Vintage advertisements that would be banned today

vintage advertisment showing a grandma sewing a man into his pants

I just love vintage advertising. You remember the days when intestinal worms were sold in a can as a weight-loss remedy, and when smoking was considered healthy? We've all come a long way since then (for all we know – although it might be interesting to look back on today's ads in thirty years time) but this video shows you the type of 'wrong' ads that used to be around 'back in the day'.

Did you get a giggle from this? Do you remember any such advertising?


One forgets just what BS we were told -- and still are in a different way


great video - thanks.  just shows how much public attitudes have changed.

i think in 10 or 15 years time people will look at some of today's ads and be appalled - eg, high speed big 4 wheel drives zooming through creeks and fragile habitat, doing lots of damage.

and house building - such large, energy-gobbling houses being advertised.

and all the foods containing lots of sugar being pushed at us, in products and also in cooking shows on TV.


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