Would it help us for Seniors to have a base office at least; in each State!

Would an office representing all Seniors in every State be an idea? Called something with Seniors in it? and in the main for anything needed to be brought to the "Powers that Be" to help in every aspect of Seniors lives? I would think Official Stationery and each State pooling ideas and everything sent maybe monthly to the P.T.B. I just feel this way all our concerns would go in one package and by the large amount of mail could not just be read by a Receptionist but never reach anyone with the power to help.
We could by the thousands join and pay a small amount each to keep a person in the office a set amount of hours to deal with all problems. We need a base don't we?
Anyway just my ideas and if no good well dosn 't matter lol I have not hurt anyone.


A good idea Phyl, however C.O.T.A. (Council on the Ageing) already has an office in each State. I don't know about other States, but in the A.C.T. the staff are accessible and helpful.

We really don't want to reinvent the wheel, whenthe wheel already exists. It's just a matter of accessing the available outlets. COTA's brief is to represent the needs of older people. Find your local COTA office and have a talk with them. We need to be aware of the resources that are available and use them. That's what they are there for,

Of course you are right Pommy but we would not all be sending our letters the way we are if we thought they were helping us a real lot the way they should!

I was thinking more on the lines as ordinary people not a body of chosen people put there by any Government Body but just a group with hopefully a bit more luck than those there now.

squeaky wheels kind of thing. We have plenty in power not really doing what we specifically need so just a thought we could offer an appendige to get more voices heard.

It is often said we have enough Parties and enough people already in office but we would really still enjoy a Seniors Party :) Do not think it will come to part though but maybe a few thousand of us something like the DLP just in the background (trying to keep the bastards honest) many hands make light work as do many voices yelling loudly maybe. The quieter Seniors are the more they think "the poor things are past it, so lets do whatever we want" but they are wrong, we can do a lot more than we are given credit for.

All the best


I think that is a great idea Phyl. Will you take on the job of organising Victoria?


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