Those Subs

Some more light relief.

You will no doubt remember those submarines of the 'DUD' class we built for squillions of dollars, with initial sea-worthy problems, some 'guidance' problems added to the poor performing batteries and being virtually out of date before they were started, and god-knows what else was/is wrong with them?

Well they have actually sunk their first ship! Hooray! and with no loss of life, Hooray again!

It turns out there was an old not-needed US ship that was by its appearance sitting very still in the water, un-maned when our intrepid sub-mariners snuck up on it to within visual sighting and sunk it. So What you say?

Well it turns out they have spent the last year practicing for this very event and have fired off some 60 TEST torpedoes.

I hope IF they ever engage an enemy they dont ask for a delay to go practice fire for a few months to get it right LOL


I dont think that is a particularly fair criticism, B Frank, our military in all services are constantly practicing. My understanding is that it was a new and significantly improved torpedo. I am certainly no fan of the "Collins" class submarine and we need to replace them before a war breaks out or we will really have egg on our faces.

I did see footage of the attack, and was quite impressed with the effectiveness of the new hit virtually broke the ship in half and it seemed to sink in just a few minutes. The sea trials and test firing necessary to perfect such a weapon seems well worthwhile to me.

Yes Kfchugo I guess it just touched my funny bone after all the negative publicity with the DUD subs and their non-seaworthiness, batteries, guidance systems etc etc, the mere thought of them 'sneaking' up on an un-manned, un-armed ship, dead in the water, and to sink it without facing any hostile fire (or pretence of) was about as realistic as flying a magic carpet to mars and was a waste of time.

But on the other hand they didn't collide with it did they? LOL

Yes Kfchugo I guess it just touched my funny bone after all the negative publicity with the DUD subs and their non-seaworthiness, batteries, guidance systems etc etc, the mere thought of them 'sneaking' up on an un-manned, un-armed ship, dead in the water, and to sink it without facing any hostile fire (or pretence of) was about as realistic as flying a magic carpet to mars and was a waste of time.

But on the other hand they didn't collide with it did they? LOL

They were testing the destructive capability of the Torpedo NOT the stealth capability of the Submarine itself and the test was a resounding success

Its importtant to note that these Subs are the most sophisticated of their type in the World and hopefully they will never ever be used in anger ............

Clay, you are spot-on.....the torpedo was a huge success, quite spectacular. I fear however that the Collins Class sub that fired it is a "lemon". If you talk to anyone who has first hand operational experience with them, they are indeed very sophisticated and technologically advanced, but they have the stealth capability of a chaff cutter running on three cylinders. I understand that much has been done to minimise the noise they generate underwater, but in a combat situation, they would be sitting ducks.

I am gob-smacked that our government contracts dont have a "performance as per specification" clause that would allow us to opt out if the purchased equipment just doesnt do the job expected.

Oh I see it was only to test the torpedo. I apologise. I assumed it was a full-on training excercise for the whole package boat and weaponry, sort of getting our money's worth all at the same time. But then perhaps that was impossible?

they have the stealth capability of a chaff cutter running on three cylinders.

Wonderful description. LOL


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