Phyl's Healthy Pastry - Pizza Base

Phyl put this up in Just Chat

"I just cannot believe how easy it is to make healthy pastry and pizza bases just out of two ingredients and it is really nice.

Cup of full fat yoghurt and one cup of self raising flour and that's it.

Knead, roll,  cut to fit whatever you are making but need a floured board and rolling pin to stop it being sticky and put the dough in the fridge for around 1hr or even 1/2 hour before using it."

That has to be the best pastry recipe I've seen in a long while, and so it does not get lost in the chit chat - I thought it would be nice in the recipe section so we can easily locate it.

Well done Phyl

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I certainly wouldn't share anything with this site,there is far too much bitchiness and bullying and I'm speaking from personal and previous experience!! You all still need to learn how to get along without nasty comments to others who may have a different opinion to you lot!! Here we go,getting all defensive...we are all very welcoming of new members...yeah if that were true how many new members are there who hang around?? Very few!!!The same old core group that has been here for Yonks with no new blood!! the whole site needs to be put out to pasture and started again with people who are open to new ideas and new people instead of being defensive when someone new comes along with a different point of view!! Maybe the best idea is to shut the site completely because it is achieving nothing except to reinforce the point of view of a few very small minded individuals who think they are special!!Enjoy your "retirement" and maybe some of you will become real human beings in the process!!

I for one will always know it as Phyl's Pizza Pastry - I certaily have not seen it anywhere else and I am grateful to Phyl for putting it on Lets Chat.

I put it up so that other people and myself could find it again and it deserves to be in the recipe Section as it is yummy.

I have introduced other recipes to this section using the member's name who introduced them to us like Geoff's Chocolate Lasagna.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us

I Hope somebody answers your add under your personnal detail and becomes your penpal/friend - it is not very nice to be 66 and be lonely.

Best of luck

Dear"Abby" I gave up on the personal ad a long time ago when I realised that there were no "real' people on this site,thank you for your "concern".I have made many friends on other sites with very little effort and NO hassles or bullying!!What a sad existance you all must have,being so inbred here,without any NEW BLOOD to stimulate your senses.....SO BORING for you all and it is obvious after reading the comments!!May you all find "real" friends one day if you venture out of your "comfort zone" into the real world!!!

Seggie. Eh? I've just looked in the mirror and I'm definitely a real person. Not quite sure what's going on. Bitchiness? Not from me.  Bullying? No, I don't do that. I'm more into love thy neighbour.  Old core group?  Old, yes, you are right there but old is just a word. Like age, it's just numbers. Inbred? Heavens, I hope not. I often venture out of my comfort zone and surprise myself and I must stop doing it otherwise people may find me boring too. 

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