Election day?

Election day? Or pretty soon for you folks. Just wanted to say that you all should have a happy election day. For everyone, win or lose, it is the right thing to do.

In a couple months it will be my turn in the US.

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Hi Bob, I guess we are lucky that the election campaign only lasted 5 weeks. Your elections seem to be just about an ongoing thing, they last sssoooo long.

Bob, are you aware that it's compulsory to vote in Australia? I was just reading that there have been 1.8 million absentee votes cast..

Bob, are you aware that it's compulsory to vote in Australia? I was just reading that there have been 1.8 million absentee votes cast..

Yes, well aware of that situation. Different countries and different rules. I personally do not like the mandatory with penalties rules. That could just bring a bunch of hard heads to the polls to vote irrationally and cause the government to be run by the wrong folks. The lack of compulsory voting also has dangers in that the nonvoters could also allow the wrong group to gain control. No perfect way at all but at least we are all getting to vote, not just be driven by some full time dictators.


Hi Bob, I guess we are lucky that the election campaign only lasted 5 weeks. Your elections seem to be just about an ongoing thing, they last sssoooo long.

So you think two years is too long? So do we, and I think Obama's run was even longer. It would be nice if they held the campaigns to shorter periods and limited how much money could be used for the campaign.


When we went to our high school to vote, the lady asked if we have voted anywhere else - she doesn't know because there's no check on it. What's stopping me from going down to the primary school and voting there again. Why in heavens name isn't it computerised so a check can be run of people voting twice. If you get caught out, all you have to say is ' it wasn't me, someone else has used my name. Pretty third world voting system if you ask me.

I have heard a lot say they are going to vote informal--because they are sick to death of he both parties, I wonder if they will

I love election night PB, I've bought a bottle of bubbly - Seaview Grand Cuvee - my favourite, to help the night along, roll on midnight, I'm not going to bed until we get a winner.

I have heard a lot say they are going to vote informal--because they are sick to death of he both parties, I wonder if they will

As much as I was fed up with attempted bribery by both parties

and the promise of more degrading of morals by another party,

I did vote, hoping I selected the one that was of the most benefit

to the nation. I feel we should vote, as it was a very hard won fight

to do so. It is not that long ago when the average person could not

vote unless he was a landowner or owned a business.

It is in my lifetime where voting in local council was also only for those

who owned land or business.

If you don't vote it is one vote less against those you do not want.

whoever they may be.

Yes Seth thats how I feel about voting I too was not fond of either but I did vote although I did choose my own.

Toot we may not know for sure who wins for a few days.

When we went to our high school to vote, the lady asked if we have voted anywhere else - she doesn't know because there's no check on it. What's stopping me from going down to the primary school and voting there again. Why in heavens name isn't it computerised so a check can be run of people voting twice. If you get caught out, all you have to say is ' it wasn't me, someone else has used my name. Pretty third world voting system if you ask me.

For me, my voters card tells me where to vote if in person or provides a numbered official ballot that I can use at home. Either way, they do get tracked. So if I go into another place to vote they will look into the registration book to see if I have registered, did I have a mail in ballot. Then I get a special ballot that allows me to vote but it won't be put into the official ballots until I get checked out. I don't know if all places operate the same, probably not, as many vote from the grave in parts of the US. I think cross checking is important for the honesty of our elections. And the more stringent the better. We have as many as 20 million illegal people in this country and they should not be allowed to alter the future of this country until found to be legally here.


what an amazing election, with some truly surprising individual results.

Bennalong Lib, expected, Melbourne Green, expected, Robertson Labor

unbelievable!!!! Denison faux Green, a real shocker. Early results in WA

are truly amasing. I doubt, toot2000 if we will have the final results inside of a week.

I can go to bed happy - Maxine McKew got the boot!

toot2000 " I can go to bed happy - Maxine McKew got the boot! "

& Julia says their is no God !!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha

I never liked Maxine either

As far as voting and checking if you have voted else where--I agree surely it could be computerised, and they can then check on the computer if the name has been crossed off, the way they do it now is very antiquated.

Looks like a hung Parliament thats for sure.

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