Would you like some cash for your spare room?

Hello to you. Just want to throw an idea out there and see what response it gets. Our family is looking to come to Melbourne to see the sights maybe Xmas 2010(nothings definite though). The plan is to rent a spare room from someone down that way. We're an easygoing family of 4 who are respectful of others and their property.
Some benefits to you could be --
Cash in hand that won't affect pension etc.(and every dollar counts these days).
We'd be aiming to be out and about most of the time so hopefully not be in your way.
You could come and see the sights with us if you wished to, especially if you don't get out much.
That's about all there is to it. If you are interested or wanted to know more, our phone no. is 0747493337.

Tony and Andrea


I think for a family of 4 you would be better to get a hotel/motel--I reckon it would cost about the same as people get out of the cities in the holiday period would be rather quite then as most have gone out of the place I would think and one room would sleep 4


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