Why people cheat on each other

We all know what infidelity is, but a universal definition is difficult to carve out - especially in the digital age.

Is watching porn cheating, or is it only cheating if the person on the other side of the screen is live?

Each scenario is subjective, but psychotherapist Esther Perel crystalizes the three elements that lie at the heart of all cheating: secrecy, sexual alchemy, and emotion - even if the person doesn't think so.

Cheating is typically interpreted as a symptom of a bad relationship or of something lacking in a partner, however one of the biggest revelations for Ms Perel in researching her latest book, The State of Affairs, was that happy people also stray.

Even people in satisfying relationships find themselves crossing the line they never thought they would. So what gives?

"They often stray not because they want to find another person but because they want to reconnect with a different version of themselves," she says.

"It isn’t so much that they want to leave the person that they are with as much as sometimes they want to leave the person that they have themselves become."

See more at estherperel.com.

Why do you think people cheat on each other?

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Because they are dishonest/selfish and utter mongrels.

There is NO excuse for anyone to cheat if you are wanting to do so then do the right thing and get OUT of the relationship altogether.

Well put PlanB ????

Could not agree more

Relationships rot from the inside out. If cheating occurs it's usually because the relationship was already in trouble. Women who use sex for control are deserving of this kind of relationship, but if she is this kind of nightmare, divorce her, let her make someone else's life miserable.

You can also be a trusting loving person and still get cheated on.

When you tell them to ---- off then they want you back

Plan B maybe but if they were looking for someone else there was something missing in the relationship, in that case telling them to **** off will have no effect at all. If they wanted to come back maybe they thought there was something worth saving. Sounds like they were wrong.

Is watching porn cheating well then reading porn must be as well. That means ever woman who read 50 shades of grey was cheating. Just because men prefer to watch porn rather than read it doesn't make it better or worse.

So when married women constantly read romance novels are they cheating on their husbands ? Isn't it like porn curiosity  ?

It sounds like Ms Perel is looking for an in depth complicated reason for why she cheats on her partner. There isn't one. Whatever the reason it won't be her fault. There are reasons for cheating but no excuses. 

Interesting to read the excuses. Cheating is cheating is wrong unless you think lying is acceptable. Society accepts lying as truth because is normal to do it, as is blame shift, which is what I find, the expert explanation has provided.

I think there are many reasons why people cheat on each other and since most of them are not going to tell the truth we may never know the real situation. Evolutionists say humans are not meant to be monogamous, but as far as I am concerned, if people have to cheat on each other, then the marriage is on very shaky ground. My feeling is, having an instant attraction for someone is exciting, and many of us have experienced this, but and this is only my own personal opinion, if a friendship is cultivated and a reasonably lengthy period getting to know each other before finally taking the plunge, then this could result in a faithful relationship.

As for porn, well, that’s been around for ever, people have been drawing explicit sexual pictures on cave walls and the most famous of all books on sexual pleasure the Kama Sutra was written some 400BCE. I am not a fan of pornography (and you only have my word for that!) but I feel if only one partner indulges in it then there must be a weakness in the marriage. This is coming from a purely professional point of view, it might be of help to someone with an impotency problem? Impotency can affect both male and female, by the way.

Are you saying if both partners indulge in pornography it's ok?


It's not my place to say it's ok or not Tib. But the way I see it, what people do together behind closed doors is their own business.

What I meant was, if one half of the partnership finds the need to indulge in watching pornography and the sex life with the spouse suffers because of this activity, then perhaps some counselling or medical help may be required.?

Um because cheating is addictive?

Variety is the spice of life 

Care to share how you spice your life up??

Well at least our politicians never cheat, never lie and can always be trusted.

Yes Jim B -- like that Barnaby Joyce -- he has been cheating on his wife --  they are now separated 

You are so right jim B,i watched the senate all last week

I recommend that all children in Australia are DNA tested to see who the father is. Let's vote! What's the bet women don't vote yes. Ha ha 

I agree these days Tib, as the way they play around these days no one would know if they were with a sibling

they say variety is the spice of life,    lol,lol,    maybe some women are just sick of looking at there moaning husbands,     and think,    anything for a change,          dont know,   dont cheat,   

We all change through life . Anyone who wants to stay with the same partner for life is a boring twit ..

And has other serious self esteem and psychological issues 

Brocky I can not believe you said that -- IMO if you get to know your partner really well and make up your mind to marry or stay together then why wouldn't you want to be together forever -- I Knew my Husband for years and went out with him for 2 years b4 I married him, we were very happy to stay together for the rest of our days

Believe it - she left!!

Very pragmatically, marriage is a contract/committment.  That is one reason not to stray.

The other simple reason is not to hurt one's partner.

If one wants to stray ... separate.

Or, ... both agree to live in an open marriage.

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