Website down on Weekend 6/7 Feb

Hi All,

Sorry for the website being this over the weekend. Our web hosting company was having troubles with the server we rent linking up with the website and once noticed, took them close to 10 hours to fix. I hope this is the first and last time we experience this time of outage this year. Have a good week!

Webmaster Drew


That is ok Drew.

I did a "Who Is"and got a zilch result so thought the domain was finished but saw it was back last night.

Good to be back :)

Thanks Drew. I also thought you were fed up with us all

Maybe "absence" made a few miss each other SO much we will see

"hugs all 'round and kind people.

Well we can all dream.

Phyl ;-)


Hey Phyl we made it back, good hey?

After today , my vitriolic fingers will be deprived of a keyboard except for limited access via my kids computers as I zoom around Melbourne for the next six weeks, I hope all can play nicely til I get back

What a fun time you will have Tadpole. I bet you are very excited and will

have a really fun happy time.

After all you will be visiting the VERY BEST STATE.

Give me a V and I and C and T and O and R and I and A

yea Victoria.

You just never know Pat and Coral and I might get to

Melbourne to meet and greet you.

Have fun whatever you do and enjoy your family.



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