Vote for Stroke

I suffer from A.F which is heart fibrillation or irregular & fast heartbeat.

this makes me a candidate for stroke.I have been on Warferin for some time ,with its endless bloodtests & diet restrictions.In July of this year ,my cardio man gave me the opportunity to trial a new drug,which was on its final trial before hopefully going on the PBS.This was given to a lot of sufferers all over Australia.I was given a 12months free trial of this Medication called Pradaxa.

It has been wonderful, just one tablet night & morning,no more restrictions,& side effects ,& no more endless bruising from bloodtests.Now I have been told that the Gov. in its Wisdom ? is not going to put it on the PBS as its too costly for them , they wish to put it under more reviews. I am devestated , where is the wisdom in going back to 50s Medication ,which we all know is a derivative of ratpoison.

If you are a sufferer or not ,please Google...Vote for Stroke...,read about it & sign the Petition,for the sake of the old people who if they wish to keep taking it,must find $180 a month to keep well.Thank you for listening.


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Do you mean "Vote Against Stroke" Doodlebug?


I am one of ten chosen by my Doctor for  the free trial until June next year also,  and hope it comes on the PBS of course. I think it is cheaper to buy on the net than $180 when we do have to pay for it but Seth will know :) Dosn't matter I will pay whatever it takes because it is a miracle for me as I played Russian Roulette for 7 years because I refused to go on Warfarin (rat poison) and because I am a wimp and hate blood tests every week and SO many other restrictions while on Warfarin SO Pradaxa for me.

Welcome to the forum Doodlebug. I could not find the petition.

All the best



Hello Phyl,Silly me ,of course I should have put"Vote against Stroke ". I sure am a Doodlebug. Sorry to anyone else who read my mistake.

The Petition is on the right of all the text on the main page as a link. It would be good to get it cheaper online, but, unfortunately ,it would need to be MUCH cheaper for me to afford it.

Thanks for your reply.


Like Phyl I wouldn't take warfarin but took aspirin

and used natural blood thinners{ onion and garlic}

but offered chance of Pradaxa trial which has not

only given me peace of mind, but no side affects.

Good to have you on the post 'Doodlebug'

If you want an occasional chuckle tune into

the "Just for fun' post.


There are two new drugs that are very promising.

Gillard's wildly enthusiastic rush to offer millions of Australian taxpayers' hard-earned to European countries who are presently suffering because of their over-expenditure (and could buy and sell Oz any day of the week, and do!), proves that the government isn't short of money for priorities it chooses.  Equally the government chooses to buy carbon credits as well as giving the UN 10% of carbon taxes extraxcted from anyone who works or invests.  More proof if needed that money is obviously available, but overseas grandstanding by Julia Gillard or Rudd in his time, is an expensive pastime.  All to buy a UN seat for some washed out hasbeen of a politician.

It is sobering how many lives could be saved by these new drugs and to that add the savings from less hospital treatment for the sufferers of strokes and other disease.

Nicola Roxon, a youthful leftie and minister,  says that around $259m per annum (doubtless her highest estimate) is too expensive, but the government would shell that and more out in a trice in any of its overseas aid gestures.

Seniors are not a priority for government from either side and certainly not for the Greens who propose euthanasia as a priority instead (that and death duties!).  Seniors are foolish not to take this opportunity to be heard.  What the government pas proposed is yet another review, which is its way of putting things off and saving money.


BTW, what has Ms Susan Ryan AO, Australia's first age discrimination commissioner had to say about the health and lives of the aged being a lesser priority than all sorts of other things?

"Gillard's wildly enthusiastic rush to offer millions of Australian taxpayers' hard-earned to European countries who are presently suffering because of their over-expenditure"

That is incorrect and has nothing to do with Pradaxa

That so?  Here you go,

"JULIA Gillard has offered extra cash for the International Monetary Fund to help prop up the ailing European economy and prevent another global financial crisis.

The prime minister made the offer as she arrived in France in the middle of a worsening European financial crisis that is set to dominate the Group of 20 nations meeting this week, The Courier Mail relorted.

Ms Gillard warned the moves by Greece to hold a referendum on the planned debt bailout has put the European crisis in "fast forward".

She said she would push for other countries to join Australia in boosting funding for the IMF as a global buffer."

I have already explained how that offer is relevant to the government's refusal to provide PBS funding for Pradaxa.

I wonder just how much it costs for the blood testing required in order to control Warfarin.  I am currently having a nurse come to my home two to three times a week to take my IRN, then there is the laboratory work required to determine the results.  I wonder if the government are comparing apples with apples here, or are they just comparing cost of the actual product?

I am so glad to see I am not on my own about Pradaxa,I havent heard of one person, who is using it,having any of the side effects that are present with Warferin. I sincerely hope that my mistake at the beginning, hasent put anyone off signing the Petition.Remember it is "Vote against Stroke" & there are 2 places on the site to find the Petition link. One on the right,& one at the very end of the page, along with other places to e-mail. Keep up the discussion & pass it on wherever you can.

Here is doodlebug's link

That is exactly what I wrote about in my answer in the petition Pommy re "what about the expense of having all the blood tests and the testing the blood  with Warfaren". I suppose the only downside that I can see is that there is no antidote to bleeding which may worry some but easy before an op. etc. to just stop the Pradaxa for I think two weeks and especially great no diet restrictions or problems taking other medications with it.


People will read your post no worries Doodlebug - you can edit a post but only before a certain time I have found? so I suppose too late now but it does not matter a fig.


Thanks for the place to vote in the petition. Sure hope many people do so. 

You are quite right Phyl, I had a small procedure done, & all I had to do was stop Pradaxa for 2 weeks, which is what you had to do with Warfrin too.

Thanks Fwed for putting the link, I am not computor savvy enough to do that.Keep up the conversation both on & offline,lets be heard this time.!!!

Please do not let this important petition become another

political football. It is important for Pradaxa to be on the

PBS>list for all afib sufferers not only now but also in the


I also have sent off the petition, which I hope many more do.

Nicola Roxoin already made it into a political football.

Apixaban is another newie that will also face government delays and obfuscation - reviews of reviews of reviews.

What annots me is that the Gillard/Bob Brown led government throws money around like chaff for overseas relief - where the government itself admits it usually has no idea where the money is spent - or on its favoured multiculturalism and other political pets.

Charity should begin at home.  Pradaxa isn't the only drug that the government has been dragging its heels on.

On Pradaxa,


Health Minister Nicola Roxon has called for another review of the drug, proposing a rethink to encourage greater use of the much cheaper but more dangerous option, warfarin, which is associated with a much higher risk of haemorrhages in the brain.

In the most aggressive campaign yet launched by a drug company to secure listing of a product, the drug's manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim, is pressing doctors and patients to petition the government for it to be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

A website includes a meter showing the number of strokes, 500, the company estimates have occurred due to the lack of Pradaxa since the government's review announcement just over a month ago.

The company has also commissioned a report by Deloitte Access Economics, which has estimated the drug would reduce strokes in Australia by 15 a day if the drug was given to patients with untreated irregular heart beat conditions and at moderate-to-high risk of a stroke.

Stroke specialist Geoffrey Donnan said there was no question Pradaxa was a superior drug for the treatment of patients with irregular heart beat putting them at risk of strokes, which afflict 45,800 Australians a year.

Professor Donnan, director of the Florey Neuroscience Institutes in Melbourne, said he was attending yesterday's company-sponsored briefing in Canberra to support Pradaxa because he believed it offered a huge advance in protecting against stroke. He said he had not received payment from the drug company.


I will vote--

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