PM condemns Joyce, bans sex with staffers


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned Barnaby Joyce for his "shocking error of judgment" in having an affair with staffer Vikki Campion.

"He knows that he let down his wife and daughters," said Mr Turnbull.

He says Mr Joyce's leave time should be spent reflecting on his actions and his position in government.

"He needs that leave. He needs that time to seek forgiveness and understanding from his wife and girls, he needs to make a new home for his partner and their baby, who is coming in April," he said.

In an attempt to quell the scandal, the PM has announced a ban on sexual relationships between ministers and staff.

"Doing so [sex with staff] will constitute a breach of the standards," said Mr Turnbull about the new code.

"It is about time that this change was made. Probably should have been made a long time ago. And this is the standard that I will hold from this day forth all of my ministers to.

"It is not acceptable for a minister to have a sexual relationship with somebody who works for them. It is a very bad workplace practice. And everybody knows that no good comes of it."

When asked if Mr Joyce's breach of the code would have seen him out the door, the PM responded: "If he did what he did last year tomorrow, or today, he would be in breach of the code."

What do you think of the ban? Is it enough for the public to overlook Mr Joyce's actions? Or is he 'done'?


NO TEETH  "TURN COAT"  & his WIMPY WAYS, HAS NOT HAD the GUTS, TO publicLY state, bec of the Disgusting "person" he IS :-- a Victim OF my LIBERAL party, UNDER J. HOWARD, AND  JOHN  FAHEY, E T C, - Victim of BOTH, "STATE &, FEDERAL" Liberal party, - 1 KEVIN  THORPE, - has, THIS WEEK, - had me Become Aware, B.  JOYCE 's "MADE  U P  JOB S", will be immedi, in-vestigated - FULLY, even using the 'HIGH COURT", - I f NEC, - to see I F, B. JOYCE, - PERPETRAT-E D  "FALSE  INSTRUMENTS", Under, the  CRIMES  A C T -- 1,900 -- SECTION, 3 3 7". - Which CARRIES  5  Y R  JAIL  TERM&. & -- "N O  TEETH  TURN B U L L", - MUST,  state  THIS, T O-Day,  F R I, 1 6 TH, FEB, before he Even THINKS, -- About, - meeting TRUMP..  

What the?

Ok!  Now the Prime Minister and his Deputy are at odds with each other, perhaps it is time Barnaby resigns.  I know what life choices Barnaby, and his new partner, have made, and I have my private thoughts about their actions / life choices.  A lot of people out there feel Barnaby was not honest and truthful about the affair.  Well, he is a politician.  The majority of Politicians are dishonest and untruthful, and mostly by way of omission of a fact!  We all have been aware of this fact for a long time.  Yes!  We have had enough of the present day Politicians.  However, what is the answer to this?  Perhaps a complete overhaul of the political system is required.  Where do they start?

But congratulations to the person who kicked off this demise of Barnaby Joyce.  You are truely an expert in your field.

Trying to figure out if your last line was sarcasm




BASED,  G O V E R N  M E N T S.. --------L E T S   SEE  1,000 S  OF  PERSONAL  STORIES ON  HERE  

ABOUT, --  ROTTEN   T O, ----  THEIR   VERY   C O R E,    P A R  L  I  A  menT  S.    

God Kevin give a break I'm not reading this , try writing it properly.

CoogeeGuy  ASKS- "What  is the  ANSW,  to  REALLY  REIGN  IN, LYING, ETC, AUS  POLITICIANS ? ? 


EverY--WHERE, - O N  LINE..   POLITICIANS,   M U S T   D E E P L Y   RESENT  { I  T }. - W H Y  ? ? ?

BEC,  THE  "G A M E,   I S   U P".   TURNBULL  I S,  GOD' S  GIFT,  AS,  A  MORAL   POLICE  'person'.

I  NEVER,   EVER,   HEARD, -- B.  JOYCE   S A Y, -  A   N E W   D A M N,   WILL,  B E  SOON,  BUILT.  

I  KNOW  O F   N O T H I N G,   H E   HAS  EVER   DONE,  -  EXCEPT,   B O O Z E.   I T's  THE  MOST


WITH    BOOZE, ---  A S   THEIR   S K I N,    A G E  D ..


Surely a man with some dignity would resign now in shame. But he seems to be so anxious to be in a government position even after it was discovered his nationality was not quite Australian (he should have been dismissed right then and there as were others who in some cases dutifully resigned) that he clings to his position no matter what.

But of course we all know that to do what he did he has no dignity or decency, only uncontrol sex drive and no idea of morals or of proper behaviour. 

The disregard by this horrible man of any moral or decent conduct at work, says enough about his character and representation of his voters and each one of them should now have a good look at their own ideals before voting or endorsing him ever again.

The prime minister should be better advised to dismiss this man from any position with the goverment or else his own position will be very much in peril, after all the public does not want to be represented by inmoral and indecent people making enormous salaries which in most cases are totally unjustified and at times are a mockery to the people paying them, us.

In other words this is called corruption.

Did you mean copulation or coruption?

What an absolute load of rubbish, I didn't hear anyone jumping up and down when Shorten dumped his wife for the Governor General's daughter, Bryice was the most left wing Governor General we have ever had and had probably the worst reputation for interfering in politics, Shorten was a traitor to the union members that he was supposed to represent, I know because I was a member of the union when he was in charge, we would have to sack most of the politicians that are in office if the morality test was applied to all politicians. Amazingly Shorten was given an easy ride into politics and there would have to be some suspicion that he had some help. Two consenting adults had an affair, it's always a traumatic ordeal when a marriage ends, it happens every day. I agree that if Barnaby Joyce has manufactured a job for his partner and there is proof, he should be kicked out of parliament, but that should also apply to anyone else currently sitting in parliament who has had outside help without informing the public exactly what influence has been used.

An execution by media is all it is

What about Hawke and Blanche ??? Media refers to him in terms of endearment as a Larikan ???

Spot on there, Jim????

Suze, what about the use of public money to provide his girlfriend with a high paying job and what about him accepting the help from a Developer to pay his bills?

Were you out there supporting the last two politicians who lost their jobs over similar issues?

You commented earlier that it was not proven that Barnaby did these things, has an investigation taken place yet, has he been proven innocent of these things?

If so I am happy to apoligise and agree with you.

I agree with JIm and Redwyne, if this was just a case of him having a private relationship with an adult man or woman of equal power in the workplace , the reporting would be just sensationalistic tripe and not worth reading, but this seems to be much worse than that.

Strange outcome, I was surprised at the response of his party, they seem to want him as their leader, usually there is someone ready to jump into his place but no - nobody came forward.  

Oh dear ... divisive SSM debate, citizenship disasters and now Barnaby's bonking.

Busy, busy, busy in Canberra ... bugger the rest of us.

Sounds like an early election may be on the cards.

The general opinion seems to be that he is the best they have.  So sad for any organisatin to have to admit that.  If that is so, I can see the demise of the National Party.  Maybe they can form a coalition with the Australian Sex Party, that is of course if they will have them.

A ban on sex? They will all go blind

Having a ban on sexual relations gives the impression that that's all they're doing and that a ban on sex will automatically increase productivity?

I suppose the ban also provides some level of comfort to anyone who has ever felt jilted by a lover.

I wonder how many happily married people met in the workplace?

Look how well it worked for the Catholic Priests. Malcolm may have to extend the scope of people that are considered out of bounds.

No bonking  please,  Lol

Image result for clipart of chastity belts

Chastity belts are definitely the go   Related image

.. but who can we trust with the keys  Related image


Collateral damage?


Toot, I will lay a bet now that his relationship with his new partner will be on the rocks within 12 months.

Collateral damage is a general term for deaths, injuries, or other damage inflicted on an unintended target.

Radish probably but there won't be much to scam after the wife is finished with him.

It will still go doubt about that..whether allowed or not.

How sad it is to read that sex between 

  ministers and staff  is banned from now on.

    That's one perk less.  They now need 

   a hike in their allowances  to compensate.

I wonder if a prostitute allowance would be covered as entertainment, probably not, entertainment expenses have to be reported and logged.

The fact that his daughters are all siding with their mother shows that the marriage was in tact until Barnaby’s eyes wandered to the legs of his staffer as shown in the photograph. The staffer was not dressed appropriately for work as shown in the photograph. Barnaby needed to not swallow the bait but think of his family. Sad!

Unfortunatley it is hard to find a politician who will turn down something for nothing.  Unfortunatley Barnaby did not subscribe to the "No free Lunch"philosophy.

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