Bit of discussion about war.

Words from Seth:-
Although we cannot hold the present generation
of Japanese responsible, when I heard our P.M. talking about
our wonderful friendship I couldn’t help think of those in my unit
left lying in New Guinea, and the POW’s in Malaya
Also you only have to see what happened where they occupied
a country to know what would have happened in Australia.
Posted: 25 April 2011 10:41 AM
Seth Our family so agree with you "God help US if the Japs.
had won the war"
That said, true enough, the new generations are not responsible to a big degree
but then again are we all responsible to some degree, for what was done
and is being done and will be done?
My Brother and uncles also fought in New Guinea and O'seas and lives lost sadly.
So "Lest We Forget" forgive? sure we have to try hard (harder for some) but never forget.
Our Son back from East Timor and Somalia will never be the same person he
was before he fought so no we "will never forget" will we try to forgive? yes
Reminisce, and try to enjoy Anzac Day everyone and to those feeling sad which is most
of us for parts of the day - it is a day for rememberance and looking to the future also.
We still have kids in the army and always worry as is normal for parents.
Yes Seth I found it hard to accept Julia's words "re the great friendship/mateship we should
have with the Japanese. It is not as easy for some, as words spoken by others can be.
We all deal with Anzac Day and probably every day of our lives in our own way and as best we can.
Have a special day Everyone.

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And I heard a rumour you Seth were thrown out of the RSL

today for cheating at Snooker.. You were heard coughing and blowing your

nose (yuk) at the time the other poor blokes were trying to make their


Shame shame. >:-(

Phyl how wrong can you be, after being falsely accused of

having a big head, I went for a game of snooker, just to

calm down,However my normal brilliant unbeatable game

was spoilt by uncontrollable arm tremble, brought on

by anger over such a statement, After thirty beers,

and ten whiskeys I was starting to play my normal good came,

only to be thrown out when calling everyone "Phyl"

Seth, do not take too much notice if I say nice things about you - sometimes I have these silly feelings as we all know that you are a bunny killer & worse.

I will have to check with my doc as to why I starting to praise a crooked, conniving thief.

I hope it is only a temporary affliction.

fwed how upset I am to read that all those words {True}

you said, are now being denied. Just when I was beginning

to think you were normal I am let down again.

Is there no end to your deceitful behavior.

I can only be thankful that you only called me a crooked

conniving thief, it would have been unbearable if you had

said nasty words about my concreting,thanks for that.

Kika if you think the Japanese were,are, cruel JUST to animals

(and not just wales) talk to some of our Diggers and some

of the descriptions of what was done in the war would make

you cry and make you maybe think about whether we can ever absolutely

love the Japanese. I do not love the Japs. but I am not saying they were

the only beyond what was done in the war cruel to the extreme

as everyone has to be accountable, yes there are very cruel people

of all colour and creeds. The Prisoner of War Documentaries and

films make me cry.

And those Docos do NOT show HALF of what they did!

Plan B, my comment was referring to the present, not the past. Most nations have shown cruelty to others at some time/s in their history. Our own early history has many examples of extreme cruelty to the indigenous people of this country.

i was born at the end of the war and thus have positive feelings for japanese (except for their whaling). nor was any member of my family imprisoned during the war, but i have read of the great suffering endured by those who have been prisoners of war.

however, its over 60 years later, and many japanese people are suffering greatly due to the recent disasters of earthquakes, tsunamis, financial collapse, and even increasing radioactivity.

we now live in different times and my compassion is with the people of japan. this does not lessen anyone's sadness for the deaths of australian loved ones in the past. but isn't it time to forgive and live in the present?

Don't get me wrong I also feel for Japan at this time and can't imagine what they would be going through and wish nothing bad on anyone. However when you have had close friends that were treated in such a way by the Japs it is very hard not to feel resentment. Even to their treatment of Whales etc--the cruelty has not changed--and they are also lying about the Whales being for scientific purposes

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