We are losing out on healthy home grown food......

We are what we eat folks my old Gran told me so I try to eat well and stay healthy like most of us I am sure.

So I find myself having to check each and every label these days in order to see where the food was grown or imported from and of course with so many saying imported and local meaning more then 50% is imported they dont say where from now do they?Even local and imported is not 100% safe is it.

I dont want to eat food grown in untreated human waste (sh5t) from China along with - when sent for investigation - found to contain banned cancer causing chemicals like DDT, Dildrin and also being infected with E Coli from the human waste and then the chance of other diseases which have no 'barrier' to jump as when our farmers use organic manure from animals or other fertilizers. And our containers are no longer even 5 in 100 examined at the ports coming in because the front line troop numbers of the Customs have been cut right down to help budgets but of course not the top bods they have expanded as usual. So we are wide open to drugs and bad food and products like kids toys which always seem to be dangerous but get in anyway. 

We all read of allergies kids are getting, adults too and wonder why how etc. Some of these can be from additives and preservatives used even in frozen foods but some can also be slotted back to imported foods. Contaminated Milk from China which their own babies died from due to cutting corners and ours could have, and when our dairy herds supply enough to be able to export our own milk and by products.

So trawling through local village Woolworths was astounded and saddened to find only Bird's Eye Baby Beans, onions and Hash Browns grown in Australia and even in the large bulk hash browns they have added preservative!! Frozen but need this when not in cardboard packet of 6?  

Most of the rest of the frozen foods were from China or New Zealand and these days as New Zealand has a FTA with China if they dont source their own home grown they use Chinese. So cant trust New Zealand any more these days.


Trawling through Coles Freezers they do have a choice of their own Coles Aussie Farmers veggies covering all types of veggies which I buy and taste wonderful but came across bulk packs of rasberries etc from Nanna's pies and was so sad to see that these were all from you guessed it China. Meaning now I cant ever buy Nanna's pies again as they will most likely be Chinese not Australian grown fruit. So looking at other brands some say imported too! Make my own okay but then have to source the fruit! Not always in season.

Trawling the shelves of both above for tinned etc is not any picnic either. All say imported or local or local and imported meaning the larger amount in the tin is Australian but is it the water added to fill out the can one wonders............you become cynical when doing these sorts of hour consuming time just buying food


Coles are making an effort to source Australian in their own brands always have most of their own were already Aussie like their cheese usualy Devondale Coca Cola is pepsi and so on used to Coca Cola but they got too busy. Do find the odd can with Chinese - found strawberries which was a disappointment to me as I like food and out of season by canned or frozen and right now out of season buying McCains 4 berries or 3 berries all sourced from Chile and delicious but why cant they freeze our own for winter etc one asks?  

We all keep asking for labelling with country of origin and the government  keep resisting or so it seems. And they are in bed with New Zealand on Food standards which includes labelling and Labor wanting to have a FTA with China also wothout any disent from the Coalition - I ask why when it seems to me China already export far too much to us and inferior to what we grow and manufacture where we still do and we need to get back our jobs in manufacturing as well as keeping those now and our farmers on the land and owning it or at least owned here.


The worry is if we dont all buy what is grown and manufactured here when it is available even if it costs a bit more then in the future it wont be available and we will not have much of a future ourselves by way of jobs for families growing up and needing work which also leads to not enough working and paying the income tax which makes up the bulk of collections so not enough coming to pay out for those not working because all of our jobs gone overseas. 

Then the fact that is all our farmers walk off the land we will not be able to feed ourselves so will have to import all our food and then guess what - anyone who wants can walk in and take the place over if they want to and why not all of our defence forces placed arpund the coast of the continent would be around 5 miles apart to guard from invasion by sea - maybe the Yanks would come but then maybe since they are downsizing their armies whilst China is upsizing theirs - who knows. Are we a choice place to take over - well one only has to tot up our mineral wealth to say yes.


Lots to worry about and here we are discussing at political levels gay marriage and how can we stop the boats and the invasion ongoing from Islam etc when the solution already there but those who wont see because makes a fool of them altering the very thing that stopped the boats, Temporary Protection Vouchers meaning cant bring in the family and have to go back home etc were reversed which started the boats but not admitted to is it?


Meanwhile once again Ford and Holden bad figures and we only make the Falcon and the Commodore 100% here but that means hundreds of jobs  lost if they go off shore too.

Just oneof the worries which never seem to stop do they? Heinz Vic going now to New Zealand and one woman journo on Sunrise said well they make Ketchup instead of sauce! They make both. But of course chinese tomatoes cant be sold around the world - Italy was importing them and canning them as Italian but we stopped buying or rather the most of the rest of the informed world did and I hope you all did too. Now cant buy Heinz Ketchup or Sauce as sure will be Chinese tomatoes and their farmers better be worried and are if truth be known I bet! Greed says will make higher profit with cheap Chinese rather than home grown and this is only one of the food processors on way or already in New Zealand. Not a lot left here today.


And who took off the tarriffs in the first place Labor and who agreed Liberals. Whilst back in these other countries all sorts of tarriffs like Japan on our produce up to 60% go on and then agricultural subsidies Europe and America and what do we do?

Nothing -  let in all the food and even allow in contaiminated or diseased food which may well devisate our own - and why because the left have sewn up the organisations and our pollies like to strut the world stage instead of standing up for Australia and it people. 


All in all I get so fed up with this and them.


Dont You? Honestly.


Governments could do something - put back tarriffs if made here to compete and sav our jobs and/or charge higher company taxes on imported products where once made/grown here - say 60% bet that would bring some back at least - what do you say.

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Seggie. I'm with you, BigVal.  I, too, try to read (donning the reading glasses) every label and the thought of food being grown in China in .......is beyond the pale. How dare companies try to say 'packaged in Australia' from overseas supplies.  Farmers' markets are the only ones where I can buy freshly grown vegetables and fruit and then have to hope they haven't been sprayed with nasty chemicals. We didn't use chemicals in the old days at home. We used homemade garlic spray on our vegie.patch and on the fruit trees.  None of us had allergies then but we sure have them now. What a sorry day when I learned that Heinz are going to New Zealand? Again, be careful, be very careful of reading their labels from now on. Why on earth would they do this? They had perfectly good factories here with local labour and now they decide to go to New Zealand. There has to be a lot more in this than we know. I am very much a doubting Thomas. Or Suspecting Seggie I should say. I buy MON tomato sauce which is Australian made. Forget any other brand. Try MON. It is delicious.

BigVal, what a wealth of information, but not good news unfortunately.

I buy very little in cans or packets, but have certainly been more aware in recent times.

Farmers' markets are the go, and even if a little dearer, the produce is so fresh, it will keep in the frig much, much longer than supermarket produce which comes from a 12 month sojourn in the cool store often.

Good question...why can't we freeze our own?

I also try to go to the small greengrocers who mostly have good quality..but they are gradually being squeezed out by Woollies and Coles.

So, whhile they are maybe doing the right thing sourcing Aussie stuff, they have killed off small business in many areas.

What a headache, trying to stay healthy, and help the local people.

Seggie, had not heard of Mon, so googled and found it.  Looks interesting.

Seggie. Try Mon. tomato sauce on homemade hamburgers. Delicious. I always add chopped parsley (homegrown) to most things I cook and in hamburgers, really nice. As I think I mentioned before, I bought some packets of seeds thinking I'll grow a few vegies.only to learn that there is some sort of chemical sprayed on the seeds to keep them longer. You can't win but you can keep trying.

I will reply to this as soon as I get time as I have been banging my head against the wall now for at least 2 years writing to the Government etc etc about this very thing and I too am sick to death of it--I have some sites that you will all be interested in I am sure--

I am glad that you have brought this up Val.  Its time we all stood up and be counted at the super markets and demand they have foods labeled right and also may have a special isle for Aussie stuff.  I have fronted the Managers many times on this maybe if more did iit they would HAve to do something--also Canada can not be trusted either as they relabel the same as NZ does

The government seems to have fixed the problem of importing foods grown with human sewage by permitting it to happen here.

Perhaps we are a third world country afterall.

Further, a lot of our farms are now owned by people from countries from overseas - so is it really home grown ?

Hence my vegie patch in the back garden supplies most of my needs.

Good on you Abby - that is the best way to have true Australian grown vegies - and they taste terrific also.


You have raised a number of serious subjects and while I cannot do them all justice I will comment on some as we go.  Be confidently aware though that others care and all is never lost.

Food labelling

I have been a member of the Australian Consumers Accociation (ACA) for more years than I care to remember and this has always been a grave concern expressed to government.  Incredibly, poor labelling still gives rise to health problems for many people.  However it is also our right to know what is in our food and where it comes from.  Don't start me on salt in food.

I would ask as many people as possible to write often to local politicians to complain, or just pick up the phone and ring the electorate office and ask for a written reply on policy.

Food Imports and Inspection

These have been amtters of concern to farmers and the ACA for yonks as well.  Without going on at length, there is always a gulf of difference between the regulatory controls and inspection monitoring promised and what follows later.  What also disappoinys is the lack of any independent investigation by journalists.  True, they report the press releases from ACA but a little follow-up wouldn't go astray.


Many countries have onerous, nit-picking import regulations that act as strong barriers.  An example is the US and our beef.

On the other hand, Australia continually sets examples that are not reciprocated.

Ford and Commodore

They are their own enemies.  I bought Falcons as the home car for years because of the durable straight six and drive line.  It could be used as a tow too.


Ford put some of its own European design imperatives ahead of good sense and public demand and continued with serious ergonomic flaws that put evetryone off owning them.  Now the wife will never have anything but a Camry (or a Corolla she says).  Toyota actually listens to and takes action on customer feedback and has better quality.

How simple is that, Ford?!  You made us buy something different, so stupid!

Growing food at home

Expensive water and small blocks (in-fill housing, costly Council rates) is a deterrent for many.  Suburban tree control could help - too many gums etc, shade and roots.

http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/local-food-haven-to-ban-growing-food-without-authorization/ All our seeds are going to be --if they are not already--GM from Monsanto  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ITrXVJMKeQ We are importing from the UK --Japan--and many other places that are down right dangerous as well as filthy. When we have the best and cleanest food right here   http://ifyoulovethisplanet.org/ There are "older entries" at the bottom of this page    http://fukushima-diary.com/page/4/This is written every day and can also search for later --or-- newer entries at the bottom of thee page Just the other day I saw "sea Scallops" in Di Costi" (one of the biggest fish mongers) FROM JAPAN!! Fish etc are one of the MOST effected after this Nuclear accident What are "APANSA"--the ones that are supposed to be checking all this doing--BUGGA all Watch out buying rice too--as Japan are still exporting it and God knows what else We are NOT being told the truth at all. It is time we all demanded to have proper labeling    I do hope that you take time to listen and or watch these sites they are eye opening

If you use a lot of garlic, as I do, it's important to know that much of the product in supermarkets comes from China, and is laced with chemicals.  (I always buy mine at the local fruiterer.

I heard this lady...Patrice Newell...being interviewed today.  She grows garlic and delivers it.  Most interesting listening to her.

Her website:



I usually buy Jensens Organic Crushed Garlic from Coles and think it is Australian grown but it does have the usual  imported and local I just noticed checking it

Damn it. Will email them to find out and get back.


Also buy Beerenberg Carmalised Onions and that is most definitely Aussie grown. Lovely too.


Must say like these as can keep them in the fridge and add etc as I cook instead of having to try to find fresh.


Our local Farmers market has just opened another shed in Launceston and he has put up his prices to pay for it as our shed - mushrooms now $13.85kg and only $10.98 in coles and woolworths. $11.99 in IGA.

I will buy Mons Tomato sause when I can find it - not sure if on shelves in Coles, Woolies or local IGA.

All these supermarkets are C class so smaller than WA and other states. Limited space and now even more so with generic lines. So I have to keep a list of who sells what when once dived in and got the lot in one place and it was mainly Aussie!!!! Back 17 years now..........

How the world has changed and money is the root of all evil is sure right on the button and last 17 years have seen it all - have we not?

Yes Koko I will not buy that rubbish Garlic either always buy Aussie--I buy Aussie --everything when ever I can

Googled Mons and got Whirlpool link discussing tomato sauce etc interesting how many are worried about losing Heinz too.

I find it amazing how the urban myths are propogated.  As many of you know, I have a special interest in China.  To assume that the vegetables are fertilized in China by human excrement is simply not possible.  At the same time to assume that all products from China are supported by chemicals is simply beyond the farmer's financial ability.  Apart from anything else, why would he want to kill the grub that could be used in some local dish.  How do you think a farmer, his wife & 1 child, farming around 1 acre of land & earning around 2,000 RMB or Yuen P/A or $A320 P/A could afford to buy chemicals?  It is like, everybody knows that the Chines exist on rice, except it is not true.  Most restaurants don't even offer rice unless it is requested.  You can buy curried prawns & rice in New York, but you will get a very silly look if you try to order it in China.  They have never heard of the dish.

Innes so you have visited China -  but did you go out into the rural areas and smell the breeze? It stinks of sh5t mate just like the fields do in Vietnam where they do the exact same with their human waste use it as fertilizer and have done for centuries and also has been on TV reports several time that they used untreated human waste -faeces-sh5t- whatever you want to call it - because of course they are poor and havent had the capacity to put in deep sewerage treatment plants everywhere even if they now do in the main cities and not sure they do because I havent been there for many years.

As for the cancer causing chemicals these have been found when testing their food also several times and reported on current affairs programs like TT ACA and four corners or one of the ABC programs.

And anyway as you work as a Migration Agent you have a conflict of interest in this area matey!

And we are entitled to want to buy food grown here in Australia in preference to any other third world country and big as it is with far too many of our jobs due to greedy employers it is still only an emerging country with way to go to catch up with first world countries.

Because we have a conflict of interest in that if we dont buy home grown or home manufactured we will not have a pension nor will our offspring have jobs because if we dont have workers paying income taxes we wont have services and pensions and welfare now will we?

of interest in this area matey.


I would love to be able to buy food without looking at every packet or veg. or fruit nd seeing IF it comes from China or New Zealand where so much Chinese produce ends up to be packaged. Ken are you saying produce from China ie bags of mixed frozen veg. is safe from all the bad things we have been exposed to on tele. Basa for one?

It is becoming beyond time consuming to nigh near impossible to buy some Australian grown and packaged goods as some produce is gone forever.

I would love to be educated on this. Thanks :)

There must be something good about Chinese veggies,

look at how many Chinese there are.

I want to buy food that is grown HERE not else where--you say Innes that the Chinese can't afford to buy chemicals but still they can afford to buy up OUR farms here explain that please

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