PM condemns Joyce, bans sex with staffers


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned Barnaby Joyce for his "shocking error of judgment" in having an affair with staffer Vikki Campion.

"He knows that he let down his wife and daughters," said Mr Turnbull.

He says Mr Joyce's leave time should be spent reflecting on his actions and his position in government.

"He needs that leave. He needs that time to seek forgiveness and understanding from his wife and girls, he needs to make a new home for his partner and their baby, who is coming in April," he said.

In an attempt to quell the scandal, the PM has announced a ban on sexual relationships between ministers and staff.

"Doing so [sex with staff] will constitute a breach of the standards," said Mr Turnbull about the new code.

"It is about time that this change was made. Probably should have been made a long time ago. And this is the standard that I will hold from this day forth all of my ministers to.

"It is not acceptable for a minister to have a sexual relationship with somebody who works for them. It is a very bad workplace practice. And everybody knows that no good comes of it."

When asked if Mr Joyce's breach of the code would have seen him out the door, the PM responded: "If he did what he did last year tomorrow, or today, he would be in breach of the code."

What do you think of the ban? Is it enough for the public to overlook Mr Joyce's actions? Or is he 'done'?

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i would love to see barnaby resign.  he is a liar and a liability.  we don't need to have the adulterers in charge.

anyway, he can always get a job from gina.

Oh so true! And as far as Turnbulls ban on intimacy between ministers (or MPs) and their staff, too little, too late and frankly he would be better off trying to dam the Red Sea (or the Pacific Ocean) When it happens, and it will, honesty, transparency and without a doubt, NO illegality, no fingers in the til. Joyce should not represent Australians in our parliament.

Erm..........weren't two grown ups involved? Absolutely nothing mentioned on the moral conduct, or lack thereof, of the other party, who knew full well BJ was married......................

Correct Brocky he couldnt keep his fly zipped and she couldnt keep her legs together.

Dont know how they got any work done??

Malcolm just dosent get it.  This not about consenting adults having sex.  They must take responsibility for their own actions, to their family, and to the public, as well as accept all the disruption it causes to their party.

If Malcolm is serious about this he should remove Side show bob from the front bench immediatly.

“Maybe Barnaby Joyce didn't consider the arrant hypocrisy of pontificating about the sanctity of marriage while shagging up a storm with a staffer. Maybe it didn't occur to him that thunderously denouncing welfare cheats as his party was creating a series of lucrative taxpayer-funded positions for his lover would demolish his credibility. Maybe he wasn't able to play that out and understand it's not just his own credibility but all the coalition policies designed to cut funding to domestic violence victims, low income earners and the homeless that now look ludicrous. Maybe he was unable to see how such actions affect a public already cynical about their elected representatives.”

Jane Gilmore, SMH

He should resign. Failing that, the National Party should sack him. 

And to add insult to injury he’s taking taxpayer paid leave.  Why has that been allowed?   The two of them can snuggle up together courtesy of the taxpayer in rentfree accommodation.  Talk about being rewarded for bad behaviour.

The media has whipped us all up over this private and personal affair, and the unfortunate marriage break up.  But affairs are common place, as so are marriage break ups.  It is called life people!  

From my observations over the past several years, once someone (especially the media) has something on a politician, that particular politician is hounded and attacked on that one issue identified, but then they go digging to find other issues, to further attack, and crucify the individual until they fall to the ground, and as a final gesture, they are kicked in the head, whilst down.  Once they stand down or resign, then everyone walks away satisfied and grinning.

Don't you all find this a bit sickening?  Barnaby made a huge mistake having sexual relationships with his work colleague, and now, partner.  And yes!  He has deeply hurt his wife and children.  This poor life decision has  not affected his ability in performing his job, but a poor life decision, in our eyes.   But I suggest, Barnaby has, and is, a good politician, and I believe he has did a lot of good for the rural community.  He appears committed to his job, and travels and works long hours, like most federal politicians.  He did a lot of good things, but did one bad thing.

Please take the time to reflect on just how evil we humans can be!

This his big mistake.  He has never done anything for Australia, its all about himself.

Time to rid this serial liar from parliament!  He wont be missed.

If he has done a lot for Rural Australia, name what he has done.

What good things has he done for the rural community? I can’t think of anything. 

Do you not care about the false jobs entailing promotion that he stitched up for his lover? Does that not entail misuse of public funds? Do you not consider it sus that he claimed expenses for 50 nights staying in Canberra when parliament wasn’t sitting? Do you have nothing to say about his gross hypocrisy, lecturing the public about the sanctity of marriage? The public outrage is about far more than the affair.

Take the time to reflect on how his commitment to his job has diminished since his hole-in-the-corner affair started, CoogeeGuy.  He couldn’t give his full attention to his job when having to sneak around trying to keep his wife from finding out about his affair.  He most certainly wasn’t working in the interests of taxpayers when he created a job with a huge salary for his mistress, for which the taxpayer will have to pay.  And, so romantic and chivalrous, he won’t even pay for her love nest.  I don’t reckon she’s done very well for herself.

Yes, marriages often fail. But where one partner in private cheats and deceives the other, how can that person expect the voters to trust their public utterances? The hypocrisy of appearing to defend heterosexual marriage while having an affair almost beats his past attempt to block the cervical cancer vaccine because its use supposedly  might lead to promiscuity. Add to all this the girlfriend's job creation at $190,000 pa under his mates, the free apartment (security upgraded by the taxpayers) from a business mate, and the falsification of army reserve records, and you have a person unfit for office. And, please tell us of the "lot of good things": I can't think of any.  

Mr Pyne then called on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to apply the same rules to his front bench.

Good job these rules were not in place during previose Labor Admin. 

Gillards Cabinet was staffed with ex ? Lovers 

and I wonder if Shagging the Governor Generals Daughter Whist both married would come under the code...

Hey Brocky don't forget Billy boy Shorten was accused of rape as well by a couple of his labour members had to pay them off to shut them up.

No Roby, Shorten didn't pay anybody off. The police investigating the allegation concluded that there was insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction. A case of; "He said, she said." No decision made to absolve Shorten.

I, for one, am happy to see the same rules apply to all, including senior public servants who have their hands on the power and on the till.


We all know this kind of behaviour is as old as the human race, but the issue is that people in those positions should exercise sound judgement and constraint - and anyone working for them should not be so stupid as to encourage such things.  Men will be men and women women - and throwing them in close contact and trust in work is always fraught with danger, so it is up to the individuals concerned to be strong and make the rules clear from Day One and stick to them.

Saw Tanya being asked directly if the same ban on nookies in the ofice would be suported by the Labor party on tv this morning .Wouldn't give a direct answer back




Men and women have been having affairs for eons..however most  of them are not politicians or people who have undertaken the job of leadership. Marriages don’t always work out.. but when one assumes the mantle of leadership..he or she has certain responsibilities.

No one is saying Barnaby Joyce cannot leave his wife or not fall in love with someone else..however..he is in public office and unfortunately his “private” life becomes part of his “public” life...and..there is a right way of doing things but he chose the wrong  way..

Yes.. it would seem public funds may be involved but we have no real proof…yet. However my own personal opinion is.. anyone who puts money above morals lacks moral fibre. The ironic thing is.. if one lacks morals in their private life..then it’s very easy to cross the line and disrespect the boundaries when it comes to handling other people’s money.


Image result for liberty cannot be established without morality quotes

Must say I am very pleased with the choice of Acting PM..even if it's only for a week!

Image result for image of mathias cormann

Yes he was great in the terminator films.

So, OK, someone breaches the standards...and?  What happens then.  Nothing at all, I suppose.  No-Teeth-Turnbull just made a wimpy rule.

And Turnbull made his wimpy rule after first saying “This is a private matter” ( ie. not for public discussion), and then saying BJ had his full support and would be acting PM next week. Talk about “Turnaroundbull” our PM is struggling to know where to stand. It must be hard work trying to follow the public mood to work out what to do. Or maybe the real Malcolm just stepped up? The one who shows his rage when cornered and smiling charm won’t cut it anymore?

So, how is this supposed to work? Can a Minister be sacked if there are rumours? Does the PM have to have photos of the participants in flagrante dilecto? What if the Minister and staffer are of the same sex, will there be accusations of homophobia? Is it OK to cheat on one's spouse with a staffer of another Minister? Turnbull would have been better off saying nothing but he has no idea how to do that.

Malcolm has taken the fun out of fornication in the corridors of Canberra. What next?  LOL


No, Polly Esther, Malcolm has not stopped any other political party from straying outside the marriage vows, only the Coalition is affected. Wonder how many staffers will move from one Ministry to another to circumvent the new (unenforcable) rule.

Ha ha. So no shagging the staff. ;) that will fix it. OM the new rule is don't get caught and embarrass Malcom. Malcom doesn't like shagging. Lol

Thanks Tib, this is wrong and will probably be removed by admin but the reason Turnbull always takes his wife with him on trips is so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.

Ha ha.

I'm surprised that most of the people complaining aren't women. After all they hate to see a man happy that's why they close their eyes during sex. Ha ha.

I am beginning to think that this new game, sex, is here for the long haul. And so is the corruption of finding jobs for the boys and girls. 

Which is the worse when a minister is involved?

Having just seen Shorten speak I am confused. He said Turnbull should sack his deputy PM yet Turnbull said he doesn’t have the power to sack him. So can he or can’t he? Talk about muddle.....maybe google will know who is right and who is wrong.....

The Very 1st Thing B. JOYCE - has to do, on MON is start the BIG Ball rolling For MY requested 25 YRS OVER DUE, COMPENSATION, he &, many Others have been Referred To, - AS IS, MY LEGAL RIGHT. - PROB, IS, these politician "LOAFERs", All over "UN-Lucky" now, AUS, - R, as 99 % of 1,000's of HONEST, politician Pained - &, politician IN-SULT-ED, On-line Posters say, - POLITICIANS Care NOT, 1, Jot, abt ELECTORATES - N O R, VOTERS.. VOTING ""Results"", -are RIGGED, from IN-side. WHO  CARE S  ? ? Now busy UR-selve & Call up ""BEGA Rate-PAYER S ASSOCI, - N.S.W" &, look, FOR - the LONG letter, which was composed, to SHOW, one ANDREW CONSTANCE, M. P, - N S W  BEREJIKLIAN 'S  ""RAIL, ETC, - LACKEY"",  how MUCH, ABSOLU, - CONTEMPT, -above -""B E G A  RATE- PAYER S ASSOCIA, N.S.W", - have, for, -him, who LOOKS as DAFT, as ""DAFFY  DUCK"", in RAIL meetings, O N-line.. God Only knows how he "LOOKS", on a V Large SCREEN.. - HE wants NO TRAIN Drivers, - BUT, HAS not Enough Brain  Power, to ADMIT, "DRIVER--LESS TraiNs", - could, - IM-PERIL the LIVES of ALL, on a ""DRIVER--LESS"' TRAIN. - SIMPLY, a STUPID "PLAN". -- AEROplanes are NOT safe, relying ON soft-ware.. IT's a JOKE &, a v DEAD-LY game.. &, - BEREJIKLIAN is not offering ANY words about NEW DAM S.. WHY ?? bc, it is EASIER to "go down in History", Laying Train TRACKS, than, savg WASTED ""RUN-OFF"" Water, for OUR, -KID S  FUTURES.. The ONLY 1 REASON, - she is, PREMIER, i s, - bec IT is a "POISON-ED  CHALICE"" & is offered to ANY suitable, F E M, -Avail, bec SMART  MEN, don't WANT the FAILURE of a ""PREMIER 's"" position, ON, - their RESUME.. Very SMART. - NO MOUNTAINS of Early GREY Hairs  &, BLOOD pressure ON-set, - Either. - MEN are, SO Smart, to REJECT, " PREMIER " position, But,I T, IS, a ""POISON-ED  CHALICE"" &, a WOMAN does N O T Count, In DIRTY Dirty, AUStralian  POLITICS, when, - SHE - eventually FAILs, -As a "PREMIER". - & ALL the Voters Do, is Just WAIT. 

Kev .Do you have a stutter problem?

Need a Bex and a lie down Kevinj?

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