61 year old female life long dream to see scotland will be travel companion if you can pay the bills want to have fun an see things

would like to have some conversations with anyone who might be interested in a travel companion fill free to talk to me at [email protected] gay men also welcome to apply

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wendy 222, not even I could be so cruel as to try and pair you off with evergreen, just shows how easy it is to be misunderstood. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time on your trip and meet some great people in the group

thankyou keandha,i appreciate your comments especially about evergreen,by the way who is he?

i'm sure i will have a lovely time and meet some nice people

Wendy, evergreen is one of the few of us to post a profile. Click on his name and you will get his details. He is probably quite a nice gent at heart and maybe he hasn't the command of English to make his point properly.

hello keandha,where will i find evergreens name,i can't find a members list and i couldn't read all your post because i had advertisments running straight down the middle of the screen which is rather annoying

hi keandha,i have just found evergreen and see what you mean,i've just had a thought,you don't think he's one of those people from the call centre who rings just as you are putting the dinner on the table, do you ?lol

help,how can i get these advertiments off,they are ruunning down the

centre of my screen,hiding most of the posts,i feel like sreaming!!!!!!!!!!

help,how can i get these advertiments off,they are ruunning down the

centre of my screen,hiding most of the posts,i feel like sreaming!!!!!!!!!!

Yes and me too .............clay

Now you two have done it!!! ALL the babies everywhere are awake. That screaming is SO loud

I can here it down in the Valley. I have learnt to keep my posts indented from the right hand side

so I can read them but sure nuff is a pain in th ....


Nice one Wendy, thought I reconized his voice. What ads by the way, not getting them.

hi phyl next time i scream i'll do it quietly and you have the right idea,

keandha,if i get any of those calls from india i shall be thinking,i wonder if thats evergreen lol,

it's all different ads and clay is getting them as well so i'm doing what phyl does and

keeping my lines short otherwise you have to keep moving them along at the bottom to read them

and when you do that the ads come with it and hides part of the post,

i'm not explaining myself very well,am i,

I think I get the gist of it.

hi keandha,i got in touch with admin but they couldn't see anything wrong and said they were having a new format at meeting place and hopefully the problem would be cleared.

When you can only read half of the message because there are adds down the centre Or the side it is almost enough to put you off bothering to log in at all

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