Who really is pulling the strings at 'Aunty'?

Justin Milne has bowed to pressure and resigned as ABC chairman after his fellow directors asked him to consider his future amid allegations he demanded certain reporters to be axed.

The public broadcaster’s board was thrown into crisis after managing director Michelle Guthrie (above left) was sacked in a surprise coup by the directors on Monday.

Mr Milne, who is understood to have pulled the trigger, had claimed the board had issues with the leadership style of the $900,000-a-year chief. But Ms Guthrie did not go quietly and is threatening legal action.

Soon after she was shown the door allegations emerged that Mr Milne had emailed her on separate occasions to order her to sack two journalists – Emma Alberici (above right) and Andrew Probyn – claiming they were upsetting the Coalition Government. He is said to have been told this by former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Mr Turnbull, ironically, had two and a half years ago ignored official nominations for the managing director’s post and instead recruited Ms Guthrie in a captain’s pick.

On Wednesday, Mr Turnbull denied he had interfered to ask for journalists to be sacked. He said he had voiced concerns about the accuracy of ABC reporting, but never insinuated that the broadcaster was leaning too much to the left – a criticism that has been tossed around repeatedly in Canberra since the Coalition was elected and especially with the re-emergence of Pauline Hanson in the senate.

Also on Wednesday, Communications Minister Mitch Fifield announced a departmental inquiry would be held into Mr Milne’s direction to Ms Guthrie to sack Ms Alberici.

Yesterday, Senator Fifield said the investigation would seek answers from all relevant parties, including Mr Milne, acting managing director David Anderson, Ms Guthrie and members of the Government.

“The independence of the ABC is something that this Government is deeply committed to,” he said in The Australian.

The ABC board members are Peter Lewis, Dr Kirstin Ferguson, Donny Walford, Dr Vanessa Guthrie (not related to Ms Guthrie), Georgie Somerset, Joseph Gersh and Jane Conners (the staff pick).

According to a report in The New Daily website, Mr Turnbull appointed mining lobbyist Dr Guthrie to the board after rejecting the list of potential candidates provided by a nominations committee.

Board members are selected by the Minister for Communications with the Prime Minister  brought in when it comes to selecting a chair.

Does this sound like a process meant to foster independence at the ABC? Should the departmental inquiry be expanded to examine the motives behind all appointments to the current board? Is there some irony in the fact that after Ms Guthrie was told to leave, a number of her staff praised the sacking, only for it to emerge days later that it appeared she had herself protected some journalists from being axed?

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I have had no faith in the ABC to deliver unbiased reporting since the 1970's when Gough Whitlam sacked the entire board and replaced them with Labor sympathisers. The events of the past 2 weeks have vindicated Malcolm Turnbull's sacking and provided plenty of reasons for selling the ABC.

But you are a government troll Adrianus so your comment is the normal propaganda.  And you have faith in 7 News which has been grooming Morrison almost every night since he succeeded Turnbul????  Oh yes....that's ok.

Of course Mick everyone who doesn’t agree with your slanted view is a troll, the fact is the biggest troll on this site is you. Getting back to the article there is no doubt that the current mob in the ABC are anti government, and that is always the case, it doesn’t matter which brand of politician is in government the ABC reporters hold the government to task and therefore there is a perception that they are left or right wing in their reporting, unlike you I don’t think there is a conspiracy against anyone, it’s just the way government and the ABC are forever at loggerheads.

Sell the dinosaur and save the taxpayer $1Billion a year 

Proceeds of the sale should go towards reducing labor created debt

Image result for waste of space meme

Of course the government should have total control over the media, after all it did wonders for Adolf and his government.  Those who argue that the government should be able to influence the ABC should remember, the Right will not always be the government, if you truely believe that the government should be allowed to interfere with news reporting you have to agree to the same conditions when Labor takes government.

For those who say " Sell the dinosaur"  just look at how many wrongs that have been reported by the dinosaur that the Right Wing channels chose to ignore.  

Sell the ABC and give up any hope of getting both sides of the political arguments of this country.

Just look at all the great countries where the media is controled by the government, China, Russia, North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam  ........  We should aspire to be just like them.

Government control of the media is a double edged sword.

The government doesnt control the media - you making silly emotive statements like that doesnt make it real

The ABC has been hijacked by left leaning champagne socialists. It needs a thorough cleaning out , better yet just sell the money sucking corporation and get rid of the problem once and for all

exPS, you actually think that the ABC is not controlled by the left? You need to have a left bias to get a job there, for crying out loud! Just because a couple of liberals are thrown onto the board, in order to change the culture, doesnt mean it is government controlled, far from it. It would take 30 years to change the culture of the ABC.

Like all of our political parties today, the ABC is spending far too much time reporting on themselves. 


And may I ask Adrianus -- who the hell do you think the likes of Skye supports -- 

Good post ex PS.

The witch hunt against the ABC is being orchestrated by people motivated by control and their wealth.  Murdoch and Stokes are at the top of this group and CLAIMING bias when these moguls run their bias day in and day out is a case of the kettle calling the tea pot black.

Interesting how the right preferring people can overlook how the board and the selection panel for the board was stuffed to the gills with IPA members and fellow travellers by the current government - and that's when the minister and PM took any notice at all.

A brilliant way to ensure 'unbiased' ABC, wouldn't you say?

None so blind as those who will not see - or share the authoritarian and religious preferences of the government.

The ABC belongs to us, the Australian public, and it’s time to start fighting back. It is tax payer funded. The ABC used to be the one source we could rely on to bring about Royal Commissions, policy changes etc.

The ABC reports on issues which are not lucrative for the other commercial stations., real human stories. It is a necessary part of democracy and provides balance. What it needs at the moment is to weed out the self serving top soil and return to good reporting.


You write: "The ABC has been hijacked by left leaning champagne socialists."

Do you have any evidence that this is so? Several hostile government enquiries into bias at the ABC couldn't find any.



Aussies love their ABC and so they should! Only the far right have issues with it, e.g., Abbott and Pauline Hanson. 

Far right voters also try to fault it and accuse it of being left. Plainly this is because when it reports the facts it shines a light on the corruption of the banks (now proven), bullying and corruption within the LNP (also becoming obvious) and any news whether it offends the far right or any other person. 

Any attempt to control the ABC must be fought with vigor and we now have an opportunity to do just that!

so, stand aside far right wingers, because Aussies love their ABC!

"And may I ask Adrianus -- who the hell do you think the likes of Skye supports -- " -PlanB.

PlanB, Can you explain the correlation that exists between Skye and the ABC? I mean apart from them being media outlets?

I personally have no idea who Skye supports. There seems to be quite a few from both sides of politics on Skye. However, can you possibly suggest a anti left leaning ABC program? Something like The Drum, Insiders, Q&A et cetera?

Personally, although I listen to every media outlet, I like to get my news from David Speers because when he does have an opinion its based on factual evidence, and appears to be impartial.

I listen to ABC radio even though they only interview left leaners and members of the communist party.

If the ABC goes the way of the other major media outlets then we'll see democracy slowly disappear until one day we'll wake up and be clones of China.

I do find it amusing that MPs from the current business owned government claim they value the ABC and its "independence".  The fact that reporting of the facts is being sold as bias is a sure sign that the same lying low life LNP cronies and MPs are trying to silence it.

I for one vote for freedom and democracy and need to tell anybody who wishes to listen that ANY GOVERNMENT is preferable to this one, even if we happen to get a bad one......which is unlikely as we cannot possibly get one worse than this lot who have run up $600 billion worth of debt (never reported on), called Royal Commissions against unions and Labor with trumped up charges (never challenged) and who are essentially criminals in suits selling out the country to the interests of the wealthy (also never charged and reported on).

Bring on the elections.  Australia and its democracy simply cannot afford this lot any longer.

MICK, I have to question your version of "freedom and Democracy."

Your view of the world cracks me up Adrianus.

Skye is a Murdoch propaganda rag is the Telegraph.  Watch it around election time.  Apparently Skye has 2 formats:  one in the mornings when it is semi balanced and another after 6 pm when the top end of town tune in. The latter is prime time propaganda.  Funny how you noticed that.

As for your continual assertion that the ABC is biased I recall that The 7:30 Report savages both sides as does Q&A.  You may have missued that.  How strange.  Of course if the Abbott and Turnbull government appeared to get special treatment it's likely because these governments were malicious, deceitful lying crooks in suits trying to subvert our democracy.  THAT IS THE ISSUE and if you suggest otherwise I suggest you look at the makeup of executives staff:  Guthrie - and ex Murdoch employee.  Milne - hand picked bu Turnbull.  The Board - most installed by Fifield against advice from insiders who could see conflicts of interest.

Your ongoing BS about ABC is the sort of lies this government operates with and you have the same amount of credibility as this lot of rats:  NONE.  Tell the tale as you will!

MICK, you're hilarious mate :D

You avoid the question by having a rant about 2 that's right just 2 people on the board who may have a Liberal view. 

I suppose from your response then you consider Freedom and Democracy as having the licence to espouse your political views? I guess what else would a Marxist appreciate? But give the Marxists too much power MICK and you wont even have that.

The ABC is fair and equal -- it is the other channels and stations that are controlled by the likes of Murdock etc that are right wing and brainwashing  the public -- listen to both sides -- it is the only way to know the truth --  the Government want the ABC GONE because it shines light on what they are up to -- absolute corruption!

Lets look at the recent history.

Abbott did not like reporting which showed him for the Murdoch owned stoolie he is so he set about trying to flog it off.

First thing is the talk about bias (sound familiar?) started from this government.  Then it was leaked by this government that it sould be sold because it was costing too mucg to keep on top of the claims of bias.

Fast forward to Turnbull.  ABC CEO Mark Scott was sent on his way despite doing a wonderful job.  Replaced by an ex Murdoch employee.  The Chairman was a hand picked Turnbull cronie as well and none of us know the make up of the Board at this stage.


Also TWO cuts in funding to weaken the ABC and use that as a reason to sell it off....to the Murdoch organisation.

The game is clear.  Cry cost and bias and then sell.  AT the same time NEVER a word about bias by the other big media players.  Having watched 7 News every night since Turnbull was knifed (by Murdoch and Stokes) all that happens EVERY NIGHT is the big pat on the back for Morrison with Shorten cut out of all air time.  This is how 7 News ran the last election campaign.  This sort of behaviour has passed the 'bias' stage and is blatant PROPAGANDA intended to put the worst government in this country's history back into office.

Turnbull was stacking the board. One board member was a mining lobbyist for goodness sake! Turnbull insisted on her inclusion, against advice from others, and I suppose it was Justin Milne who took her onto the board to please his mate. Turnbull was pulling lots of strings. Shame!

And you are saying the ABC is not slanted to left? When is the last time they were critical of say the Greens or Labor. Adrianus is the lonely voice here. I have listened to the ABC for 65 years and it certainly slipped of its perch decades ago.

1.  read the above comments.

2.  watch 7 News.  The one sided propaganda is what dictatorships are made of.

I occasionally watch Q&A and 7:30 Report.  Your statement about Labor and Greens not being analysed is incorrect and you fail to address the fact that dishonest behaviour bordering on outright corruption is rampant in the LNP.  That is the issue and the ABC tries to stay on this one.  If anything there's not enough airtime to go through all the different areas of betrayal and I fail to understand that you think that is ok whilst the right wing media stations paint a rosy picture and come after Labor for ridiculous fiction like the Emma Hussar 'bullying' assertions when their own are selling us all out.

Sorry Oldie84 but your comment is the comment of a rusted on LNP who only sees one thing and ignores the rest.  The ABC is nothing like what you claim and is being taken over because it dares to present the real news.

In this particular bunfight, Oldie84, the matters that caused the boilover appear to be sloppy reporting by presenters, not necessarily a bias. Alberici had trouble with the difference between income and profit and Probyn made statements that he may not have fact checked. Lack of knowledge or laziness doesn't equate to bias.

It seems to me that the on-air staff are the ones with the biggest say in the running of the ABC. They seem to be able to say whatever they wish with impunity whether it's supporting one side or the other. The Board is there to set policy which is to be carried out through the CEO and the current problems have arisen because the Chairman wanted to be the CEO. As pointed out, it's ironic that the CEO was sacked for supporting the staff against the wishes of the Chairman.

Governments come and go and appointments to government positions are made by the government of the day. Whether one agrees with this depends on which side one votes. In the case of the ABC, they have a charter under which they are supposed to work and are tasked to be fair to all sides of politics. This fairness is a matter of subjectivity depending on whose side you are on. Both sides of politics have, in the past, complained about bias on the ABC so maybe they are doing a good job.

On the other hand, other media is controlled by owners and shareholders and are in the business of making money. They are not supported by the taxpayer and are all after the advertising dollar and that means they must report matters in a way to attract readers/viewers/listeners. Some sections of the commercial media support one side and other sections support the other side so people are free to support the media of choice. The ABC is not supposed to take sides.

The claims of bias in the ABC more often than not come from people who never watch it anyway, so their opinions are irrelevant.  They are probably just parroting what Andrew Bolt, et al, have to say.

If people think the ABC is never hostile to the left they should have been watching it when Julia Gillard was PM. 

Personally, I think there is a tendency to see bias against any sitting Government no matter who it happens to be because the ABC are the only ones asking the hard questions.


Great article by Waleed Aly in today’s Sydney Morning Herald:


“She won’t be going, Peta, I can assure you of that. As I told Tony two hours ago. And in 23 years as a daily metro newspaper editor no COS [chief of staff] or PM has ever made such a suggestion to me about anyone. Even Keating.”

Those are reportedly the words of Chris Mitchell, then editor-in-chief of The Australian. He’s responding to a demand from Peta Credlin – chief of staff to prime minister Tony Abbott at the time – that he sack columnist Niki Savva after a column that incensed Credlin.

In a week where the ABC has been recast as an organisation more concerned with keeping the government happy than with the non-negotiability of journalistic independence, no quote from the past has struck me as more arresting, more germane, more instructive.

First, there’s the obvious contrast with the apparently cowed behaviour of ABC chairman Justin Milne who, according to reports in Fairfax, demanded a journalist be sacked on the basis that the government “hate her”. The criticisms of Milne – most clearly expressed in staff demands that he resign – are well worn and write themselves. What Mitchell’s response to Credlin reveals is the other side to this story that will receive far less attention.

Consider: “No COS or PM has ever made such a suggestion to me about anyone”. Mitchell is pointing to a serious line being crossed in an utterly unprecedented way. The highest office in the land had reached a point that it felt it entirely appropriate to demand the sacking of a journalist.

To be clear, there is no suggestion Malcolm Turnbull had demanded any ABC journalist be sacked. But to be equally clear, we’re in an age of increasingly aggressive, emboldened political interference in journalism. That doesn’t remotely excuse an ABC chairman who apparently wanted to sack selected staff or intervene in Triple J’s decision to shift the Hottest 100 from January 26 for reasons like “Malcolm will go ballistic”.

But it points us to the fact that this story is about something much bigger than how the ABC’s management of a particular time and place seemingly lost its grasp of the fundamentals of independent journalism, and with it, the ABC’s mission. It’s about a civic culture that is slowly falling apart: a political class with fewer civic boundaries, less concerned with the independence of institutions, and a muscular intolerance of dissent.

To see this, let’s take an example you’ve almost certainly forgotten that has nothing to do with the ABC.

Andie Fox is a blogger, who found herself chased by Centrelink’s “robo-debt” system, which became a brief scandal as it emerged people were being chased for false Centrelink debts by a computer system that had errors built into it, offered no right of reply, and little chance of fixing errors by speaking to an actual human. Fox wrote of her experience, the humiliation she felt, and the extreme lengths she was forced to in order to have the debt wiped.

In response, the Turnbull government unearthed private information about Fox’s case (including about her ex-partner), and gave it to a Fairfax journalist who then published those details as part of Centrelink’s side of the story. This was not private information released between departments for the purposes of, say, administering the welfare system. It was private information released to a journalist for the purposes of discrediting a critic: that is, for the purposes of helping the government win an argument. This, it turns out, is legal. But as a matter of civil conduct, it’s positively frightening. Imagine the effect on government criticism if people know the government is prepared to release their private information for its own political – not administrative – purposes.

Elsewhere, the government would subordinate journalism to unaccountable declarations of national security. Perhaps the high watermark here is the legislation it passed that allowed it to declare something a “special intelligence operation” retrospectively and with no objective or independent justification. The result of this is that it would make reporting on it illegal. So if, for example, a journalist publishes an embarrassing report on ASIO officers breaking the law, the government has the power to declare that report illegal after the fact, and see the journalist prosecuted.

Or we could cite the example from 2016 where, after some embarrassing leaks that Labor seized upon to criticise cost blowouts and delays with the NBN, the (government-appointed) NBN board ordered the federal police to find the whistleblowers. The result was a raid of the offices and homes of Labor politicians and staff, in part to discover email correspondence with journalists.

The broader picture here is of a political culture hostile to criticism and if it comes to it, transparency; aggressively prepared to pursue critics, whistleblowers and journalists rather than engage with the substantive complaints those people might be raising. Not all of these responses are the same. Some are legislative, others are intimidatory.

In the case of the ABC, it’s a story of relentlessly reduced funding, of a governing party whose members have officially voted to privatise the public broadcaster, and of a communications minister and former prime minister who were inordinately down in the weeds, picking fights over the details of particular reports by  particular journalists designed to make it look as though their work does not merely contain errors, but is fundamentally flawed and irredeemable. It’s the kind of obsessiveness that was once left to fringe characters like Richard Alston, who launched some 70 complaints in 2003 against the ABC’s coverage of the Iraq War. His boss, John Howard, would never have dirtied his hands that way.

There aren’t even those kinds of lines any more because we’re in an age of total politics. Where government figures routinely play media favourites and simply refuse to appear on certain shows or outlets, and show disdain to those institutions designed to keep them in check. Where senior ministers can openly say the “crazy lefties at the ABC” are “completely dead to me”. And where apparently even the chairmen of independent entities seem content to be no less dominated by politics. What irks most is not the thought of incompetent or venal leadership here or there. It’s the thought that the pact is broken: that this is a time of unprecedented demands, unprecedented capitulations and inevitably, unprecedented dysfunction.

Waleed Aly is a Fairfax Media columnist and a presenter on The Project.

What waleed has to say is of no consequence to me and most Australians with half a brain 

Your comment is typical of a person "with no brain." It''s a shame such ignorance exists. Waleed is an incrediblÿ educated person. Please don't embarass the forum with your stupid comments.


    Waleed Aly


Waleed is a lecturer in politics at the School of Social Sciences, Monash University, working primarily within the Global Terrorism Research Centre (GTReC).

In 2005, Waleed was made a White Ribbon Day Ambassador for the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and was named one of The Bulletin magazine’s ‘Smart 100’ in 2007.

He was also an invited participant to the Prime Minister’s 2020 Summit in 2008 and in 2011 he was named Victoria’s Local Hero in the Australian of the Year Awards.

Waleed Aly has hosted Big Ideas on ABC1 and News 24, and has frequently hosted ABC News Breakfast and 774 ABC Melbourne Mornings. Waleed is a former host of ABC Radio National’s evening Drive program, and he currently co-hosts Network Ten’s The Project.

He also writes for the New York Times.....

Perhaps you would like to list your non-achievements.


But olbaid has no achievements, Bijou. He is only capable of making a noise when he is behind a screen. Just like a willy wagtail !!

He thinks his constant trolling together with his sidekick foxy will run us off. No chance.

I really admire those people who can know what others are thinking. It's a real talent, especially when the other person is not present.  Yup a real talent. I'ld give anything to be able to do that. :(

Whilst Waleed Aly has written a nice piece, he has left out one glaring addition to attacks on the media and that is Gillard and Conroy's proposed legislation to appoint a Public Interest Media Advocate who would oversee the media in association with the Press Council. The legislation was withdrawn because the way it was framed it could have threatened Democracy and Freedom of the Press. Aly's article is an example of bias, not by comparison but by omission.

Wonderful choice KIAH. I have a copy of her book which is a great hit with the family. Boys should read this book:

Image result for womankind book by dr kirstin ferguson

Comments about the book:

Women Kind is a reminder that brilliant things happen when smart women get fed up.

'Women Kind is an impeccably researched love letter to those who hold up half the sky.' Jamila Rizvi

'Just like #CelebratingWomen, this book is an essential and timely reminder of the collective power of women.'
Kate Jenkins, Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner

Women are rallying together in a massive and unstoppable force to make their voices heard around the world in ways we have never seen before. 

When Dr Kirstin Ferguson, an Australian company director, decided she was fed up with the vicious online abuse of women, she turned the tables and used social media to create the #CelebratingWomen campaign, profiling two women from anywhere in the world and every walk of life, every day for a year. The response was overwhelming. 

In Women Kind, Ferguson joins Walkley award-winning journalist and leading commentator on women in the workplace Catherine Fox to examine how women's shared clout is transforming communities, workplaces and leadership; show that every woman is a role model; and challenge the idea that women regularly turn on each other for scarce seats at the top table.

Ferguson and Fox urge us to get on board and forget the old saying that when a woman climbs the corporate ladder, she needs to send it back down to help one other woman. What's needed is a fishing net to bring up many women together, all supporting each other. 

There has never been a better moment to join our voices, share experiences and celebrate the power of women supporting women.

Thanks for that Bijou. I have not read that book but just looked at some reviews and will certainly get a copy :)


We dearly need a Royal Commission into the ABC and it’s deep rooted communist culture and biased reporting

Meanwhile the banking RC has today issued its interim report and as expected nothing really of note to be concerned about with the way our banks are run

Bank share price rightly skyrocketed as a result 

now that the banking RC fiasco is over let’s have an RC on a matter of real substance and concern to us all - the rotten journalistic culture at the ABC which only employs those of a particular political leaning 

Confucius say "real ignorance is not knowing when you are completely ignorant"

And to think they once loved each other, hmmm. Confucius say never trust far right white man with squinty eyes, nor laughing geisha.

Image result for michelle guthrie and john milne

 1 billion dollars of workers money per year, paying for 4 tv channels , two of which at least, show the sa me programs at the same time.

I don't know how many radio stations.

Monumental paypackets, which the average worker can only dream of, for talking heads.

A billion dollars per year!        Yet there are people here and on other blogs and forums  obvious.y who vote for the err ....workers party, who think it's absolutely fine to see all this money spent on this  parody of what used to be a great service to Australia.

Where's the rationale for that kind of spend, yet hospitals have to constantly run raffles and beg for money.  I wouldn't be here today except for the fantastic people at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, and I gladly contribute to their fund raisers. But wouldn't it be wonderful to see a bilion dollars a year spent on our hospitals. The ABC should be subscriber only. That way, you don't have to pay for it. As for the argument that Newscorp is biased....the workers have a choice whether to pay to read .

The ABC should be subscriber only.

Except for the rural areas.

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