What makes a person smart?

Differences in intelligence have so far mostly been attributed to differences in specific brain regions.

However, are smart people's brains also wired differently to those of less intelligent persons? A new study supports this assumption.

In intelligent people, certain brain regions are more strongly involved in the flow of information between brain regions, while other brain regions are less engaged.

Differences in cognitive abilities - and the resulting differences for example in academic success and professional careers - are attributed to a considerable degree to individual differences in intelligence.

Researchers from Goethe University in Frankfurt combined functional MRI brain scans from over 300 people with modern graph theoretical network analysis methods to investigate the neurobiological basis of human intelligence.

The study shows that in more intelligent persons certain brain regions are clearly more strongly involved in the exchange of information between different sub-networks of the brain in order for important information to be communicated quickly and efficiently.

On the other hand, the research team also identified brain regions that are more strongly 'de-coupled' from the rest of the network in more intelligent people. This may result in better protection against distracting and irrelevant inputs.

What do you think makes a person smarter or more intelligent than their peers?


"What do you think makes a person smarter or more intelligent than their peers?"

:) Something to stir up the YLC forum Ben if nothing else ????

Some people are blessed with super intelligence but on the othr hand they have no nouse.  I'd rather have a sons with nouse than a modern day geek. 

You are so right HOLA - highly intelligent but NO COMMON SENSE!

Have encountererd this several times.      


Interestingly, some with Asperger's are extremely intelligent ... to the point of being considered in the 'genius' class.

I know an 11 year old little boy who has Asperger's ... extreme sensory overload.

He is brilliant at science ... is already doing university level science.  He reads 6 books a week.

Also ... there are different types of intelligence.

Howard Gardner described nine different types, other experts have also defined different types of IQ.

Certainly, a person can be very bright and displaying original thought in one area of knowledge, whilst being quite ordinary, even dim in other areas.


Hey Ben,

Must point out there are two kinds of “smart”. Book Smart and Street Smart. To keep it short, I believe what makes someone more intelligent than those around, is having both of these "smarts." Probably the differene is - the “book smart” will use an intellectual approach to make decisions, whereas the “street smart” individual will use his common sense. Many world famous business men made it on street smart sense eg. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak (Apple founders) Michael Dell (computers) Bill Gates and Richard Branson all reached the top without a college degree. These chaps could be an exception to the rule because many say the majority won’t get anywhere without a college degree. Some say a college degree may help to open the door to a better job, but street smarts are what allow you to succeed once you walk through that door.

If a good balance can be found between the two then IMO you’ve got it made!



Shame you have no emotional smart , you emotional pygmy

This is directed at BEN whom I believe is one of the moderators.

I am wondering why bother to put up topics on this forum, if Raphael is continually going to deface them by attacking other posters with inane and insulting remarks.

Why put up serious topics ???? I ask myself is there any point in reporting him and will anything be done?

I agree Banjo. Raphael's consistant inane remarks like the one above have become a message of continued reinforcement of his humiliation. His well being must now be a concern for us all. I may add, I'm only slightly concerned about Pete/Raphael/Brocky etc. what ever his name is because I dont want to encourage his rudeness. Unlike his followers, Twilla, Carsahoy, Foxy etc. who take great joy in provoking him.

oops, sorry, s/b Catsahoy.


This may appear to be a “smart” remark for Raphael…what can one expect from someone who has the mental capacity of a two year old (if that)….


Love your examples of Steve Jobs and the others Micha.....

Thank you mes amies. 

Oh Raphael, the only "emotional pygmy" I see on this site is this one:

Image result for a pygmy wearing a yellow jumper clipart

Micha your gang warfste under your various names fools no one ,

APOLOGY accepted FRANK,    however,   i must say,    i dont  provoke RAPH,  or BROCKY,     they are free thinkers,   who can post what they like,   they dont need assistance from me,  foxy or twilla,        lighten up ,

 "gang warfste "  ?????

I see what you mean about being "smart" Micha!

Micha you think it’s smart for a 38 year old to gang up on older ladies .


As an "older lady" yourself Brocky/Pete, I can understand your fear. But not to worry any old girl over the age of 85 is quite safe.

I dont smoke that stuff catsa.


"What do you think makes a person smarter or more intelligent than their peers?"

Interesting question!

The question assumes that the test cases are all ordinary and equal. They are peers. Now let's also assume that they remain that way for the purpose of simplification? That is to say none of the "peers" are on their way to somewhere. So then what would be a distuinguishing characteristic between them? Something which makes anyone of them appear smarter or more intelligent? Remembering appearances can be deceiving. In my humble opinion, the answer would not be in the brain but in the heart. In a word "desire." Desire can manifest itself as intelligence. A strong desire can increase the rate of success in a peer group. 

Now if we werent talking about comparisons in a peer group my answer may be completely different. 

"Desire"...what a terrific point to make Frank..one which I had not thought of..thank you!

also depends on how you define "intelligence".

Yes and the circumstances 

“A rose is a weed in a vegetable patch”

Yup, a very profound saying for a veggie!

Yes kika, you have the option of introducing your own definition. And for the record Pete, a rose is still a rose regardless of where it grows. 


There are obviously different kinds/types of intelligence.  Howard Gardener in his "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences" (1983) identified eight types of intelligence, not including savants and perhaps geniuses. 








Later he suggested that existential and moral intelligence be included.

To discuss why one person is more intelligent than another is far too simplistic.

An interesting site The Edge www.edge.org (the third culture) brings experts in different disciplines to discuss a single topic from each of their unique perspectives.

Another site (of which I have no experience) is The Big Think bigthink.com where experts join in conversation on topics critical to the 21st century.


Whilst "desire" might be applicable ... I think "passion" is much more the case. 

Many know about the man who had a buring desire - an actual passion - to know all about Australian frogs.  He is an expert in this field, and has received a doctorate in recognition of his work.

  This expert never even completed high school, but because of a passion for his particular interest, is now up there, as world authority on Australian frogs.  Truly well earned.

Twila, Just a couple of thoughts.

I mentioned desire in the context of "desire for living" a passion for curiosity about spacial awareness and awareness of self within that space. I think you may be confusing knowledge with intelligence? My thoughts are that knowledge alone does not make a person intelligent. There would be many uneducated intelligent people but who among them has used that intelligence to aquire knowledge? Who among the highly educated has the intelligence to make use of their knowledge in a creative and beneficial way?? Would you say that someone who has a law degree is intelligent? Well many lawyers would be I guess? But it doesnt follow that a law degree is a sign of high intelligence. Intelligence is more a case of how we react or respond to various situations, this is where knowledge can play an important roll, but at the same time, a person with no previous knowledge or experience can find a solution to a complex problem which surprises even him/herself. How can that be explained? other than to reflect on that person's desire and will to acheive the goal?  A highly effective person lives in the now. Not in yesterday or tommorrow. This allows them to react more efficiently and effectively to the point of appearing more intelligent as opposed to others who may have no desire for their circumstances. 


You are absolutely correct.


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