Where To?

[size=4]Almost a decade ago, Victorians got rid of a Premier who , when he saw the state of the books , aged overnight.
However he put his head down, made unpopular decisions, and pulled Victoria out of the rust bucket, and set the State up for prosperity and pride.
The incoming govt , 9 years ago, told us there would be no more hospital waiting lists, and the police numbers they would introduce, would ensure adequate numbers in the force.

To-day I hear almost daily , compaints about not enough hospital beds.....patients left on trolleys for great lengths of time, with the very real danger that patients might die through not enough beds, and/or in some cases, not enough nurses or doctors.>

Now we are told, we will have a call centre to handle calls to police!!!!!!!
The ABC presenter on 774 this morning actually experienced this phenomenon.
Her house was burgled, she went to the police station, and was directed to a bank of telephones, from where she was instructed to place her complaint to a call centre operator..

Our police force in the meantime, has been relegated to a "service", led by a person who instructed them to use no force when dealing with mobs.....the results of which were police injured, property damaged, and police horses battling with ball bearings under their feet.

NSW has been a basket case for some time, yet the voters keep voting them back in, and consequently they are dragging the rest of Australia downhill with them....we didn't need the Global meltdown to set us on that slide.


In 1996, Australia overall was in a similar situation to where Victoria had been, and now NSW.

"THE NSW mini-budget was so harsh it may slow the national economy and precipitate the Federal Government spending even more than the $10.4 billion already announced to rescue the economy, according to Treasury Secretary, Ken Henry."


Last November, the people voted out one of the most successful govts ever in the history of this nation.
Inheriting a $96Billion debt, it was paid off in record time, a future fund was established, employment was at it's highest since WW2, tax relief for all.
A surplus which was the envy of many other countries.

Voted in, was a govt which has set up countless committees and reviews, has a PM who has averaged at least one overseas trip per month, since November,seeks every opportunity for photos with celebrities, has set up a useless Grocery Watch, proposed an equally useless FuelWatch, and now, with the Global financial mess,has made policy on the run, which so far has used almost half of that surplus,(which by the way, claimed was available through their May budget, not withstanding the billions left in the kitty by the previous govt) and caused a run on many financial institutions, which has exacerbated our situation unnecessarily. And yet, this was the govt who had previously assured us, that Australia was in a good position to ride this out.

Oh yes, and prior to all that, was running around the world, telling everyone what a mess the previous govt had left.

I'm not at all confident of this country's survival in the near term.
And yet with all this staring us in the face, I still hear and read the platitudes of those who cannot or will not see what is happening, and still defend to the hilt , a Party which seems hell bent on wrecking the country.[/size]


I'm with you all the way koko. Unfortunately there are so many people out there who vote the same way all their life and still believe that the Labor Government is the government for the working man. I believe the days are long gone when governments favoured specific groups of the community. I expect a government to manage the economy and the infrastructure for the benefit of everyone. Looking after the working man is fine, but we need to look after the millionaires too. They are the ones driving the economy with their investments in companies, which in turn keeps the majority of the population employed, and yes if I had invested hundreds and thousands of dollars in a company I would expect a reasonable return, given the risk that I would be taking. All the criticism of Malcolm Turnbull being a very rich merchant banker astonished me. I want someone who knows the ins and outs of the money market, rather than some jackass whose wife is the money-maker in their household.

Apparently Fuel Watch has been scrapped, at what cost I wonder? Where else except Government, would you get away with making an expensive blunder like that and not have any consequences.

Unfortunately we would need to change the constitution to dispense with State Govenments, because that would certainly save us a bundle. NSW is on the brink of disaster and appears to have broken all the rules regarding financial management in the face of a recession.


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