Today Tonight and MLC fm Tassie who said she could live on $273 because she can budget

Anyone who watched TT and Nora Jamieson that time - would be aware that she patronised pensioners saying that they just didnt know how to budget and spent unwisely. She set out to live on $273 a week for 2 weeks to prove it was perfectly okay. She went out and bought groceries to start her living on this meagre pension and bought bread bottled water and no meat or fresh veggies nor any fruit - almost bread and water.
She also said she is a widow and owns her own house, didnt smoke, didnt drink alcohol and didnt gamble.
Implication to that can be that she thought those 3 things were what all us pensioners did and that is why we couldnt manage. HA
Then last night she was again on TT but imo she had changed her mind - okay she did get ambushed but that was because she had not answered phone calls from TT so they had to go find her - and caught her coming back from morning walk where she then said she was feeling sick and coudnt discuss anything.
I live in Tassie but she is not my MLC but on checking - guess what I found, [b]she is up for re election in May 2009[/b] and following irate calls from pensioners in person and by phone and email - guess she is not so happy to patronise us but now says she will go to Canberra to ask for a rise for us - well not for me as I am a married lady so beyond help but for those widows widowers and missed out entirely on the married state.

Read for yourself and make your own judgements. But she did say out of her very own mouth that pensioners could not budget and then did go alone and buy silly stuff like bottled water at higher cost than a litre of petrol - I boil my own and cool it cant afford to go out and buy a cup of coffee either as she was doing on camera last night.

Front page of todays Advocate is asking everyone to stick up for Norma and support her against Today tonight.

these links are the stories in local paper. Cant find the story on TT web site.

18.9.08 Nora jamieson after first interview night before on TT


3.10.08 After TT last nights rehash and her saying too sick to speak.

Do remember to keep in mind our MLC get elected in a strange manner - not half on lower house but 2 MLC's every may so can be quite a few years between elections - haven't counted up the number of MLCs but we vote same time as Council Elections.


Thanks for that BV, it's really interesting to see what people are saying about pensioners. It I only had to buy food with the pension I'd be fine, unfortunately I need gas, electricity, phone, petrol, etc. etc. I think I budget pretty well, I save $25.00 a fortnight for car registration, birthdays etc.

I am lucky that my family pay for the internet for me, a great way of communicating which many can't afford. It can be quite depressing trying to manage week after week after week. A bit different if you only have to do it for two weeks.

nor-thur here. Where is this woman coming from who says she could budget on $273. Not all of us own our houses, some have to pay rent, some have to drive as they live too far from transport and have very old cars. Some are dead scared not to have private hospital insurance because of past experiences when waiting for operations may mean years and years. Some have bad teeth due to the huge wait too. This woman needs to live in the real world of pensions. And needs to go around with someone who has to live on a very tight budget and occasionally may need the uplift of a cappuccino.

Some people make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I bet if she had to run a car--pay rent--or even run a house she owned--etc etc--she wouldn't do too well on the pension.

That was an absolute farce, Nora Jamieson only trialled it for 2 weeks. It was an insult to every pensioner. She was so patronising, it made me sick to watch her.

Remember having to live on a restricted budget? Stretching out the leftovers, those hand-me-downs, remakes etc., going without in order provide a home ( furnished by our family, neighbours and friends) all to raise our families (our future leaders)

Pensioners should not made feel guilty for wanting a little pleasure in their twilight years. So what if they want to enjoy some comforts, a movie, have a treat, even a flutter on the pokies if that is what they get enjoyment from. The MLC seems to think we deserve to continue to live miserably.

She must remember we all played a part in helping the pollies to where they are now. . If it is so easy, she won't require the quality retirement benefits now available to the politicians.

We are the pensioners of today. How about pensioners of the future? Will they be able to afford the oil to smell the rag?

Re the previous post, I feel like cheering when I read comments like those of pauliti. Of course we should be able to enjoy our life, and if that means participating in things that others don't approve of, well so be it. We live in a democratic society, where we are allowed to make choices, but if we start saying that people shouldn't do this or that because WE think they can't afford it, then we will be inviting Big Brother into our lives. Has anybody ever asked "all these older people" who spend "all their time and money at the pokies" if they are actually pensioners? I doubt it. Stop judging people based on perception only, we don't have that right.

Glad to see that I am not alone in my condemnation of this woman who owns her house and is paid a fat salary and a fat pension awaiting her retirement which I hope will be May 2009 - but vain hope as Tasmanians always vote labor - bit slow because they havent woken up to the fact that Labor deserted them in the 80's and got into bed with big business - still there hence no real alterations to work choices - dudded again.

Her email address is [email protected] send her an email.

I havent got an email address for TT but ACA is [email protected] so put them as a copy sent and stir the pot.

Be polite but give her a serve. I have. Also sent cc to all the other MLC's including my own whom I am not that happy with anyway - seems they get their noses in the trough and that is that until election time rolls around - well I dont let them forget me - believe in the squeaky wheel gets the oil - rolling on floor laughing - and it costs nothing but a couple of minutes to do Ha Ha

Nor-thur here again. Dear Ms.Jamieson. Today I am making a cheap concoction from mince, chicken noodle soup, parsley and garlic (homegrown) which will be OK with boiled rice. Do you have T bone steak? I don't. Do you have roasts? I don't.

Also, I don't gamble, I don't drink and I don't smoke. What do I do for fun? I like Channel 2 and SBS. I love reading. Op.shops sell good books from 25 cents upwards. You can exchange books with friends who are in the same position. Packet soups are used a lot with reasonably priced barbecue steak. Lamb chump chops? No. Too dear.

Dear dear Ms.Jamieson. Would you like to invite me to a roast dinner? I've love it.

Oh for roast beef and Yorkshire pud. Oh for roast lamb and mint sauce. Oh for roast pork and apple sauce. Plus vegies of course.

Never mind Ms.Jamieson. You rest in your comfortable house and I hope you can lay straight in bed at night.

We pensioners can't. We worry about bills. We worry that electricity and gas will go up in cost. We worry about the cost of petrol. No, don't say I should not have a car. Do you know what lack of transport means? That's why I have a car.

Problem is, unless you are in the same position as us, you don't and cannot truly understand.

I could say a lot more but I'll try to refrain from blowing my top.

I'm sick of people saying we should be able to manage. Of course we manage. What other ........choice do we have!

Oooops. Sorry for those of you who can read my mind and know what I'd like to say!

Ha Ha Ha That was good one. :)


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