Beaut Fruit Cake - simply made - simply devine.

you will not believe this if you had a problem believing Zapped Chook.

the best Fruit Cake you have ever tasted and it is so simple it sounds impossible.

750g Mixed Fruit (less expensive brand)
600 ml Chocolate or coffee flavored milk (just milk and instant coffee)
2 cups Self Raising Flour (less expensive brand)

that's all - not another thing to add - but how you ask - simple.

Put mixed fruit into bowl and mix in flavored milk
rest this in refrigerator overnight.
add flour next morning
grease and line a can - add mixture and bake in a preheated oven 180 degrees or 160 fan forced for 1 hour.

bet you could not believe this - no eggs - no butter - no sugar- no essence

lets all know what you think - i love fruit cake and cook this in the caravan all the time.

have a great day


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Sounds very simple and quick Peter

i know - you cannot believe it - just try it - no mess - very inexpensive and it really is beaut - if you like fruit cake that is

love and regards


Good one Peter but it is not April1st ????

Nah sorry I cannot believe it - good joke though.

You are jesting yes?

Phyl. not gunna be a dill today..........

Phyl cross me heart and hope to die - it is true -promise.

just try it and if you are not completely happy with the result i will mail you the complete cost of the material you use.

mixed fruit - home brand $4.50 UHT milk $2 home brand flour $2 - say $10 - how is that.

if you are game to try then you will tell everyone just what you think - fair enough ???

i could not believe it as well but it is true - tastes wonderful - we make it all the time in the caravan and last year i wone third prize at the Mudgarabee Show with my fruit cake - that was against a lot of CWA cooks and they are really good.

You won a prize with a recipe for fruit cake with a couple of ingredients??? seems an impossible dream Peterseaford?

You are so cute and have such an honest demeanor I will make that fruit cake after I cook your chook tomorrow.

I of little faith but I will give it a go.................

Thank ya kindly (I think) Peter I will eat humble pie for a week if that there no butter no eggs no well hardly anything list of ingredients turns out a beautiful fruit cake.

Phyl - you will be very pleased.

the chook is really beaut - i always wash my chook - inside and out - just shake dry and try to coat well with soup mix and some corn flour - not much - just a dusting - throw in the whole packet of soup mix - not the pack of course.

Norma likes cold chook and roasted in the oven sometimes is dry - not this way . when we cook in the oven it always means cleaning baking dishes - not this way

i really think you will be delighted - the secret is size equals minutes - both up and down.

if the bird is 1.5k that is size 15 so 15 mins up and 15 mins down.

remember if the bird is .6k it is size 6 so 6 up and 6 down.

to ensure clean microwave - because the oven bag needs two little holes each side put the bird in the bag on a plate and put that in the microwave - when turned the juice will stay on the plate if any escapes.

when cooked be careful and cut the bag and remove so gravy and chook are left on the plate to cut and serve.

bet you will never buy takeaway chook again.

nothing needed to be said about the cake - you will see.

tell us all what you discover and if your not happy i will send $10 to the office to send on to you

love and regards

ps they are white not red


peterseaford,i went shopping today and what did i come back without?a chicken but i will get one tomorrow,

you are quite the little cook aren't you,i will also try your cake,

while i was reading about the cake it made me think of these people you see in the mall,telling everyone how great a product is,i bet you would do well demonstrating,you have the gift lol,

Dear Wendy PLEASE try the cake and the chook - you sound like a very modern young lady.

let everybody know what you think cos so many just mope around and seem to have lost the spark of adventure.

that cake is so good it can be used as plum pudding at Christmas -

lol peter

You will get adventure in a minute Peterseaford.

We are all SO adventurous you would need to be able to move fast :)

Today IS THE day we have Peterseaford chook. and Peterseaford Fruit Cake..

Don't forget to let us all know how it went Phyl

I will Jane.............

psst I am still VERY skeptical re the fruit cake lol but I am whispering so Peter S. does not hear me.....I do not want to offend him. I might be eating humble pie later in the day. We will see as I will make it exactly as our mate said.

Yipee Phil - the truth will hit the fan verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry soon. is it in the oven yet ??

Oh ye of little faith. love to see the surprise on your face

white white white not red hahhahhaha

lol peter

You are a very funny bunny Peter S. My Peter is going to write something in later under my name but will be him, about that bloke you spoke of who was a hero of my Peter's when he was playing footy at the South Melb. Ground (The other bloke was a bit before Peter's playing days)

You /O^O I have to wait until my new stove is installed before I can make the cake...Later today

and I am excited but I do not want to say "I told you it could not turn out as good as Peter S. says" I will make it exact and will be fun.....If it turns out not so good I will use it with custard (SO few ingredients you see) :) Please do not hit me Peter S.

I am going to really skite here.

The kichen has all new doors and all new hinges and all rehung and all new handles and all new marble looking stuff going on the benches tomorrow and looks like a beautiful new kitchen and we are over the moon with it already half finished.

Jane this is a cheap way to go and the kitchen looks the same as one we would have paid three times the amount we are paying because everything inside the cupboards is great and did not need ripping out.

Life is just SO good hey.....

Sounds good Phyl--but I would like my kitchen to be made bigger--and have more bench space--but a hard one to do--the way it is configured--the doors are fine--but I do have a new cooktop--I would like new bench tops though--mine are very 70s

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