Youth Vote

The youth of Australia will have a dramatic impact on the result of the coming election on Saturday and as one of those youth voters, being 24, there are a number of policies that specifically talk to my generation and decide who gets my vote.

The three main areas of concern for me are Technology, Economy and Environment.
Growing up with computers, internet speeds have always been important and any party that is taking the right step to improving the speeds provided to business around Australia and to homes in the cities and countries is a big plus in my books. The National Broadband Network is an expensive project that is already being implemented by the current government and it would be an ignorant, uninformed party that would threaten such a project, which is what the Liberal party is proposing. I was very disheartened listening to Tony Abbott attempting to explain the party’s policies on technology.

The economy is the second, and most crucial area to be addressed. The Liberal and Labor party both seem to be very much on the same page regarding the economy. If anything, the campaigning from both the Liberals and Labor have annoyed me with negative spins taking away from the important issues of funding, superannuation, taxes and how each party will take this great nation forward.

The third area is Environment. While it is definitely not at the top of my list, the environment is still very important to me. I love this country of ours. It is beautiful and we are very lucky to live in Australia. While proposed emissions trading schemes and fees for carbon may prevent some of the pollution being produced, other methods which will not have dramatic effects on our nation’s economy should be explored. Cleaner energy production is a win for everyone with solar panel technology improving by the day. A token effort to lower our emissions output is not enough; pressure needs to be placed on the countries responsible for the majority of the world’s emissions output.

As you can tell, I strongly believe that the Liberal and Labor party are the only two votes that should be taken into consideration. This is because I want my vote to count. I much prefer the policies of the two main parties than those of the fringe parties. I also think that my vote should count towards someone who has a chance at being elected as Australia’s next Prime Minister.

Who am I going to vote for on Saturday? I honestly cannot say. I was brought up a Liberal and voted Liberal in the last election, I just do not know if Tony Abbott is the person to take this nation forward.

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Oh Tanwin do you really think that Labor and Greens would have political plants on this web site? are you going to vote for Bob Brown and his dirty stinking way of living?


Oh jessej! surely no one thinks there are liberal plants

on this site, the liberal party is too honest to lie'

every word must be true' why' because their liberal.

just ask jessej and tanwin.


The Greens are planting in this thread as well! At the bottom of the previous page in the Google ads it is coming up with The Greens advertising :P

I will be glad when this election is over and we can return to what passes for sanity around here.

I dont know where jessej got her crazy idea about my voting for Brown.

I will be voting for Abbott although our seat is not likely to change from the Labor dill that occupies it.

Once upon a time a person's vote was their own business.

Nobody much really argued or fought about how another voted as their right to do what they

thought right, similar to telling a Doctor or going to confession.

NOW in my humble opinion far too many people believe they know the ONLY

way to vote is the way another wants. I have still not completely

decided yet but people like Tanwin and Jesse put me off the Liberals before

I try to give them credit for some things but nah after the debacle of Mr. Howard

and the GST I think the pencil would break as I tried to write if I decided to

vote for the Liberal Party.....Still contemplating the Greens :lol:

Seggie. Maybe I'm going mad as well. I thought 'our' page was our page, not a page to advertise a political party. I hasten to add, no one will ever change my opinion. Thankfully my brain is still mine. Please, please, someone tell me. How did the Greens get onto the bottom of what I thought was for us alone. Obviously I'm wrong.

And if someone can inform me, can they also tell me how much they are paying?

Ebay, eat your heart out.

Seggie again. Sorry, folks. I'm wrong. The bottom of what I thought were our pages does say 'advertise with us'. My mistake. Will in future, read all the fine print. Serves me right. Just goes to prove even a know-it-all can be wrong. Slap on the hand, Seggie.

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