Hash brown potatoes

Does anyone have a good recipe for "hash browns"? I have tried recipes from a couple of different books but they just dont seem to come out for me. My attempts have been stringy, cooked (or overcooked) on the outside, but still "crunchy"in the middle. Maybe I am just doing something wrong? ........ is there a secret to success?


Davey's theme song

I'd like to be under the sea

In an octopus' garden in the shade

He'd let us in, knows where we've been

In his octopus' garden in the shade

I'd ask my friends to come and see

An octopus' garden with me

I'd like to be under the sea

In an octopus' garden in the shade.

And its about time that Drew stepped in .......... :sick:

If Drew has to step in and mediate on a "recipe" thread, we really are in trouble......

I do not mind when he steps in .......its about time that he did imo..........and after all the thread has progressed well past the point of being nice ................. >:-(

clay, is this your first visit to the "Recipe Room"

All sorts of sordid stuff happens in here.

This is rather mild so far so dont be shocked :)

The Hash Browns are nice it's the nutcases who interject with phrases that they try to get a reaction with that is the problem here.

I only reply to words written by others...........see for yourself.

I came in here for a HB recipe..........welllllll...........Nah don't think I want now...........Will take my bat and ball and go home LOL :)

Wonders WHY Davey uses the words of others?????

Don't he know any of his own????

Reading Davey's posts I thought it was the 'Just for fun' site

Well it looks like the recipe room has lived up to it's reputation , this time with world war 4 taking place.

I am left wondering if kfc got his hash brown recipe and if it is any good.

Maybe Hash Cookies are what we need

3 cups (500g) grated potatoes

1/2 cup (60g) grated onion

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Black pepper, to taste

1 avocado

2 teaspoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons olive oil

In a bowl combine the potatoes and onion and season with salt and pepper. Cut the avocado into small dice and toss gently with lemon juice.

Heat a nonstick pan on medium-high heat and add the olive oil. Sauté the potato and onion, stirring constantly until potato begins to brown, 5-6 minutes. Fold in the avocado and continue to cook until browned, about 1 1/2 minutes.

Serve onto warmed plates and garnish with generous dollops of sour cream.

I like avocados

Seggie. What have I been missing? I decided this morning to see what everyone has been chatting about and looked up the 'hash potatoes'. Well, as we used to say in the old days, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Apart from having a much needed laugh, I remember making them with grated potato (squeezed out thoroughly), an egg, a bit of plain flour, onion and parsley. We called them Mock Whitebait. We peeled the potatoes but will make some later today with the skins on. As for someone called Fwed 'Miss Fwed', I have always thought of Fwed as being a man of substance and one who has experienced probably far too much of the unpleasant things in life. As far as I'm concerned, Fwed is Mr.Fwed to me and I remember at school, we used to say sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt me. Carry on as usual, Fwed.

Hiya Seggie Oh yes The Recipe Room has been "R" rated

for some time now. ;-)

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