What's the best thing you've done since you retired?

It's a complex question, but it's one worth asking. Many of you will have trouble narrowing it down to one thing, some of you may not. But what is the best thing you've done since you retired? Big holiday? Road trip? Getting the house in order? Getting to know yourself or your partner? Maybe it's not the best thing, it could be your favourite thing. Whatever. We'd love to hear about it, if you're happy to share with us?

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Best thing:- Enjoying every day doing 'Exactly' what we want to do,  and being together 24/7.

We manage this, regardless Peter has 'bad Emphysema. We wake to a new day and see how he feels, and then we organise our day to match. Works for us. 

Love, love retirement :)

Having children ...

Made over two million dollars :)

Lot better than having to work for somebody else.

Yes making money after retirement is fun..

Lived and learned that living can be fun and not just hard work, also i have learned that working can be fun when you don't have to work to survive.

I like that Peanuts, and I think that's what I've

also done since I retired. Slow down, smell the

roses and try to have as much fun with my children

and grandchildren as I can.

Yes Banjo, i try to create special times with my  children and grandkids that they will remember long after i'm gone hopefully. No one remembers how clean the house was of people past ,they only remember how warm and inviting the house felt while they were there.

Being able to not HAVE to get and go to work place for a days work every day.

I still worked hard around the house and yard and also made time to do a bit more travelling in Aussie.

Buy a boat, lifelong dream!

Or a caravan or motorhome and become a nomad.

We had a boat long b4 we retired and b4 the places were crowded, we sold boat in about 1982 due to so many having boats and the areas being so crowded.

Getting a bit that way with Caravaning now too

Hubby started work at 14 and myself 15.  Preparing for our retirement was the best thing we did as we are now reaping the rewards and can do as we wish;  travel wherever we want and whenever we want.

 Thankfully, unlike many others, we both have pretty good health...without that things would certainly be a lot different.

I am so pleased that you and your Husband are fit and healthy and able to travel --good on you both, ENJOY

Joined U3A (University of the Third Age). Met more new people who share my interests than I had in a lifetime at work.

Eclair, good on you, I did that last year and loving it too! So did my wife.

Found a new wife to share my life and money with, and am LOVING IT!

Good on you Fast Eddie, nothing like a happy married life. My wife and I have a mini honeymoon every six months and love it!

Would love to have someone to share retirement with, however I realise "my boat has left the dock" so will have to accept that.

I love having time to Volunteer, meet wonderful people (99% of the time) and its lovely to feel needed and wanted, this country would be a lot worse off without people giving their time gratus!

Never say never Dizzy, anything can happen and you may find your boat has not left the dock. My next door neighbour, met and married a wonderful lady from the next street!

Get yourself out there, Dizzy, if you really want to meet someone let it be known. You may have missed the one boat, but there are others docking all the time. There is life after separation, divorce, or the loss of a partner because of death.

Have to mention two things. First I have written a novel which is availavl on Amazon - a lifelong dream fulfilled.

Second, I have the chance to have a granddaughter (albeit on my Thai wife's side) to help take care of since birth. Something which was delied me with my 5 Australian grandchildren.

I Joined a quilting class which has opened up a whole new world of experiences and through that I have met some lovely people.  Then we became grandparents and being retired means we are able to spend loads of time with our granddaughter. The best time of our lives.

That's lovely Thermielover,grandkids are the best thing since sliced bread.. Quilting is fun as well.i have done a bitof that...

went back to work

got a new young wide, and she wanted kids

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