Voting to go digital: Pyne

The Government plans to introduce electronic voting to the lower house of the Australian Federal Parliament by 2019, the leader of the House of Representatives, Christopher Pyne, has announced.

A statement said the Department of Parliamentary Services would soon invite tenders from Australian businesses to handle the job.

“The implementation of electronic voting will reduce significantly the time required for each vote in the chamber,” Pyne stated.

“Voting outcomes will be transparent, accurate, and known immediately freeing up more time for important parliamentary business to be conducted each day the House sits.

“Electronic voting will also provide an electronic solution for recording division voting and improve online accessibility to division process and results.”

Do you support electronic voting in the House of Representatives?

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I do remember doing it one time when there was a council election and I was away and it was very quick

I'm all for it.    But they would need to make sure the system is spot on.   It was a bit messy with the census experiment.

Boy was that messy

This is positive news

About time.  Countries around the world that have adopted electronic voting (to varying degrees) are India, France, Belgium, Brazil, Germany etc. Security issues certainly need to be a high priority with electronic voting, but don't think the present manual system addresses these security issues completely. For example, in the 2013 WA Senate election, the AEC lost 1,375 voting papers. Also in the 2016 election, in WA, they ran out of voting papers and some voters there were given Victorian ballot papers.

From an environmental perspective, there would be thousands of tonnes of paper that could be saved by adopting electronic voting.

Also we should know the result within minutes of polling booths closing, rather than waiting for days and sometimes weeks for the numbers to be counted (and re-counted).

It would need to work better than it did with the census!  and I'm not sure how someone in an area where internet access is spasmodic would get on.  This is why I still get paper bills......I don't want to get penalised because my electronic bill did not arrive on time.

Would I get fined if the internet service was down and I couldn't access the voting site?  something to think about




Do not get too excited this is only for the Parliament that the lazy Politicians do not have to get up.

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I think you all miss the point.  It is voting in the chamber, not voting at elections.

I fully support it, not only for voting in the House of Reps and the Senate, but also for state and general elections. The technology is there. Why not use it? We have had online banking for years. Why not online voting? 

Much easier for the hackers to disrupt our democracy.


These jokers haven't provided a single secure IT system from BoM, Medibank, banks, Centrelink, and much more. They have been big time contributers to the leaking of citizens' data for years.


There will be secret centres in certain places rapidly analysing MPs voting with a view to soft power manipulation in no time flat.


Now tell me I'm paranoid!

Its about bloody time.  This will reduce the time I waste walking to a polling booth to vote for some dickhead who has been puit up for show.

I believe that this is proof that not everybody can, or perhaps I should say try to, take in the written word, that is fully comprehend what has been said or inferred.

Suze and Highlander are both on the ball. Re read their comments.


Further proof, some people do not read posts. The first two lines clearly reads as follows:

"The Government plans to introduce electronic voting to the lower house of the Australian Federal Parliament by 2019, the leader of the House of Representatives, Christopher Pyne, has announced."

Reminds me of Masterchef last night, Gordon Ramsey clearly said, 'make a dish using vegetables' and one of the chefs decided to use fruit!

and with a knowing smile she says "I can imagine what Mr Ramsey possibly called him or her"  or would have loved to  :-)))

He's trying to keep it clean, not one bad word except for  s**t. Must be a great strain on the poor man!

OK I didn't read it properly.   But it still lads to an interesting discussion on electronic voting, n'est pas?


If lazy politicians no longer have to get up to vote in the chamber so be it.

But giving voters the right to electronic voting from home/phone etc for Fed MoHR and Senate Elections would be a modern and approprite move to elimnate waste and expense of voting. It would also make How to Vote cards and Candidate workers obsolete. Bring it On.

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