ,was from the House of David the last King of Judeah . So were aristocrats and a threat to the Romans and collaborators especialy when Jesus proclaimed himself "King of The Jews"

I have no problem discussing religion, 'religion' is something we all blame for the problems in the world, not only for our time but reaching far back in time,    

But is ít?  or is it because of fanatics who miscontrue what it actually means,? 

I think belief in a superior being in itself brings intolerance. To those who do not believe . 

And secondly because the "Books" that give an interpretation are vague and contradictory can lead to sects that follow one interpretation and hand out severe punishment to those they declare as heretics . 


Most religions started with good intent but oft times fact became fable and followers became fanatics and the good that may have been wrought was lost along the way.

I believe religion or belief is a very personal thing and needs little or no heirarchy or real structure to support it.

I also believe there is an innate goodness in most people and if nurtured and allowed to grow there needs no promise or reward at end of life to justify what can be seen as a good life lived well. Hanging out for a prize at the end makes little sense to me. Life itself is reward enough. Live it well in all respects.

Just some thoughts from a simple bloke.

Take it easy.


Dave Allan said it best..............may your god go with you.

"I'm an atheist ... thank God." Dave Allan, comedian .

And there are many it would seem Davey.

We are free to select the one that suits us best, if one so desires.


I don't believe in a "superior being" but I think there is far more to life (and beyond) than any of us can know. I think that all creative energy is interconnected and it is all "God" for want of a better word. All of creation is "God" or "spirit".  I think that religions devised by man are conceptually limited but they do have their good aspects here and there. People do not need religion to teach them right from wrong and morals. They learn through empathy, conscience and societal rules and laws. 

Why is it that a lot of athiests, not all, get so hot under the collar that not all think the same way as them?  Ignore what we claim as religion, but go to the crux of 'belief',       Christianity, what do you think it is?  Judaism, What do you think it means,  Islam. or as it was once known as 'Mohammodism'. what does that entail?

No one is thrown to the lions by what they believe, as I see it , and believe me I've seen a lot, most who have a faith cope well with a tragedy, or trauma. IMO.

I think you are right Seth in that a strong belief system will help most people cope with tradedy, loss or adversity in their lives. Does it really matter what any of us call God? - there can be only one (if one exists at all). As for being "thrown to the lions"...... I believe that is EXACTLY what the Islamic State people are doing to those who dont believe in the particular brand of God that IS is espousing.


Too true. my beliefs are mine and I have no intention of converting anybody.

Mine have evolved over a lifetime and suit me well enough. I am a one man belief or religion.

That said I am still open to any donations. No receipts given.

Take it easy.


Seth I don't think those who become unbelievers do so lightly . Most of us grew up as Christians and as children delighted in the stories and the warm glow of having someone majic looking over us .

But to me it was a little like believing in Santa and as I got older about fourteen I saw contradictions, and hypocracy in the Christian hirachy. So I did what most do and declared myself an agnostic . Like a foot in each camp . Sort of maybe . 

It wasn't until I was much older thati gave it any further thought . I was busy raising a family making money enjoying life and religion simply had no part in my life . 

Now I feel that I have a lot more time and being an Atheist is much more honest and liberating . 

But I am very interested in others beliefs and why and how they deal with the contradictions . For those that do not want to discuss , that's of course their right . But I do see little point in joining in a conversation , simply to say I don't discuss kinda wasteful of time ..

Pete I suppoe you were like most of us raised with Sunday school etc...            So how come, like a lot of athiests hit out that it is brainwashing? if that was the case their would be practically no athiests..Surely even as as a lad you knew santa has nothing to do with Christianity, that it was a pagan event used to tell the pagans about Christ. 

IMO. it is much better to be agnostic than athiest, as with agnosticism, you are waiting for proof. But with athiesm are you not claiming to know everything about the universe? to make such a huge presumption.?an impossability.

I just wonder if what is happening today with the attituge of the young ones if it has anything to do with the lack of instruction.

SD.... donations are only given to those in need and who deserve them..Like ME!       

It is a false assertion to claim someone changes or forces you to change your mind, only you can change your mind. 

You only accept a conversion if that is what you want, and like everything in life you only learn through explanation or experience.

Kfc.. you are right IMO. that their is only one God, whether it be çreation 'life'' itself which had to originate somewhere ' which in itself would have to be in the class of a miracle, Life to originate from nothing.. which we call 'God". 

But then for those who can accept it as the 'Truth'  Christ was sent to show how to treat each other. What to do, or not to do, for a better life, no force to accept, just left to each person. no condemnation, so it is very hard for anyone who choose the negative, to comprehend the peace that is there'.

Islam was known as a peaceful belief, until the crazies took over, as I'm sure most want a peaceful life. IMO.

Seth IMO your reply to KFC  where you refer to one " God " being responsible for "life". Is not quite clear but I  think it's the same as mine where you can quite easily replace the word nature with God . If this was the extent of the differences between those of faith and those who lack it . I think our differences would be resolved , and peace would reign . 


Pete I am no evangelist, their is a big difference between accepting that 'Nature" is where we place what we call God, We accept life as 'Natural" and anything against 'nature' is unnatural. and stands to be condemned.               Now the difference is Çhrist' whose teachings show we are all the same, no one is better than the other, the choices you choose, will show in your life.  So Pete the difference between us is one man; Çhrist". which does not make me better, or superior, as I can be just as bad or evil as the next, as I know.  It just makes me think now, before I act.



Religion is such a difficult subject to discuss as even those (like myself) who would never criticise or denigrate the beliefs of others, end up doing so. When we put forward our own beliefs, it is as a contrast to the beliefs of others (even if unintentionally). We all believe according to our upbringing, childhood religious instruction, life experience etc., etc.

Over the centuries, there have been countless messiahs, prophets, guru's etc ALL OF WHOM have claimed to be or represent GOD. This is where I have my problem with all religions - GOD has not spoken to us, he has supposedly spoken to our ancestors who may or may not have (a) been genuine and truthful, (b) clearly understood his meaning, (c) recorded his words accurately and (c) been sober at the time.

I suppose that makes me agnostic as I think that if GOD is all powerful, he would have no problem in tapping me on the shoulder and simply saying "Hey, hugo - this is what I want you to do with your life......" Again, I mean no disrespect to anyone - just putting forth my opinion.

I always feel a gut reaction when God is described as a "he". Therein lies one of the problems for Christianity getting its message across. 

I wouldn't get all bent out of shape over gender matey - its just our conditioning. God (being the supreme being) didnt have a mum or dad, so he/she/it would not have a gender. I thing we refer to our deity as "he", just out of habit or conditioning -"He" usually being the chief, king, head of the household etc.

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