To little to late and a big mind change

The Environment Minister Sussan Ley has taken a jab at the United Nations' environmental body over its warning it may list the Great Barrier Reef as "in danger", at the same time as the federal government has announced $1 billion in new money for the reef.

Now more than $3 billion has been committed to protecting the Great Barrier Reef (over 9 0r 10 years ) 





Environment Minister Sussan Ley is defending her approval of a project set to increase the destruction of critical koala habitat, write Sue Arnold.,14483


Now Sussan Ley says Government commits $50 million to save koalas












I am so disgusted with lot of this government and the way they are ignoring everything,  till they need to be seen to be doing SOMETHING --then they come up with loads of money -- (of course over a very long period of time)    and lots of promises  ( over a long period of time)  they are lying and cheating in our faces all the time!

Now an election is nigh they are hoping we will forget the many things they ignored and lied about in the past.

Not this little back duck!


Also where is the $444 million given to the reef a few years ago  see below

"At the end of April a $500 million package to help the Great Barrier Reef was announced by the Federal Government. It didn't take long for questions to be raised about the decision to give $444 million in funding to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, a small charity with a revenue of only $8 million in 2016.3 June 2018"

30 years ago a far north newspaper got a picture of a farmer washing off his tractors n such in a river that ran down into the ocean ( especially during cylones/monsoon rain.  thats just one farmer and thats 30 years ago.   why do we put up with politicians ??

Yes tismw, that happened a lot and that Joh Bjelke-Petersen  never helped any either the way he had so much land cleared

There is definitely an election in the air. Money being thrown at problem areas and heaps of taxpayer funded ads on TV from the Federal Government making it look like they are doing something.

For an objective and accurate assessment of the GBR, I recommend that one reaches for and reads "Reef Heresy?" by Professor Peter Ridd.  He has been actively working on and in the Reef for well over 30 years and has pioneered many of the objective monitoring processes.  His book covers past and present risks and damages.  He has been critical of several subjective assessments that were pushed into the media with little real science to support their hysteria.

The GBR is vast and diverse.  It is very resilient and in little danger from terrestrial threats.  The main danger comes from politicians and climate activists who never let the truth and science get in the way of a good story.

That's the same professor who was sacked by James Cook University for serious misconduct when he criticised the findings of the university on the health of the GBR. The serious misconduct was not for the criticism which has never been successfully challenged but for not abiding by a ruling that he not disclose the decision of the board of the university. Whilst the High Court ruled in favour of the university it was a ruling on the serious misconduct, not the content of Ridd's books on the health of the GBR and the flawed findings of James Cook University.

The question really is if the reef is in danger. Depending on which body releases information, the reef is in good health, 2/3rds are bleached, 98% are bleached, the reef is dying and beyond recovery and the various threats cannot be overcome. Climate change is the main factor in any argument about the reef and whilst I agree there is climate change, I also believe that it is cyclic and throwing money at it will achieve nothing except lining the pockets of those receiving grants. I'm heartily sick of the weasel words around climate change, words like "probably", "possible", "scientific proof", "could rise to" and the best of all, "unprecedented". For every scientist that says the world is doomed there is another scientist, equally qualified, who will state that the world and its inhabitants will adapt to any changes.

Now, about the Brandy Hill decision. The local koala groups in the region, who opposed the quarry, had their chance to produce proof that the quarry would affect the local koala population and failed. The best that they could come up with was that the trees involved may be of use to koalas when the EPA report stated that the majority of trees in the affected area were of low quality for koala habitat. Between one or two koalas sighted but the report concluded that it was likely koalas seen near Brandy Hill were from outside the area that is being cleared.

Now we get to the crux of the problem; money. From time immemorial (political time) governments have splashed money around before an election. It doesn't matter which government, which party is involved, which way it is shared, all do it. That's a fact of life. Further, those funds are spread thickly in swinging seats or marginal seats. Don't forget that an opposition is out there promising to spend money that they don't have with no indication as to where those funds will come from. Kurri Kurri gas plant is a perfect example of pork barrelling. Labor opposed the plant when it was first announced as they claimed that the funds were not creating enough jobs and the government should concentrate on renewables. Last week Labor had an epiphany, Kurri Kurri gas plant is so good that they are offering to spend more money. Since they made their objection, the member for Hunter is not contesting the next election and he is very popular. His margin was greatly reduced in 2019 and Paterson is a swinging seat. Kurri Kurri is in the middle of both electorates. See how it works?

 Yes, Lib or Lab are both wings of the same bird, and no matter who the hell we wish to vote for because of the preferential voting either one or the other will get in, we need a totally different system and get rid of the utterly corrupt system we have now.

I want to vote independent but if that means I have to put Lib or Lab in I will have to vote informal.

FGS they are paid and employed by us the people and we should be able to sack anyone of them --or the lot -- the moment they are crooked.


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