When mother and father just won’t do

A new form was being trialled in three hospitals. Parents adding their newborns to their Medicare cards were asked to provide their full name as the baby’s “birthing parent”. The aim was to reduce the paperwork.

One woman railed against the language saying: “If it had just said parent I would not have flinched – that’s the gender-neutral language.

“If you want to call yourself a ‘birthing parent’ knock yourself out, I only have a problem if you’re forcing me to too.”

In 2021, staff at the Australian National University in Canberra were encouraged to ditch the terms ‘mother’ and ‘father’. Its Gender-Inclusive Handbook requested fathers be referred to as the ‘non-birthing parent’ and the term ‘mother’ replaced with ‘gestational parent’.

The hospital trial was swiftly shut down by government services minister Bill Shorten, who said he was trying to stop an ugly culture war erupting over the issue.

He ordered the forms be replaced by the previous ones that ask parents to identify themselves as either the child’s ‘birth mother’, ‘biological father’ or ‘other’.

“There are many people who feel the word ‘mother’ is special and worthy and there are others who feel their identity is not included. Each has a legitimate point of view,” said Mr Shorten.

“We just need to be better at not having to have one view at the expense of the other.”

What’s your view on the wave of changes to a host of common words? Which do you think are progress and which are rubbish?


Honest truth....I am sick of all this rubbish. I gave birth to my children and the labour pains certainly let me know I am the "birthing parent"....a cap I am more than happy to wear !

A parent can be anyone who loves and looks after a child, but it is also important to know who gave birth to the child ( if possible) since it would be helpful in tracing a child's medical history.

I'm with the hospitals on this.

I'm sick of all this rubbish too but ...

if people are so hung up about this issue and for the sake of the child's future perhaps Biological Parent 1 and Biological Parent 2 should be the requirement.

Good point RnR...since this is only a trial they may look at alternatives.

Perhaps we are getting ready for

We will all be 'it'


There is nothing whatsoever progressive about this subject, it is all rubbish. You have a biological father (in most cases) and always a biological mother, these are the people registered on a birth certificate. End of section. The rubbish comes from the nonsense and attitudes being taught at Universities these days, along with the insanity of political correctness. Jacka.


I agree, Jacka, the inmates are running the asylum. People take offence, offence is not given and I would be very interested in the percentage of the population that takes offence because I'm a mother, not a birthing person. I would also want to know why politicians are not directing the bureaucrats to just get on with the big picture items and stop getting bogged down in the minutiae. I won't be at all surprised if my friend's daughter, Samantha, will be forced to change her name to Sapersontha.

Agree with you Jacka. Most of this comes from a small, but very vocal, group who are intent on dismantling our society structure, and replacing it with something else. Unfortunately they seem to be big on dismantling, and very quiet on exactly what the alternative would be. However, doing away with the traditional family is a big part of their ideology, and of course, the words "father" and "mother" are intrinsically linked with the traditional family unit.

And we need to remember that these words are not discriminatory, merely descriptive. If you can be one, but not the other, that is just a statement of fact (and biology!), it is not criticizing you for not being able to be both.

Stop being silly.

What is wrong with the old terms of MOTHER and FATHER? Providing full names of BOTH parents are entered on the Birth Certificate. If both parents are male then one must be stated as the adopting parent on the birth certificate. If both are female then one must be stated as the Birth Mother. Please try to keep all things as simple as possible to enable the children to follow their ancestry if they so wish.


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