It's My Birthday, say something nice

Do you ever have that sad, reflective mood at certain dates?
My day is tomorrow the 27th. Will my children remember? There's every probability they will forget. Not because they are unkind or non-caring, bur we somehow missed on that huge bonding that mothers are supposed to have with two sons and one daughter.
If I do not hear from them I will not be upsett, far from that. I will be sad that we all have missed out on that family magic that you see other families abound in.

As a single mum all energy seemed to have gone into bills and house repairs and make sure the car is running. Then they all leave and you sell the house and discover Futures market. That was exciting, but the trading account dropped from the sky when DOW fell 500 points few years ago and all my money with it. Now its my birthday and I am scratching to go out and buy me a bottle of champagne; there won't be anyone to take me to that special place where I used to be taken many eons ago. Or just that one special person to make me feel special. I had my chances and let good men slip by while I sought excitement.
I remember my mother-in-law used to say with a sigh, 'if I knew then what I know now...'
Here I am, if I knew then what I know now...
You live many years to experience and learn, and when you've got it pretty right,
you end up with Doctors and hospitals and backache, and hip replacement..
Ah, well, I know St.Peter loves me!

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gathering dust and Innes I have sent your messages on to Mara. Lets hope she can get back in soon as the others I am in contact with will be also.

What a pain in the proverbial as I am sure there are many more cannot get back in.


Innes not all of us give newcomers a hard time I know I havn't but there are some people mean in real life and mean on the net. Then again there are some who are probably just mean on the net because they are cowards and as sweet as pie face to face.

All the best


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