It's My Birthday, say something nice

Do you ever have that sad, reflective mood at certain dates?
My day is tomorrow the 27th. Will my children remember? There's every probability they will forget. Not because they are unkind or non-caring, bur we somehow missed on that huge bonding that mothers are supposed to have with two sons and one daughter.
If I do not hear from them I will not be upsett, far from that. I will be sad that we all have missed out on that family magic that you see other families abound in.

As a single mum all energy seemed to have gone into bills and house repairs and make sure the car is running. Then they all leave and you sell the house and discover Futures market. That was exciting, but the trading account dropped from the sky when DOW fell 500 points few years ago and all my money with it. Now its my birthday and I am scratching to go out and buy me a bottle of champagne; there won't be anyone to take me to that special place where I used to be taken many eons ago. Or just that one special person to make me feel special. I had my chances and let good men slip by while I sought excitement.
I remember my mother-in-law used to say with a sigh, 'if I knew then what I know now...'
Here I am, if I knew then what I know now...
You live many years to experience and learn, and when you've got it pretty right,
you end up with Doctors and hospitals and backache, and hip replacement..
Ah, well, I know St.Peter loves me!

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Big hugs Mara.

Like you I do not know why we are not a close family either. Just happens I guess.

Like you I have had things happen to us most people gasp at. BUT we are still here


You have had your share of not such great things happen but in the big scheme of things.

"You are o.k. mate" !!!

Will you go out tomorrow? listen to 3 a.w. most of the night? and be happy.

You know if you lay on the floor and relax completely you can go just anywhere you

want as the mind is SO powerful. Cannot even move the big toe without the mind telling

it to move so happiness is up to you and me and all of us. Many people have everything

but not happy while others with very little are very happy why is that do you think?

Because it is in my opinion how we look at each little thing happens in a day.

I get joy from all the little things in life as like you have many regrets. We could not

go on Mara if we dwelt too much on things you know ,and lets face it we must have done some good along the way lol.

............ ............................................................................................

Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Mara happy birthday to you.


You ARE loved Mara! Trully!

More hugs


Many happy returns to a truly nice person.

Seeing as how I am here and you are there, I'll send you a cyber hug..

I hope you can find some happiness, not just on your birthday, but every day.

If your sons and daughter don't remember, just know that deep down they appreciate you and what you have done for them over the years.

Thoughts, not words are what matter..

All the best mara on your special day.


What happened yesterday is best forgotten - today is what counts. The past can't be re-called, or changed. I really do hope you have a Happy Birthday.

Ah, well, I know St.Peter loves me!


And we love you too mara ............happy birthday from all of us here ............xxxx

Happy birthday for this year, and I hope we are all around to wish you a happy birthday next year.

Happy Birthday from me too, I hope the day pans out to be good and remember to count your blessings

Wake up Mara we are all here to wish you a


Get up and enjoy the day......

Here you go Magnum of your favourite champagne

Box of your favourite chocs.

and bunches of all your favourite flowers

and all the vases to go with them.

Hurry rise and shine and don't waste

one second of your special day and exciting things will happen for you

for the rest of your birthday year and they are starting NOW..



Many happy returns of the day Mara and I hope you have the best day possible. I too was a sole parent and can empathise about the kids. Mine are grown now and naturally, forget birthdays, fathers day etc.......but get mightily offended if I forget THEIR kids special days.

In your shoes, I would ring my ungrateful little snots and remind them of they good childhood they had and ask how THEY would like to do that alone? HHhmmmmmmm......deja vu, seems like I do that every year.

[size=3][color=purple]A bit late, Mara, but happy birthday to you and many more.[/color[/size]]

I hope you have a great day Mara

Wow! Thank you you beautiful people!

For birthday wishes, hugs, champagne, birthday cake, flowers,

greeting are simply a wonderful bunch.

Well, yes, I got that bottle of champagne afterall. My neighbours got togather

and surprised me also with some seafood, potato salad, vienna sausages,

and then strawberies and cream!! can you imagine that!! It was lovely.

Bit disappointed have not heard from the children. Unussual for my daughter to forget, but she is backpacking in Europe and it is not always easy to get to the internet or the phone.

The other two will be all embarrassed when I tell them - by the way, .. my birthday.....

It's nice to have occasionaly nice things happen to you; brightrens your day and

you'll have nice things to remember. Thank you all of you here for your kindness and generosity.

It has been a lovely day and you have been a big part of it.


May the sun shine warmly on you.

Mara is having trouble getting back in. It's very strange.


I have just read this series of messages. I think you sometimes give newcomers a hard time. BUT, I am glad I found this site. It is good to argue, debate, disagree & fight with nice people. Mara, I am sorry that I missed the big day, but can I tell you that if I could have been there, my wife would have been justifiably jealous

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