What your really don't like

I don't like baby corn/ tastes so unfinished - those baby yellow squash. I don't like the people at the check-out asking me "how are you today". As if they care. I really don't like the people who walk their dog - and who don't pick up the little/big deposits they leave behind.


In the words of Jeannie Little ooooaaaa Darrrrling a few things, but I really really feel less than special if any person does not send me my Birthday Card or any other Special Day Card to arrive before or on the date I am having a Special Day. I feel the card worthless if it arrives too late - bad me probably..............I even hate a stamp plonked on the envelope any old way or my envelope addressed sloppily like I do not deserve better lol. I know I know little things. Yes I can be a bit like Hyacinth Bouqet er I meant Bucket lol.............


p.s. well I am unique just like you :)

People who chew gum really loud, making smacking noises, and with their mouths open.I want to kill them, or at the very least, inflict pain and lasting torment.

A few of my "don't likes"

Children not saying please and thank you.

People cracking their knuckles.

Waiting at checkout and when your turn finally comes being asked to wait while they change paper roll or count change to be shoved up the little shute.

The "F" word and worse in most modern movies.

Power outages. Restarting everything in the home which has clocks.

Had my whinge for the day......lol.


What I don't like:

Loud people! I get as far away from them as possible.

People who damage the environment.

But I do like Jennifer Hawkins ;-)

Image for Moggy ;-)

Lol....love it Hughie. That is one thing I DO love. Bagpipe bands.


Loud people--loud places--Insincerity--Hot weather--selfishness--naughty kids--lack of respect--bad manners--


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