Election May 18 2019

pr 2019

Prime Minister calls federal election
PM calls an election, but is his party ready to tackle an uphill battle?


A knock on the Governor General’s door at the crack of dawn, a quick conversation with Sir Peter Cosgrove and Prime Minister Scott Morrison emerges to announce a federal election.

So, Australians will go to the polls on 18 May after Mr Morrison dissolved the 46th Parliament.

He formally announced the election date in the forecourt of Parliament House at 8.30am.

Is his party ready for the uphill battle many are predicting?

The Liberals are behind Labor in the latest Newspoll, but believe that by limiting expected losses in Victoria and targeting on-the-fence voters in NSW and Tasmania, they may still have a shot at winning.

It’s a big ask. Labor needs just seven seats to form a government.

Based on current numbers, Labor may pick up around 10 seats – more than enough to claim a majority in the House of Representatives.

However, ALP strategists aren’t expecting the landslide some have predicted.

The hot tip was that the PM would call the election last Sunday. Labor claims the Government put off that announcement so it could legally use taxpayer funds to pay for advertising policies.

Labor may be on to something. Mr Morrison has landed the first electioneering punch with his first taxpayer-funded Liberal Party election advertisement, My vision for Australia, released last night.

He has called on Australians to look forward a decade, rather than focusing on the present.

“The real question is, what country do you want to live in for the next 10 years?” Mr Morrison says in the advertisement.

“It has taken us 12 years to get the budget back on track. You change the Government, you change the course of the country, and it takes a long time to get it back on track.”

The message from Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is blunt and to the point.

“Six years of instability, six years, three prime ministers. Time’s up,” he said.

Both parties seem to be focused on the economy, as well as pushing tax cuts and spending on healthcare and infrastructure. But as we’ve already reported, older Australians are largely being ignored. Almost four in 10 respondents to our Friday Flash Poll: Who do you trust? say they feel ignored by both parties, but concede that healthcare is the one area that may sway their vote.

Read more at The New Daily

Which policies would you like to see each party take to the Federal Election? Tell us in the comments below.



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He sure comes across as a real Salesman --- full of any crap that will try and convince you -- and sneaky as   

"What took the PM so long to call the election? Labor claims he put off the announcement so he could legally use taxpayer funds to pay for government advertising to promote key initiatives. According to Labor figures, as much as $136 million has been spent since January. We present the case for a nationwide ban on political advertising in the months before an election."

Shows what a down right sneaky untrustworthy bastard Morrison is

18 May can’t come soon enough!

I have found it very unedifying to hear our Prime Minister calling the Opposition "Liars", especially on subjects that are matters of opinion (where there is no truth or lie to be found).

It is most unbecoming to hear this language from a leader, but I see they are so desperate, (& it appeals to their rusted on base) they haven't got anything left but to frighten people. Why not talk policies? Because they can't get a consensus for policies even within their own ranks!

Wow isn't the truth starting to show its face. Morrison hammered Shorten over the electric cars by 2030 and stated its going to cost the taxpayer more because car companies will also whack on the tax.

Another lie from the loud mouth......Car companies have come back and said it isn't true.

How many lies will come out of his mouth? before the election. Between his BS and Rupert Murdoch lying his ass off and backing fossil fuels and all who want it parliament, we are in for one hell of a ride. Going to be hard to distinguish fact from fiction.

I am going by gut feeling, screw the amount of money thrown around, stuff the promises they both and others spout off. My gut is leaning towards Shorten who seems to have a bit of diplomacy about him. Morrison can't get his act together for the betterment of the land or its people, he's too darn busy attacking Shorten and pulling apart all that he has planned. Haven't seen Shorten do so many low blows to Scomo as Morrison has done to Bill.


Cor, no pleasing some people. Thought all would be glad Scotty wants Tony back on the front bench. Lord of the rings in parliament soon, LOL

Lord of the rings in parliament soon, LOL

Is that somehow related to the 'suppository of all wisdom' ... AKA Tony Abbott?

The mind boggles ... LOL

Anyone that wants Abbott back either know nothing about him or what he has said and done and the unbelievable amount of rubbish and lies  he has told or the way he has acted --both physically and mentally,   in fact,  it really seriously makes one wonder if he has a mental problem -- Abbott will never give up as he is such a narcissist and will wreck and do anything to get hss own way you only have to look back over his past from when he was at Uni

I think we're about to see the last of Abbott in Parliament & that will be to the benefit of Australia, democracy, Labor of course, but also the LNP in the long run. The Libs need to start preselecting moderates & routing out these old, white, neanderthal males. The Libs should seek to find a vision beyond self-interest.

so Bill Shorten has today pledged to bail out the basket case called the Northern Territory.   by 2030 they will be in debt 35 BILLION.

pray tell Bill where is this money coming from?  

google it and see how bad things are up there!

I will look that up, ard.

Well its not coming from the "top end of town" who are getting hit by a measly $2B. Maybe from us retirees and workers who are getting hit with $34B in taxes?

There's plenty of money there for Shorten's promises, when you count the revenue (from ordinary, working taxpayers) NOT going to new negative gearers, capital gains, tax refunds to people who don't pay any tax (franking credits), Family Trusts (read tax aversion from generationally rich families) & of course the $billions & $billions that the big banks & other multinationals won't get, that Morrison wants to give them.

The Liberals have NO VISION FOR THE FUTURE. If you vote for them we'll just get more of the same disunity & inability to govern effectively, because of their factional chaos. They've been truly useless & why might that change if they get back in?

Speaking of the inability to govern effectively, the same thing might happen to Labor if the Senate is filled with the far right wing circus that is Clive Palmer, Pauline Hanson, Cory Bernadi, etc., so put these clowns at the bottom of your Senate paper (the big white one), even if you vote for the LNP.

Finally, we might have a Parliament that works for Australia & the people of Australia. Shorten is talking consensus & bipartisanship for decisions made in Parliament that affect everyone, not just the 1-issue bits of legislation. AND, most importantly, a voice in Parliament for First Nations People, to have a say in legislation that directly affects Aboriginal communities. At long last!

Yes, I agree with you Hooohoo There's plenty of money there for Shorten's promises

....you can always introduce the DEATH TAX and change the assets test to include the home

which will reduce payments required for pensions, after all why should the pensioners live in houses they worked for.

I have just done my postal vote and on the green paper, I found it VERY hard to find a place to put all the others --2 to 6  as IMO they were ALL LAST.

Also, the form that had to be filled in with your phone number/Address/Name/place of birth and witness was going to be on view for all to see so I put it in another envelope and did it that way as you could very well have your identity stolen the way they wanted it done.


I think its sad that, like the rest of us, after casting your vote, you dont know who you've voted for. This is a terrible system which encourages political corruption.

I've done postal voting before but can't recall the voter details on those occasions being openly displayed on the supplied envelope.

Like PlanB, I will enclose mine in another envelope for privacy reasons ... (as per the options detailed in the How To Vote pamphlet that came with the material I received).

Did the same PlanB. How ludicrous to have all your personal details for the world to see.

So many competing interests ... especially in the Senate.

Far left, far right (lots) and some downright wacko parties IMO.

Check out WHO'S WHO FOR YOU ... and what they represent at:






...you can always introduce the DEATH TAX and change the assets test to include the home.

Ha that is about the only tax Shorten has not introduced. I am a lifelong LNP voter but some of the early policies Shorten framed appealed to me.. eg: the Republic, EVs. But in the intervening weeks he has picked up his huge sack and is now playing Santa Klaus. Where does he think the money is coming from to fund his grandiose schemes such as 45% emissions reduction. More taxes thats where. Sorry Labor you have a sad record of promising the world and then wrecking the economy.

Will we soon have relief from Bill Shorten walking around with his chin in his hand, angling for the front page photo of that posturing (and sometimes succeeding with the compliant media)? 

'The Thinker' he is NOT!  Bill makes up his policy on the run.  He is like a greyhound chasing rabbits.  LOL


That is what most worries me about Labor under Bill Shorten and the other leftovers from the Rudd and Gillard governments: that policy will continue to be made up on the run and it will be spend, spend, spend like there is no tomorrow.

Better the Devil you know?

A lota canvassing going on here, waste of time because I think Shorten's got it in the bag.

Bill and his pie in the sky promises will bankrupt us. Be scared.. very scared!

Fear mongering doesn’t work anymore.

It seems fear mongering is the name of the game now! Of course, it relies on fearful sheep to follow their voting guide, for it to work effectively.

Sorry Australia, it seems you are a bunch of fearful sheep.

And I'm sorry for young Australians & First Nations People, who were hoping for a say in the future of Australia. Now you'll have to wait for the natural attrition of voting conservatives to reclaim back your country. Be patient - there are plenty of us older ones out here who do care about you & the future of our Country.

As the Liberal party supposedly strive for every single seat I ask why would I vote for their Kingston SA candidate, whom I dont know, have never heard of, have never seen her in the media and had NOTHING about her through my letter box?

Is she one of these imbecilic nodding heads opportunistly standing behing her leader paying attention, as he makes yet another grand (expensive) promise? I can only assume she is a sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter in a Labour held seat and volunteers are in short supply

I fear of what is to come.

Why not ask Laura the question you pose here ?


I am appalled at the lot of them and the amount of  "other" parties I had never heard off the whole darn government and the political system is a ******* joke

There should also be a separate part called  "protest votes"    where you can go and fill in a form or make your thoughts known in a serious way --  if you feel desperate and frustrated about the political system.



I appreciate your blind loyalty Suze but its not up to me to chase this candidate as I am not seeking votes. Truth being known she will only offer the well practiced 'party line' that has been drummed into her by her political handlers 

This reminds me when candidate Rishworth door knocked years ago. I asked her what she would do for pensioners and was told to look it up on the net. When I retired much later, she sent me a pensioner info pack which was OUT OF DATE 

A candidate has to EARN my vote. To have someone totally unknown, unheard of, virtually invisible, who seems to be a 'Laura come lately' is NOT the way to do it


In my opinion you are very lucky to have a young enthusiastic candidate like Laura

Sure would prefer her to the corrupt pollies we have in my area that are waiting for their pensionable time.

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